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[Windows Develop程序员面试题目

Platform: | Size: 799666 | Author: sodesinai | Hits:


Description: uml课程设计的题目。软件学院的。、 内容就是如题目的样子了……、-uml curriculum design topic. Software Institute. , As if the subject is the look of
Platform: | Size: 59383 | Author: 宋子旭 | Hits:

[Develop Tools2004ACM国际大学生程序设计决赛题目

Description: 2004ACM国际大学生程序设计决赛题目-2004ACM International Collegiate Programming Design Contest title
Platform: | Size: 100996 | Author: 王斐 | Hits:

[WEB Code计算机系2004毕业设计题目选择单

Description: 某高校毕业设计题目选单,要出毕业设计题目的老师可以参考。-a college graduate topic menu design, a design graduate from the teacher reference.
Platform: | Size: 22960 | Author: 王峰 | Hits:

[Other resource数据结构课程设计题目

Description: C语言的题目~很重要的-C language to the subject is very important!
Platform: | Size: 5721 | Author: kens | Hits:

[Other resource题目:多线程同步方法解决生产者-消费者问题

Description: 题目:多线程同步方法解决生产者-消费者问题 (Bounded - Buffer Problem) 内容:有界缓冲区内设有10个存储单元,放入/取出的数据项 设定为1~10这10个整形数。要求每个生产者和消费者对有界 缓冲区进行操作后,即时显示有界缓冲区的全部内容、当前指针位 置和生产者/消费者标识符。-topics : multithreaded synchronization solution to producer-consumer (Bounded - Buffer Problem) : Bounded buffer There are 10 storage units, Add / remove data items for a set of 10 ~ 10 plastic few. Require each producer and consumer sector of the buffer zone is operated, immediately after the show sector of the buffer zone all the contents of the current position and producer / consumer identifier.
Platform: | Size: 180991 | Author: 李好 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopFPGA面试题目大全

Description: FPGA面试题目大全。
Platform: | Size: 3118 | Author: joyceqqq | Hits:


Description: poj经典题目解题报告
Platform: | Size: 6977569 | Author: pxy052152@126.com | Hits:

[File Format46家著名公司笔试题目

Description: 46家著名公司笔试题目
Platform: | Size: 245272 | Author: zuyiye | Hits:


Description: 2010西北工业大学数模竞赛题目
Platform: | Size: 1561326 | Author: wei_@163.com | Hits:

[Documentsssd7 exam3题目

Description: ssd7 exam3题目
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: iRoose | Hits:


Description: 各大公司C++笔试以及面试题目汇总
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: gracerooney@163.com | Hits:

[Data structs数据结构实验题目

Description: 数据结构实验题目
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: quqiongge | Hits:


Description: 电子设计大赛的相关资料,从第一届到2011年的题目都有(electronic design competition)
Platform: | Size: 2946048 | Author: 货到付款 | Hits:


Description: 东南大学c++课后题目 内部 东南大学c++课后题目(Southeast University c++ after-school topics)
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: chaoeryi | Hits:


Description: 东南大学c++考试模拟题目可以供相关学生及其他院校学生进行学习,(Southeast University c++ exam simulation topics for students and other institutions of higher learning students,)
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: chaoeryi | Hits:


Description: Scoket网络编程的一些题目,有一定难度(Scoket network programming some topics, there is a certain degree of difficulty)
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 缤纷 | Hits:


Description: 嵌入式题目,经典题库~!!!!!!!!!!!(thank you very much !)
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: wangzhigen | Hits:


Description: 100条经典C语言笔试题目,方便大家复习C语言,面试题什么的也不错(100 classic C language test questions, to facilitate you to review the C language, interview questions, what is also good.)
Platform: | Size: 1245184 | Author: 28wen | Hits:


Description: MATLAB期末考核各类型题目,高等数学,循环结构,数学建模问题,各类型实例+源程序答案,更好学习MATLAB(Matlab final examination of various types of questions, advanced mathematics, cycle structure, mathematical modeling questions, various types of examples + source program answers, better learning matlab)
Platform: | Size: 225280 | Author: Merz | Hits:
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