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[Other resource黑客反汇编揭秘

Description: 要知道黑客是怎么练成的,除了要有很好的基础外,还要有专门的工具和技术文章。这本书值得看呀-to know how hackers are challenged, in addition to a very good foundation, but also have specialized tools and technical articles. This book deserves at it
Platform: | Size: 4948742 | Author: 冰舟 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopwinKernel-byWOWOCOCK

Description: 天书夜读(试读版),来自驱动开发网的大牛楚狂人与wowocock合写的Windows内核探索教程,主要介绍了对内核进行反汇编的一些基本知识及进行内核DIY如hook系统关键调用的介绍。是内核开发爱好者及黑客们的必备良品。
Platform: | Size: 383858 | Author: kingbaser | Hits:

[assembly languagehkfhb

Description: 黑客反汇编解密,一本很好很经典的书。主要讲的是反汇编方面的技术。
Platform: | Size: 14990241 | Author: 留得话 | Hits:

[assembly languageeBook-Hacker_Disassembling_Uncovered

Description: 电子图书-<黑客反汇编揭秘>(English).本书详细介绍了在没有源代码的情况下,如何应用反汇编手段剖析软件。
Platform: | Size: 4948743 | Author: Bai | Hits:


Description: 你想成为软件的主宰者吗,你想成为传说中的软件爆破者吗,那就学习反汇编吧,先从这里开始
Platform: | Size: 14990005 | Author: ffff1017@yahoo.com.cn | Hits:


Description: 本书既不是一本破解代码的技术手册,也不是一本关于反黑客的防护手册,本书可以看做是一位喜欢刨根问底的自由主义者的学习笔记。你可以跟随他的脚步,考察Intel编译器,洞悉商业程序的保护机制,学习使用反汇编器与调试器。在第二版中,添加了一些新内容,比如克服反调试技术、探查经过打包、加密、异化或者混淆的代码等。
Platform: | Size: 4948490 | Author: xj347@163.com | Hits:


Description: 很多人认为,黑客行为(hacking)是不道德的,而本书作者kris kaspersky认为,这有失公允。黑客行为其实是天性不安分的人的一种本能,此类人天生就爱破解谜题,并乐此不疲。他们与那些以牟利或伤害他人为目标的“黑客”们,根本就是两码事。所以,本书既不是一本破解代码的技术手册,也不是一本关于反黑客的防护手册,本书可以看做是一位喜欢刨根问底的自由主义者的学习笔记。你可以跟随他的脚步,考察intel编译器,洞悉商业程序的保护机制,学习使用反汇编器与调试器。在第二版中,添加了一些新内容,比如克服反调试技术、探查经过打包、加密、异化或者混淆的代码等。   如果你也和作者一样,想探究清楚那些商业软件浩瀚的代码中都有些什么,不妨读一读本书。
Platform: | Size: 57404940 | Author: whshizy | Hits:

[source in ebook黑客反汇编揭秘

Description: 要知道黑客是怎么练成的,除了要有很好的基础外,还要有专门的工具和技术文章。这本书值得看呀-to know how hackers are challenged, in addition to a very good foundation, but also have specialized tools and technical articles. This book deserves at it
Platform: | Size: 4947968 | Author: 冰舟 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopwinKernel-byWOWOCOCK

Description: 天书夜读(试读版),来自驱动开发网的大牛楚狂人与wowocock合写的Windows内核探索教程,主要介绍了对内核进行反汇编的一些基本知识及进行内核DIY如hook系统关键调用的介绍。是内核开发爱好者及黑客们的必备良品。-Book Reading Night (Trial version), from network drive to open the big cattle Madman of Chu and co-wrote wowocock the Windows kernel to explore tutorials, mainly the introduction of core anti-compiled some of the basic core knowledge and DIY, such as hook the key to introduce the system call. Is the kernel development enthusiasts and hackers yield essential.
Platform: | Size: 384000 | Author: kingbaser | Hits:

[assembly languagehkfhb

Description: 黑客反汇编解密,一本很好很经典的书。主要讲的是反汇编方面的技术。-Hacker disassembly decryption, a good classic book. Mainly talking about the technical aspects of anti-compilation.
Platform: | Size: 14990336 | Author: 留得话 | Hits:

[assembly languageeBook-Hacker_Disassembling_Uncovered

Description: 电子图书-<黑客反汇编揭秘>(English).本书详细介绍了在没有源代码的情况下,如何应用反汇编手段剖析软件。-E-book-
Platform: | Size: 4947968 | Author: Bai | Hits:

[assembly languageHacker_Disassembling_Uncovered

Description: 书名:《黑客反汇编揭秘》,包含中英文版,中文版为pdf,英文为chm,非常清晰,欢迎下载。-Title:
Platform: | Size: 31429632 | Author: jackiux | Hits:

[assembly languagefanhuibianjiemi

Description: 黑客反汇编,据说已是绝版,有人在论坛里苦苦寻求,如果他来到这里,一定会如获至宝的。-Hacker disassembly, it is said is out of print, it was hard to find in the forums, if he came here, we will certainly treasure the.
Platform: | Size: 14990336 | Author: 占浩坤 | Hits:

[WEB CodeHacker_Disassemble_Uncovered

Description: Kris Kaspersky对他的书做过一个总结,以下是关于这本书《黑客反汇编揭秘》的: Солон是一家不大的出版社,里面氛围很是温馨,团队关系密切、融洽,只是能力尚有不够。我可不会满足于此。我打开了美国市场, 与出版社A-LIST进行了合作。在“讲述基本原理”的指导思想下以紧凑的篇幅编写并翻译了这本后来成为best-seller的书《HACKER DISASSEMBLING UNCOVERED》,这是我到目前为止卖得最好的书。我还客串了一把翻译技术顾问,但是我还没试过自己用英语进行写作。-Kris Kaspersky his book made a summing up, the following about this book are a " hacker disassembly Secret" in: Солон is a small publishing house, which was a warm atmosphere, the team close and harmonious, but the capacity still not enough. I can not meet this. I opened the American market, with the publishing house A-LIST cooperation. At " about the basic principles of" the guiding ideology of the space under the compact prepared and translated it later became the best-seller book of the " HACKER DISASSEMBLING UNCOVERED" , This is my best-selling book so far. I also had a guest Translate technical adviser, but I have not tried to carry out their own writing in English.
Platform: | Size: 4947968 | Author: 袁建辉 | Hits:

[assembly languageHackerAntiAssemble

Description: 《黑客反汇编揭秘》,一本反汇编方面很经典的书籍,感兴趣的可以看下-《HeiKeFanHuiBianJieMi》,a very classical book in the area of anti-assemble,you can have a look at this book if you are interested in reversing.
Platform: | Size: 15015936 | Author: 张英霞 | Hits:

[assembly languagecrack

Description: 黑客反汇编解密的高清PDF版,适合反汇编初学-Hacker disassembly decrypt HD PDF version, suitable for beginners disassembly
Platform: | Size: 15002624 | Author: ddeefd | Hits:

[assembly languageida

Description: 超强的反汇编工具ida的学习资料,适合黑客和防病毒开发者-Ida powerful tool disassembly of learning materials suitable for hacking and anti-virus developers
Platform: | Size: 3830784 | Author: yanyuzhong | Hits:


Description: 黑客反汇编大解密,一本介绍反汇编知识的好书,例子深入浅出,适合有一定汇编基础的人员-Hacker disassembly Uncovered, a book about disassembling, easy to understand examples for someone who knows some assembling
Platform: | Size: 14990336 | Author: 筱凌 | Hits:


Description: Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro IDA Pro 是一个世界顶级的交互式反汇编工具,它的使用者囊括了软件安全专家,军事工业,国家安全信息部门,逆向工程学者,黑客。从功能上它大大胜过了w32dasm。近来它的盗版已经在网上传播开了,你可以很轻松得到它。 -IDA is one of the most popular debugging tools for Windows. First, IDA Pro is a disassembler, in that it shows the assembly code of a binary. It also comes with advanced features that try to make understanding the assembly code as easy as possible. Second, it is also a debugger, in that it allows the user to step through the binary file to determine the actual instructions being executed, and the sequence in which the execution occurs. IDA Pro is widely used for malware analysis and software vulnerability research, among other purposes.
Platform: | Size: 3752960 | Author: huangkeqiang | Hits:


Description: 黑客反汇编揭密(中文版),对于学习加密破解反汇编的同志很有帮助-Hacker disassembly Revealed (English Edition), cracking encrypted disassembly for learning comrades helpful
Platform: | Size: 21563392 | Author: syes | Hits:
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