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Description: 谈谈谷歌搜索引擎所用的数学知识`
Platform: | Size: 649249 | Author: Freshair | Hits:


Description: 谷歌黑板报--数学之美(Google人眼中的数学)-Google blackboard- the beauty of mathematics
Platform: | Size: 649216 | Author: wangzhenming | Hits:


Description: 数学之美 谷歌黑板报 作者:吴军, Google 研究员-the beauty of math
Platform: | Size: 649216 | Author: zhangdsong | Hits:

[Industry researchGoogle-hei-ban-bao

Description: Google黑板报——数学之美,Google提供的一期关于数学的讨论,展示数学之美。-Google Blackboard
Platform: | Size: 649216 | Author: olypic | Hits:

[Successful incentivelczd

Description: 编者按:当吴军跟我谈起想写这个《浪潮之巅》系列的时候,心中吃了一惊也有很多感动。吃惊是因为在我的印象中,吴军是谷歌的研究员、是《数学之美》的作者、是一个科学家,很难想象关注学术领域的他对商业领域也有着自己的观察。感动是因为收到第一篇文章,通读下来,感觉这些故事编纂起来出一本书也不为过!但他却投给我们这个“小小”的黑板报。读完文章受益颇丰,所以迫不及待的想分享给大家,希望大家能够喜欢。同时,也要借这短短的文字表达对吴军的谢意。最后,因为文章篇幅比较长,只能分几次刊出,为了帮助大家阅读和查找方便,我们单列了“浪潮之巅”栏目以期能够解决分次刊出带来的困扰。
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: 48二393u291u | Hits:


Description: 1.用户可以登录注册 2.高级权限的用户可以发报黑板报,板报除了基本的属性以外还需要有:生效时间,失效时间,发布者 3.所有用户登录后的主页面都显示当前处理有效时间范围内的板报(在生效时间到失效时间之间)。-User can login registered 2 senior privileges transmitters to Blackboard blackboard newspaper is also needed in addition to the basic properties: Effective Time lapse of time, the publisher main page of all users logged current processing effective time within blackboard (to the lapse of time between the effective time).
Platform: | Size: 7060480 | Author: 李珊珊 | Hits:

[Successful incentivebook

Description: 《浪潮之巅》和《数学之美》,必看书,来自Google 黑板报——吴军!-come from googlechinablog
Platform: | Size: 3187712 | Author: shang | Hits:


Description: 腾讯副总裁的作品,,原来在google研究院工作,其在内部黑板报发表的作品集结而成,数学之美与郎操之巅-Works of the vice president of Tencent, original work in google Institute of works published in internal blackboard aggregated into
Platform: | Size: 4455424 | Author: 王蒙 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringlaw-of-cosines

Description: Lucene中的评分机制,也是算一个相似度的问题,不过它采用的是计算向量间的夹角(余弦公式),在google黑板报中的:数学之美(余弦定理和新闻分类) 也有说明,可以通过余弦定理来判断相似度;于是决定自己动手试试。-Scoring mechanism in Lucene, also calculate a similarity problem, but it USES is the Angle between the vectors (cosine formula), in the Google blackboard: mathematical beauty (cosine theorem and classification of news) there are instructions, can be judged by cosine theorem similarity He decided to try myself
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李浩 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringmath-beauty

Description: google黑板报,通过简述网络、编程方面的发展历程,享受数学之美-google blackboard, through brief network programming development process, enjoy the beauty of mathematics
Platform: | Size: 649216 | Author: 搜容易 | Hits:


Description: 《数学之美》内容简介:几年前,“数学之美”系列文章原刊载于谷歌黑板报,获得上百万次点击,并被热情的读者广为传播,得到高度评价。读者说,读了“数学之美”,才发现大学时学的数学知识,比如马尔科夫链、矩阵计算,甚至余弦函数原来都如此亲切,并且栩栩如生,才发现自然语言和信息处理这么有趣,才真正明白“数学是科学的皇后”这句名言。-"Mathematical beauty" Introduction: A few years ago, "the beauty of mathematics," a series of articles originally published in Google blackboard, get a million hits, and was enthusiastic readers widely disseminated, has been highly praised. Readers that read "mathematical beauty", only to find mathematical knowledge learned in college, such as Markov chains, matrix calculations, and even the original cosine functions are so kind, and lifelike, only to find natural language and information processing so interesting, it really understand "Mathematics is the queen of sciences" famous words.
Platform: | Size: 4037632 | Author: 周军 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringgoogle_blackbood_book

Description: 谷歌黑板报,数学之美,关于如何把数学应用到程序设计当中,从另外一个角度看待数学问题。-Google blackboard, mathematical beauty, about how mathematics is applied to program designs, another perspective on math problems.
Platform: | Size: 659456 | Author: 求知者 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringThe-beauty-of-mathematics

Description: 几年前,“数学之美”系列文章原刊载于谷歌黑板报,获得上百万次点击,并被热情的读者广为传播,得到高度评价。读者说,读了“数学之美”,才发现大学时学的数学知识,比如马尔科夫链、矩阵计算,甚至余弦函数原来都如此亲切,并且栩栩如生,才发现自然语言和信息处理这么有趣,才真正明白“数学是科学的皇后”这句名言。 今年,作者吴军博士几乎把所有的文章都重写了一遍,为的是能把高深的原理讲得更加通俗易懂,让非专业读者也能领略数学的魅力。经过改写和重构后,《数学之美》在整体和细节的度上控制得更好。希望读者通过具体的例子学到的是思考问题的方式,学会如何化繁为简,如何用数学去解决工程问题,如何跳出固有思维不断去思考创新。同时书中也留了很多问题给愿意钻研的人做进一步深入思考。-A few years ago, the beauty of mathematics series of articles published in Google blackboard newspaper, get millions of hits, and was widely spread enthusiastic readers and get high praise. Reader said, read the beauty of mathematics , only to find that university learn mathematics knowledge, such as a markov chain, matrix calculation, even the cosine function are so kind, and lifelike, only to find that natural language and information processing so interesting, really understand the famous words mathematics is the queen of science . This year, the author Dr Wu jun, almost all the articles to rewrite again, so that I can speaks more easy to understand the principle of integrating advanced, make the reader can appreciate the charm of mathematics. After rewriting and reconstruction, the beauty of mathematics in the overall and details on the degree of control better. Want readers to think through concrete examples to learn is the way, learn how to change numerous for brief, how to
Platform: | Size: 4048896 | Author: yw | Hits:


Description: 吴军《数学之美》电子书 书摘自作者在谷歌黑板报上的一些列文章,阐述了作者对于信息技术领域相关数学理论理解,深入浅出介绍了一些基础数学理论,很棒的一本书~-Wu " mathematical beauty" eBook- Book excerpt the article in a series on the author Google blackboard, describes the author for information technology-related mathematical theory to understand layman' s language describes some basic mathematical theory, a great book-
Platform: | Size: 10987520 | Author: Wnner | Hits:

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