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[Other resourceSome_DataStruct_Arithmetic_Implement_by_C

Description: 1 归并链表 2 静态链表 3 堆栈 4 KMP模式匹配 5 排序 6 关键路径-a static Chain Chain 2 3 4 stack KMP Ranking 6 5 Critical Path
Platform: | Size: 102408 | Author: 丘方 | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsHuffman 算法的不同实现

Description: ---- Huffman 算法的不同实现 本目录下的程序用8种不同的方式实现了Huffman编码算法,这8种方式分别是 * huffman_a 使用链表结构生成Huffman树的算法,这是最基本的实现方法,效率最低。 * huffman_b 使用《数据结构》(严蔚敏,吴伟民,1997,C语言版)中给出的算法,将二叉树存放在连续空间里(静态链表),空间的每个结点内仍有左子树、右子树、双亲等指针。 * huffman_c 使用Canonical Huffman编码,同时对huffman_b的存储结构进行改造,将二叉树存放在连续空间tree里,空间的每个结点类型都和结点权值的数据类型相同,空间大小为2*num,tree[0]未用,tree[1..num]是每个元素的权值,生成Huffman后,tree[1..2*num-1]中是双亲结点索引。 * huffman_d 在huffman_c的基础上,增加预先排序的功能先用QuickSort算法对所有元素的权值从小到大排序,这样,排序后最前面的两个元素就是最小的一对元素了。我们可以直接将它们挑出来,组合成一个子树。然后再子树的权值用折半插入法插到已排序的元素表中, 保证所有结点有序。为了保证初始元素的顺序不变,我们另外使用了一个索引数组,所有排序中的交换操作都是在索引数组中进行的----- Huffman algorithm to achieve Catalog under different procedures used eight different ways to achieve a Huffman coding algorithm, eight models were used huffman_a * Chain Structure Generation Huffman tree algorithm, This is the most basic method, the minimum efficiency. * Huffman_b use of "data structure" (Yan Wei Min, Xiulan WU Weimin, 1997, C language version) is the algorithm stored in a binary tree will be continuous space (static List), the space within each node still left subtree, right subtrees, parents and other indicators. * Canonical huffman_c use Huffman coding, while huffman_b storage structure transformation, will be stored in a binary tree continuous space tree, space each node type and the right node value of the same data type, size space for two * num, tree
Platform: | Size: 32702 | Author: ray | Hits:

[Data structs静态链表求集合对称差

Description: 静态链表求集合对称差 c语言程序
Platform: | Size: 33280 | Author: sxccw2 | Hits:


Description: 程序用C++模拟了操作系统中的三种最典型的简单的静态进程调度算法;先由用户动态输入生成模拟进程,使用了26种可供用户选择的典型语句(包括循环、选择结构),可处理整型、布尔型与字符型三种数据与表达式计算;程序编制时主要采用的编程技术是:用语句链表记录进程语句,并用PCB链表,就绪队列链表,阻塞队列链表,执行队列链表,结束队列链表等数据表示进程处理过程中的相互关系,由于静态数据结构不适合处理数据量大小不定的数据,而动态队列结构适合于处理数据量大小可变数据的处理,因此在程序中采用动态链表对这些数据进行处理;使用信号量、P.V.操作实现进程的同步与互斥,模拟进程在操作系统中的运行-procedures C to simulate the operating system, the three most typical process simple static scheduling algorithm; First generation user input dynamic modeling process, the use of the 26 options are available to users of typical statement (including the circle, choose structure), can handle integer, boolean and three character expression data and calculation; the main procedures for the preparation of the programming technology : Listless statement recorded statement process, and PCB Chain, ready Queue List, blocking Queue List, the Executive Queue List, ending Queue List data processing, said the process of mutual relations, due to static state data structure is not suitable for handling data on the size of the volatile data, and dynamic queue structure suitable for data processing variabl
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 石大浪 | Hits:


Description: 静态链表.这是刚刚学习数据结构的时候编写的第1个小小程序,用构造类型编写的静态链表,实现了基本的赋值,插入,删除等功能。-static List. This is just learning the structure of the data, prepared by the time a small program that will prepare the structure type static chain and achieve the basic assignment, insert, delete capabilities.
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: 梁志宏 | Hits:

[Data structsSome_DataStruct_Arithmetic_Implement_by_C

Description: 1 归并链表 2 静态链表 3 堆栈 4 KMP模式匹配 5 排序 6 关键路径-a static Chain Chain 2 3 4 stack KMP Ranking 6 5 Critical Path
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: 丘方 | Hits:

[Data structshaffmancode(VC)

Description: ---- Huffman 算法的不同实现 本目录下的程序用8种不同的方式实现了Huffman编码算法,这8种方式分别是 * huffman_a 使用链表结构生成Huffman树的算法,这是最基本的实现方法,效率最低。 * huffman_b 使用《数据结构》(严蔚敏,吴伟民,1997,C语言版)中给出的算法,将二叉树存放在连续空间里(静态链表),空间的每个结点内仍有左子树、右子树、双亲等指针。 * huffman_c 使用Canonical Huffman编码,同时对huffman_b的存储结构进行改造,将二叉树存放在连续空间tree里,空间的每个结点类型都和结点权值的数据类型相同,空间大小为2*num,tree[0]未用,tree[1..num]是每个元素的权值,生成Huffman后,tree[1..2*num-1]中是双亲结点索引。 * huffman_d 在huffman_c的基础上,增加预先排序的功能先用QuickSort算法对所有元素的权值从小到大排序,这样,排序后最前面的两个元素就是最小的一对元素了。我们可以直接将它们挑出来,组合成一个子树。然后再子树的权值用折半插入法插到已排序的元素表中, 保证所有结点有序。为了保证初始元素的顺序不变,我们另外使用了一个索引数组,所有排序中的交换操作都是在索引数组中进行的----- Huffman algorithm to achieve Catalog under different procedures used eight different ways to achieve a Huffman coding algorithm, eight models were used huffman_a* Chain Structure Generation Huffman tree algorithm, This is the most basic method, the minimum efficiency.* Huffman_b use of "data structure" (Yan Wei Min, Xiulan WU Weimin, 1997, C language version) is the algorithm stored in a binary tree will be continuous space (static List), the space within each node still left subtree, right subtrees, parents and other indicators.* Canonical huffman_c use Huffman coding, while huffman_b storage structure transformation, will be stored in a binary tree continuous space tree, space each node type and the right node value of the same data type, size space for two* num, tree
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: ray | Hits:


Description: Sherwood算法消除最坏实例,以达到对任何实例都能有好的性能的效果 文件: rd_list.c --> create a random sequence of n integers not equal to each other list.c --> create a descending sequence of n integers not equal to each other sherwood.c --> 就是该算法,静态链表的长度默认设为1000,可在宏定义处修改 用法: gcc -o sherwood sherwood.c gcc -o rd_list rd_list.c gcc -o list list.c ./rd_list s.txt 1000 产生一个长度为1000的互不相等的随机序列,保存在s.txt中 ./list s1.txt 1000 产生一个长度为1000的互不相等的降序序列,保存杂s1.txt中 ./sherwood s1.txt 运行算法,比较其中的4个算法的性能差异 -Sherwood algorithm for the elimination of the worst examples of any instances in order to achieve good performance can have the effect of document: rd_list.c
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李士 | Hits:


Description: 数据结构(严慰敏)配套纯c代码实验十 typedef int InfoType // 定义其它数据项的类型 typedef int KeyType // 定义RedType类型的关键字为整型 struct RedType // 记录类型(同c10-1.h) { KeyType key // 关键字项 InfoType otherinfo // 其它数据项 } typedef char KeysType // 定义关键字类型为字符型 #include"c1.h" #include"c10-3.h" void InitList(SLList &L,RedType D[],int n) { // 初始化静态链表L(把数组D中的数据存于L中) char c[MAX_NUM_OF_KEY],c1[MAX_NUM_OF_KEY] int i,j,max=D[0].key // -Data structure (Yen Wei-Min) supporting pure c code experiment 10 typedef int InfoType// definition of other data types typedef int KeyType// definition of types of keywords for RedType integer struct RedType// record type (with c10-1.h) (KeyType key// keyword items InfoType otherinfo// other data item) typedef char KeysType// definition of a keyword type character# include c1.h# include c10-3.h void InitList (SLList
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 冰河 | Hits:

[Windows Developsllist

Description: 有些高级语言没有指针,我们可以用数组来表示单链表,在数组中以整型游标来代替指针。这种用数组描述的链表称为静态链表。-Some high-level language without pointer, we can use the array to indicate the single-linked list, in the array to integer instead of the cursor pointer. This description of the list with an array known as the static list.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 小雨 | Hits:

[Data structssort

Description: 这是关于数据结构书中经常介绍的排序算法的具体实现,包含希尔排序、快速排序、对排序、归并排序、静态链表排序、改进的冒泡算法排序等,并且附有时间统计-This is a book on data structure often described specific sorting algorithm to achieve, including the Hill sort, quick sort, for sorting, merge sort, static ranking list, improved bubble sort algorithm and so on, and with time and Statistics
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programC++NeiCunFenPei

Description: C++模拟内存分配 一、思路 模拟编译系统的内存分配与释放的,实现一些简单的操作。首先用一个静态数组模拟内存空间(buf),当调用申请内存操作时,将从数组空间(buf)返回给调用者一定的空间,当调用释放内存的时候,将将指定部分的内存标记为未用。 1.分配规则 每块被分配或释放的内存由MemInfo记录,并保存于数组(buf)中作为内存空间的“头”,其后紧跟数据。MemInfo组成链表结构,表头不占用数组空间(buf)。当调用者申请内存时,将导致MemInfo链表的遍历,遍历的目的是找到“内存碎片”,如果“碎片”大小可用,则重新利用这个“碎片”,返回给调用者。 2.释放规则 每块内存块被释放时,仅仅是将数据区标记为无用,并不删除MemInfo链表节点,这样可以重复利用,避免多次MemInfo链表操作。
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: weat | Hits:

[Static controlstaticlink

Description: 用静态链表实现集合(A-B)U(B-A)-The realization of a collection using the static list (AB) U (BA)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 吴慈 | Hits:

[Data structsSLinklist

Description: 静态链表,c++语言描述,数据结构示范,模板类-staticlinnkedlist
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: quanyi | Hits:

[WEB Codejtlbbs

Description: 此程序是一个静态链表示例,第一个结点的位置在[0].cur中,成员cur的值为0,则到链表尾,通过此程序掌握静态链表的相关操作-This procedure is an example of a static list, the first node in the location [0]. Cur in cur a member of the value of 0, then the end of the list, through this program have a static list of related operations
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[Data structsStaticList

Description: 数据结构(清华第2版)中,可重用的静态链表类-Data structure (Tsinghua 2nd edition), the reusable static linked list Class
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 廖伟 | Hits:

[Data structslistinarray

Description: 实现一个静态链表,静态链表是一种很高效的数据结构,同时具备链表和线性表的优点-To achieve a static list, static list is a very efficient data structure, at the same time have the advantages of linked lists and linear form
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 齐笑尘 | Hits:

[Data structsJoseph

Description: 约瑟夫问题,四种解法,分别是静态链表,顺序表两种和循环链表-Joseph problems, the four solution, namely a static list, order form and the cycle of two lists
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: daiminmin | Hits:


Description: 用c++实现静态链表,两个链都有头结点的情况,实现添加、删除元素(To implement a static list with c++, two chains have a head node)
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: 章鱼哥111 | Hits:


Description: 基于c语言的线性表代码,包含线性表的顺序存储、链式存储、静态链表(Linear table code based on C language, including sequential storage, chain storage, and static list of linear tables.)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 二二宝宝 | Hits:
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