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Description: B2B电子商务的发展如日中天,想办一个类似于阿里巴巴的商业网站吗。这个程序所有功能与阿里巴巴完全一致,从界面到会员区管理,并且有中英文双版,包含了阿里巴巴所有的功能。 本程序用php+mywsql+appach写成,功能非常强大,数据库容量极大,且运行速度极快。此程序包含完整的大型商务网站功能,大型仿阿里巴巴平台PHP中英文双版+大型自助建站系统
Platform: | Size: 4433401 | Author: aba01239 | Hits:

[WEB Code阿里巴巴大型电子商务B2B平台中英文完全版

Description: 阿里巴巴大型B2B平台中英文完全版,用PHP+MYSQL开发的仿阿里巴巴大型电子商务网站程序,功能齐全,可扩展性强,适合大型电子商务网络平台。
Platform: | Size: 4328113 | Author: ssaaffeeaas@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 阿里巴巴公司,java程序员的开发手册,java程序员必学必备知识,编程规范,非常有用的,不说了,自己看吧。(Alibaba company, Java programmers development manual, Java programmers will have to learn the necessary knowledge, programming specifications, very useful, do not say, and see for yourself.)
Platform: | Size: 596992 | Author: 不想写 | Hits:

[Other阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册 v1.2.0

Description: 《阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册》是阿里巴巴集团技术团队的集体经验总结,经历了 多次大规模一线实战的检验及不断的完善,反馈给广大开发者。现代软件行业的高速 发展对开发者的综合素质要求越来越高,因为不仅是编程知识点,其它维度的知识点 也会影响到软件的最终交付质量。("Alibaba Java development manual" is a collective experience summary of Alibaba group technical team, experienced Many large-scale front-line inspection and continuous improvement of actual combat, feedback to the vast number of developers. High speed in modern software industry The development of integrated quality requirements for developers is getting higher and higher, because not only are programming knowledge points, other dimensions of knowledge points Will also affect the quality of the final delivery of the software.)
Platform: | Size: 850944 | Author: windge | Hits:


Description: “双11”,诞生与杭州,成长与阿里,风行与互联网,成就于新经济,贡献于全世界。本书是迄今唯一由阿里巴巴集团官方出品,全面阐述双11八年依赖在技术和商业上演进和创新历程的书籍("Double 11" was born with Hangzhou, growing up with ALI, popular with the Internet, achievements in the new economy, contribute to the whole world. This book is the only book officially produced by the Alibaba group, which fully describes the history of technology and business evolution and innovation in double 11 and eight years)
Platform: | Size: 1783808 | Author: windge | Hits:


Description: 阿里巴巴JAVA中文开发手册终极版,帮助开发人员提高代码质量(Alibaba ultimate JAVA development in Chinese manual, help developers improve the quality of the code)
Platform: | Size: 928768 | Author: chenzd | Hits:

[Documents阿里巴巴Java开发手册 v1.2.0

Description: 阿里巴巴Java开发手册PDF版:规范代码提高代码质量(Alibaba Java Development Manual PDF version: Standardize code to improve code quality)
Platform: | Size: 859136 | Author: 1228551440@qq.com | Hits:

[WEB Code阿里巴巴Java开发手册(正式版)

Description: 详细的阿里开发doc 的开发手册,详细的介绍阿里开发doc(In detail, Ali developed the doc development manual, and introduced in detail the development of Ali doc)
Platform: | Size: 912384 | Author: 腾腾cac | Hits:


Description: 阿里巴巴Java开发手册(终极版) 阿里巴巴技术分享。(Alibaba Java Development Handbook (Ultimate Edition),Alibaba technology sharing.)
Platform: | Size: 922624 | Author: AAte | Hits:


Description: 《阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册》是阿里巴巴集团技术团队的集体智慧结晶和经验总 结, 经历了多次大规模一线实战的检验及不断的完善, 系统化地整理成册, 回馈给广 大开发者。 现代软件行业的高速发展对开发者的综合素质要求越来越高, 因为不仅是 编程知识点,其它维度的知识点也会影响到软件的最终交付质量。(The Alibaba Java development manual is the collective wisdom and experience of the Alibaba group's technical team Node, experienced a number of large-scale inspection and front-line combat constantly improve, to the compilation system, back to Guangzhou Big developer. The rapid development of the modern software industry requires more and more comprehensive quality of the developers, because not only is the development of the developers more and more high. Programming knowledge points, and other dimensions of knowledge points can also affect the final delivery quality of the software.)
Platform: | Size: 1002496 | Author: www2020 | Hits:


Description: 阿里巴巴2016年数据挖掘工程师笔试题,含部分答案(Alibaba 2016 data mining engineer's written test question, containing part of the answer)
Platform: | Size: 371712 | Author: 猪头落网 | Hits:


Description: 阿里巴巴Java开发手册终极版。阿里巴巴集团Java开发规则大全。(Alibaba Java Development manual)
Platform: | Size: 931840 | Author: 太突然 | Hits:

[WEB Code阿里巴巴校园招聘笔试面试题合集

Description: 阿里巴巴校园招聘笔试面试题合集,非常有用的资料(good book is good book)
Platform: | Size: 36752384 | Author: 大树04 | Hits:

[Other阿里巴巴Java开发手册 v1.2.0

Description: 《阿里巴巴Java开发手册》是阿里巴巴集团技术团队的集体经验总结,经历了多次大规模一线实战的检验及不断的完善,反馈给广大开发者。现代软件行业的高速发展对开发者的综合素质要求越来越高,因为不仅是编程知识点,其它维度的知识点也会影响到软件的最终交付质量("The Alibaba Java development manual" is a summary of the collective experience of the Alibaba group's technical team, and has experienced a number of large-scale front-line actual combat and continuous improvement and feedback to the vast number of developers. The rapid development of modern software industry requires more and more comprehensive quality of developers, because it is not only the point of programming knowledge, but also the knowledge points of other dimensions will affect the final delivery quality of the software.)
Platform: | Size: 850944 | Author: toby8517 | Hits:


Description: 阿里巴巴开发手册,用于规范代码........(Alibaba Development Manual)
Platform: | Size: 922624 | Author: hover丶 | Hits:


Description: 阿里巴巴Java开发手册(纪念版)》于2017年11月30日正式对外发布,历经358的旅程,我们的PDF版本陪伴大家走过来,有挖苦讽刺,有闲言碎语,但是更多的是支持鼓励,添砖加瓦,阿里巴巴也认真听取了反馈建议,修正达9次之多,一步步趋近于亚完美,后续,我们会改为GITHUB在线维护。这是史上内容最全、修正最为彻底的一个版本,并且增加了单元测试规约内容,这也是阿里官方对外发布的最后一个PDF版本,值得纪念,更值得收藏。(Alibaba Java Development Handbook (Commemorative Edition) was officially released in November 30, 2017, after 358 of the journey, our PDF version accompanied people to come, sarcasm and gossip, but more support and encouragement, the Alibaba also listened to the feedback suggestions, the revision reached more than 9 times Step by step towards sub perfection, then we will change to GITHUB online maintenance. This is the most complete, most thorough version of the history, and added the content of the unit test protocol, which is the last PDF version of Ali's official release. It is worth remembering and more worthy of collection.)
Platform: | Size: 1002496 | Author: liangzai_cool | Hits:


Description: 阿里巴巴玩转海量音视频云存储.pdf资料介绍(Alibaba play mass audio and video cloud storage)
Platform: | Size: 2006016 | Author: Suriy | Hits:


Description: 《阿里巴巴Java开发手册》的愿景是码出高效,码出质量。它结合作者的开发经验和架构历程,提炼阿里巴巴集团技术团队的集体编程经验和软件设计智慧,浓缩成为立体的编程规范和最佳实践。众所周知,现代软件行业的高速发展对开发者的综合素质要求越来越高,因为不仅是编程相关的知识点,其他维度的知识点也会影响软件的最终交付质量,比如,数据库的表结构和索引设计缺陷可能带来软件的架构缺陷或性能风险;单元测试的失位导致集成测试困难;没有鉴权的漏洞代码易被黑客攻击等。所以,本手册以开发者为中心视角,划分为编程规约、异常日志、单元测试、安全规约、MySQL数据库、工程结构、设计规约七个维度,每个条目下有相应的扩展解释和说明,正例和反例,全面、立体、形象地帮助到开发者的成长和团队代码规约文化的形成。 从严格意义上讲,《阿里巴巴Java开发手册》超越了Java语言本身,明确作为一名合格开发者应该具备的基本素质,因此本手册适合计算机相关行业的管理者和研发人员、高等院校的计算机专业师生、求职者等阅读,希望成为大家如良师益友般的工作手册、工具字典和床头书。(Alibaba Java Development Manual.)
Platform: | Size: 912384 | Author: hi瑾瑜 | Hits:


Description: 根据阿里巴巴公司要求规范发版的java开发手册,书中将变量方法类名进行了统一风格的设定。(According to Alibaba's standard Java development manual, variable method class names are set in a uniform style.)
Platform: | Size: 930816 | Author: dalishen | Hits:


Description: 实对自己编码规范有很好的提升,当你认真看完了这个《阿里巴巴Java开发手册》之后,你会发现,自己以前有很多地方都没有注意到,都在手册中有提到,       并且,这对以后自己的编码也会有所帮助,我有个同事,他经常被他的项目经理怼,原因就是他的编码规范很不合格,我随便举个例子,例如他的不需要的方法,他只是直接注释掉,而没有删除,直接放在那里也可能会造成代码冗余等等,你看看,提升了编码规范,还能避免被领导怼,多好呀~     当然,不止会提升你的编码规范,手册中还对还有很多方面,例如“单元测试”,“异常日志”,“数据库索引”等等,也有所提及,索然讲的不是很深入,但是,也是作为一个知识面,了解一下总是没有坏处的。 --------------------- 作者:这辈子_安静的努力着 来源:CSDN 原文:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35868412/article/details/82108431 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,转载请附上博文链接!
Platform: | Size: 898223 | Author: 1848242183@qq.com | Hits:
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