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Description: JBuilderX中JNDI联接池的配置工具.rar-laptops were connected to the pool configuration tools. Rar
Platform: | Size: 973952 | Author: 李宗洋 | Hits:


Description: 教你怎样配置黑客工具的一个视频教程-teach you how to configure a hacker tools Video Guide
Platform: | Size: 2318336 | Author: 汪平 | Hits:


Description: JBuilderX中JNDI联接池的配置工具.rar-laptops were connected to the pool configuration tools. Rar
Platform: | Size: 973824 | Author: 李宗洋 | Hits:


Description: 比较高级的实用的网络配置工具,不是用控制面板的“网络”工具就可以实现网卡的配置,在有些情况下非常有用!使用了dll,注册表。此程序完整,稍加改动即可实用。 网络签名:lovenets.timessoft.com-comparison of practical network configuration tool, not a control panel "network" tool can be achieved NIC configuration, in some cases very useful! Dll used, the registry. This integrity of the process, a little change can be practical. Network Signed : lovenets.timessoft.com
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 胡卫星 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopConfigTool

Description: 一个自己写的关于某系统配置文件的配置工具,供大家做界面编程的参考-Write a profile on a system configuration tool for you to do programming interface reference
Platform: | Size: 348160 | Author: 韩菲 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackCpsConfig

Description: INI文件配置工具,可配置数据库,TCP/IP,和其它权限文件配置。-INI file configuration tools and powerful.
Platform: | Size: 3808256 | Author: ls | Hits:

[Develop ToolsET 200 配置工具

Description: ET 200 配置工具的目标是支持 ET 200S、ET 200iSP、ET 200M、ET 200eco 或 ET 200pro 的配置和各种组件的选择。配置结束时获得一份包括订货号、数量说明和价格在内的列表,可将这些信息立即接受到订货信息中。 该工具既适用于入门者也适用于有经验的用户。入门者可在每个配置步骤的“标准模式”中接受指导。经验丰富的用户也可自由配置 ET 200 站点。同时还提供检查站点配置的方法(“检查站点”功能)并识别和记录可能存在的配置错误。在自动站点检查时详细说明每个配置错误,同时给出错误排除建议。
Platform: | Size: 18770956 | Author: k00start@yahoo.com.cn | Hits:

[Windows Develop基于MFC的多选项选择设置工具源码

Description: 用MFC写的配置工具,可以从一个文件中读取游戏选项,可以选择加载几个游戏,并设置游戏顺序和时间,很不错的一个插件工具,提供源码供你编译
Platform: | Size: 27932996 | Author: kakaxi679 | Hits:


Description: DTU模块的配置工具,一般需要串口连接,485通讯方式。(DTU module configuration tools, generally need serial connection, 485 communication mode.)
Platform: | Size: 969728 | Author: aiyuanyuan | Hits:

[Remote Control126以太网POS配置工具

Description: 新中新配置以太网POS机的工具,简单方便使用(Remote control virtual machine)
Platform: | Size: 136192 | Author: 你好吗11 | Hits:

[Other实验一 Java开发环境与开发工具

Description: java环境配置,详细介绍了开发工具的使用操作步骤。适合初学者,超级棒的(Java environment configuration, detailed introduction of the use of the development tools operation steps. For beginners, super)
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 野生大学霸 | Hits:


Description: 51单片机定时器,串口、中断等配置工具,并自动生成相应的代码,非常方便适用。(51 single chip microcomputer timer, serial port and interrupt configuration tools, and automatically generate the corresponding code, very convenient.)
Platform: | Size: 932864 | Author: lattik | Hits:


Description: 通用80mm热敏票据打印机配置工具,usb/网口通用配置(Universal 80mm thermosensitive ticket printer configuration tool, general configuration of usb/ network port)
Platform: | Size: 992256 | Author: 安全第一 | Hits:

[OS programIPO 4.1

Description: 配置交换机终端工具简单好用!olt配置工具(Configuration switch terminal tools are easy to use!)
Platform: | Size: 2200576 | Author: 你还大 | Hits:


Description: 这是最新的()
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 木吉他1 | Hits:

[MiddleWareExcel 快捷导出导入工具

Description: 省去复杂的excel代码,使用xml配置的形式完成导入导出(Eliminating complicated excel code, using xml configuration to complete the import and export)
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 孤独的老张 | Hits:


Description: 用于自动生成web.config,可以切换PHP版本,开启关闭浏览权限,配置伪静态(For automatic generation of web.config, you can switch PHP version, turn off browsing permissions, and configure pseudo static)
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 项希盛 | Hits:


Description: IAR 编译工具 的使用说明细节介绍,尽快熟悉IAR开发项目(Description of the use of IAR compiler tools, familiarity with the IAR development project as soon as possible)
Platform: | Size: 731136 | Author: 苏沐白 | Hits:

[WEB Code工具类

Description: BeanFactory,以Factory结尾,表示它是一个工厂类(接口),用于管理Bean的一个工厂。在Spring中,BeanFactory是IOC容器的核心接口,它的职责包括:实例化、定位、配置应用程序中的对象及建立这些对象间的依赖。(BeanFactory, ending with Factory, indicates that it is a factory class (Interface) that is used to manage a factory of Bean. In Spring, BeanFactory is the core interface of the IOC container, and its responsibilities include: instantiating, locating, configuring objects in the application and establishing the dependencies between these objects.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: qchaha | Hits:


Description: 问道数据库一键配置,GM工具,亲测可用,安全无毒。(Database key configuration, GM tools, pro test available, safe and non-toxic.)
Platform: | Size: 1730560 | Author: 诚志 | Hits:
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