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Description: 看一下UNIX系统中的进程和Mach的任务和线程之间的关系。在UNIX系统中,一个进程包括一个可执行的程序和一系列的资源,例如文件描述符表和地址空间。在Mach中,一个任务仅包括一系列的资源;线程处理所有的可执行代码。一个Mach的任务可以有任意数目的线程和它相关,同时每个线程必须和某个任务相关。和某一个给定的任务相关的所有线程都共享任务的资源。这样,一个线程就是一个程序计数器、一个堆栈和一系列的寄存器。所有需要使用的数据结构都属于任务。一个UNIX系统中的进程在Mach中对应于一个任务和一个单独的线程。 -look at the UNIX System and the process of Mach's mandate and the relationship between the threads. In UNIX systems, a process includes an executable program and a range of resources, such as file descriptors table and address space. In Mach, a task only a series of resources; Threads handle all the executable code. A Mach task can have any number of threads and its associated, and each one must thread related tasks. And to a certain set of tasks related to the threads are sharing all the resources. Thus, a thread is a program counter, a stack, and a series of registers. All need to use the data structures are covered by the mandate. A UNIX system in the process of Mach which corresponds to a mandate and a separate thread.
Platform: | Size: 20111 | Author: 朱善发 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: hello_cy | Hits:


Description: 《Windows核心编程》是为打算理解Windows的C和C++程序员精心设计的,作为Windows开发人员的必备参考。第5版全面覆盖 Windows XP,WindowsVista和WindowsServer2008中的170个新增函数和Windows特性。书中还讲解了Windows系统如何使用这些特性,我们开发的应用程序又如何充分使用这些特性,如何自行创建新的特性。《Windows核心编程》重要主题:如何为32位和64位Windows系统构建和实现应用程序;如何新建和处理进程与作业;如何调度.管理、同步和销毁线程;如何通过I/O完成端口执行同步和异步设备I/O操作;如何使用虚拟内存、内存映射文件和堆之类的各种技术来分配内存;如何处理默认调拨的线程栈物理存储;如何为延迟加载、API拦截和进程注入构建DLL;如何使用结构化异常处理、Windows错误恢复和应用程序重启等机制。《微软技术丛书》包括以下几个子系列:从入门到精通:适合新手程序员的实用教程;侧重于基础技术和特征;提供范例文件。技术内幕:权威、必备的参考大全;包含丰富、实用的范例代码;帮助读者熟练掌握微软件技术。高级编程:侧重于高级特性、技术和解决问题;包含丰富、适用性强的范例代码;帮助读者精通微软技术。精通&宝典:着重剖析应用技巧,以帮助提高工作效率;主题包括办公应用和开发工具。认证考试教材:完全根据考试要求来阐述每一个知识点;提供可供搜索的Ebook(英文版)和训练题;提供实际场景、案例分析和故障诊断实验。
Platform: | Size: 3168305 | Author: geniusbao@163.com | Hits:


Description: 看一下UNIX系统中的进程和Mach的任务和线程之间的关系。在UNIX系统中,一个进程包括一个可执行的程序和一系列的资源,例如文件描述符表和地址空间。在Mach中,一个任务仅包括一系列的资源;线程处理所有的可执行代码。一个Mach的任务可以有任意数目的线程和它相关,同时每个线程必须和某个任务相关。和某一个给定的任务相关的所有线程都共享任务的资源。这样,一个线程就是一个程序计数器、一个堆栈和一系列的寄存器。所有需要使用的数据结构都属于任务。一个UNIX系统中的进程在Mach中对应于一个任务和一个单独的线程。 -look at the UNIX System and the process of Mach's mandate and the relationship between the threads. In UNIX systems, a process includes an executable program and a range of resources, such as file descriptors table and address space. In Mach, a task only a series of resources; Threads handle all the executable code. A Mach task can have any number of threads and its associated, and each one must thread related tasks. And to a certain set of tasks related to the threads are sharing all the resources. Thus, a thread is a program counter, a stack, and a series of registers. All need to use the data structures are covered by the mandate. A UNIX system in the process of Mach which corresponds to a mandate and a separate thread.
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 朱善发 | Hits:

[Windows Develop20060726_162911_project_and_report_example

Description: Windows实习报告模板与源码。实习目的:通过本次实习了解操作系统中的进程、线程的区别与联系;掌握多进程、多线程的编程方法;深入了解操作系统原理。-Windows internship with the report template source. Internship Objective : To understand this attachment process of the operating system, the differences and thread; Acquire process, multithreaded programming; Principle-depth understanding of the operating system.
Platform: | Size: 1961984 | Author: 张生 | Hits:


Description: 线程的同步   虽然多线程能给我们带来好处,但是也有不少问题需要解决。例如,对于像磁盘驱动器这样独占性系统资源,由于线程可以执行进程的任何代码段,且线程的运行是由系统调度自动完成的,具有一定的不确定性,因此就有可能出现两个线程同时对磁盘驱动器进行操作,从而出现操作错误;又例如,对于银行系统的计算机来说,可能使用一个线程来更新其用户数据库,而用另外一个线程来读取数据库以响应储户的需要,极有可能读数据库的线程读取的是未完全更新的数据库,因为可能在读的时候只有一部分数据被更新过。-thread synchronization Although multithreading can bring us benefits, but there a lso many problems to be solved. For example, as disk drives such exclusivity system resources and can thread the process of implementation of any code, and the thread running by the scheduling system automatically and to a certain extent the uncertainty, So, then there could be two threads while the disk drives operate, which have operational errors; For example, For the computer banking system, may use a thread to update users of its database, and use another thread to read a database to respond to the needs of depositors, Reading is very likely to read threads database is not fully update the database, Reading may be because the time was only part of the updated data.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 苏艳芳 | Hits:


Description: 8. MFC的进程和线程 1. Win32的进程和线程概念 进程是一个可执行的程序,由私有虚拟地址空间、代码、数据和其他操作系统资源(如进程创建的文件、管道、同步对象等)组成。一个应用程序可以有一个或多个进程,一个进程可以有一个或多个线程,其中一个是主线程。 线程是操作系统分时调度分配CPU时间的基本实体。一个线程可以执行程序的任意部分的代码,即使这部分代码被另一个线程并发地执行;一个进程的所有线程共享它的虚拟地址空间、全局变量和操作系统资源。 之所以有线程这个概念,是因为以线程而不是进程为调度对象效率更高: • 由于创建新进程必须加载代码,而线程要执行的代码已经被映射到进程的地址空间,所以创建、执行线程的速度比进程更快。 • 一个进程的所有线程共享进程的地址空间和全局变量,所以简化了线程之间的通讯。 -err
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 人马座 | Hits:


Description: liunx下的shell实现;进程、线程同步的实现;I/O系统调用的比较(mmap)——操作系统的课程设计 -liunx realize under the shell the process of the realization of thread synchronization I/O system calls of comparison (mmap)- operating system, curriculum design
Platform: | Size: 1188864 | Author: xu | Hits:

[OS programKeChengSheJi

Description: (1)能允许多个用户登录,为每个用户建立进程或线程,并进行进程管理; (2)能为进程模拟分配内存,并设计一个跟踪该内存模拟分配的进程或线程,记录内存分配的结果; (3)能模拟文件系统管理,进程可以对文件系统(包括文件和目录)进行读、写、创建、删除、打开、关闭等操作; (4)能模拟进程通信管理,用户之间可以相互通信交流; (5)最好能采用类似于Windows的窗口界面; -(1) to allow multiple users to log on, for each user establish a process or thread, and process management (2) to allocate memory for the process simulation and design of a follow-up simulation of the memory allocation process or thread, recording the results of memory allocation (3) can simulate the file system management, the process can file system (including files and directories) to read, write, create, delete, open, closed and other operations (4) can simulate the process of communication management, the user communication between each other (5) be much better to use a window similar to Windows interface
Platform: | Size: 1290240 | Author: 唐吟 | Hits:

[source in ebookVC_advanced_program_development

Description: 本代码是visual c++高级编程及其项目应用开发一书中的源代码,涉及到进程与线程通信、文件操作、dll及COM编程、socket编程、数据库编程的编码例子。此外,还有用COM应用程序框架进行服务器与客户端进行通信、界面设计方面的项目代码;材料信息管理项目代码、利用ATL设计通用查询与打印模块代码,供大家学习。-This code is visual c++ advanced programming and its application to develop a book project source code, related to process and thread communication, file operations, dll and COM programming, socket programming, database programming code examples. In addition, there is an application framework with the COM server and client communications, interface design, project code Material Information Management project code, the use of ATL general query and print module design code for all to learn.
Platform: | Size: 5685248 | Author: wut | Hits:

[OS programPV_handle

Description: 实现一个进程,该进程拥有一个生产者线程和一个消费者线程,它们使用32个不同的缓冲区。使用如下信号量: (1)一个互斥信号量,用以阻止生产者线程和消费者线程同时操作缓冲区列表; (2)一个信号量,当生产者线程生产出一个物品时可以用它向消费者线程发出信号; -Implement a process that has a producer thread and a consumer thread, they use 32 different buffers. Semaphore using the following: (1) a mutex to prevent the producer and consumer threads simultaneously thread the buffer list (2) a semaphore, when the producer thread to produce an item can use it to consumers to signal the thread
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Andy | Hits:


Description: 本书内容分为4个部分:linux程序设计基础部分、linux用户空间网络编程部分、linux内核网络编程部分以及综合案例部分。内容包含linux系统概述、linux编程环境、linux文件系统简介、linux下的进程和线程、tcp/ip协议族、应用层网络服务程序、tcp编程、主机信息获取、数据io复用、udp编程、高级套接字、套接字选项、原始套接字、服务器模型、ipv6、linux 内核网络部分结构及分布、netfilter框架内报文处理程;解释多重继承问题的难点,展示RTTI的实际使用,描述了典型的设计模式及其实现,特别介绍被认为是标准C++下一版特征之一的多线程处理编程技术,并提供了最新的研究成果。-This book introduces C++ practical programming techniques and best practices, in-depth exploration of exception handling and exception safety design introduction of C++ string, input and output streams, STL algorithms, containers and templates for modern usage, including the template meta-programming Jieshi 多重 succession issues difficult to demonstrate the actual use of RTTI, describes the typical design patterns and, in particular on Jieshao is considered to be the next version of the standard C++ feature of multithreading programming techniques, and provides the latest research the results.
Platform: | Size: 1753088 | Author: 陈雨 | Hits:


Description: 本代码实现:由两点的坐标计算两点间的距离,方位角;还可通过距离,方位角计算点的坐标(This code implements: by two coordinates to calculate the distance between two points, azimuth;)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Hugoart | Hits:


Description: IA4420 工作在315 433 868 915MHz 频段IA4421 工作在433 868 915MHz 频段; 2. 低电()
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: indlsenwe | Hits:


Description: Synapse串口同步库,功能有:它不是控件,而只是代码库,适合编写控制台应用服务或其它应用;不需要安装;读写数据的方法和()
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: bvsurance | Hits:


Description: XComDrv是个通讯包,包含两个控件:TXComm,封装了一个通讯设备的若干特性;TXModem,MODEM与MODEM()
Platform: | Size: 312320 | Author: kvpntaed | Hits:


Description: 1设计Butterworth型音频抗混叠滤波器; 2参数: 下通带频率300Hz;上通带频率3400Hz; 下阻带频率280()
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: Berli | Hits:


Description: 关于传真解调的标准C源程序,对第三类传真解调和译码比较详细;()
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: qvallwy | Hits:


Description: 实现简单的单点登录的核心filter类,希望对大家有点用;()
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: teshwz | Hits:


Description: 《C#多线程编程实战》共分为11章,第1章介绍C#中基本的线程操作;第2章描述线程交互细节;第3章解释线程池概念;第4章深入讲解任务并行库框架;第5章深入解释C#5.0中的新功能——异步方法;第6章描述.NET框架中并行算法的标准数据结构;第7章深入讲解并行LINQ基础设施;第8章解释如何以及何时使用Reactive Extensions框架;第9章深入讲解异步I/O进程,包括文件、网络及数据库等场景;第10章针对常见的并行编程问题给出一些解决方案;第11章讲述编写基于Windows 8的异步应用程序的场景。("C# multithreaded programming combat" is divided into 11 chapters, the first chapter introduces the basic operation thread in C#; the second chapter describes thread interaction details; the third chapter explains the concept of thread pool; the fourth chapter deeply explain the task parallel library framework; the fifth chapter deeply explain the new features in C#5.0: asynchronous method; standard description of parallel data structure.NET algorithm in the framework of the sixth chapter; the seventh chapter in-depth explanation of the parallel LINQ infrastructure; the eighth chapter explains how and when to use the Reactive Extensions framework; the ninth chapter in-depth explanation of the asynchronous I/O process, including file, network and database scene; in the tenth chapter gives some solutions of parallel programming problems in common; the eleventh chapter describes the preparation based on asynchronous the application of Windows 8 scene.)
Platform: | Size: 25056256 | Author: 边缘1025 | Hits:
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