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DRAT2010免杀dat2010-2-1 这个DAT是之前做的,之前发给了几个朋友测试过。免杀通过瑞星、卡巴、金山、江民、NOD32、360杀毒等检测
Update : 2011-11-01 Size : 3.67kb Publisher :

Update : 2012-08-21 Size : 19.72kb Publisher : p08170082

用c++写的dos管理系统 可以管理你所用的钱的总和,且能列出 数据记录在home.dat中的 写得不好,还有很多需要改进 作者:西南交通大学峨眉校区李建超编写 QQ:32591157 - The dos management system management system writes which with c may manage you to use the money sum total, also can list the data record to write in home.dat is not good, but also has very many needs to improve the author: Southwest Jiaotong University Omei school area Li Jianchao compiles QQ: 32.591157 million
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 李建超

利用mmc空间编写的一个播放器,虽然界面处理不是太好,但功能还是可以的--3.4 use the space to prepare a player, although the interface handling is not too good, but it's still functional
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 69kb Publisher : 田草

是一个QQWRY.DAT的ASP利用程序,修改于网络上流传的代码,只不过结合纯真数据库而做了优化。它可以直接使用该文件作为数据源做IP物理定位查询.-is an ASP QQWRY.DAT use procedures modified disseminated on the Internet code, but combining pure database optimization done. It can directly use the documents as data sources do IP physical location inquiries.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 268kb Publisher : 言圣

一个简单的VCD播放器,可以播放的格式有:aiv,mpeg,mpg,dat等,是一款小巧的播放器-a simple VCD players, can play format : aiv, mpeg, mpg, dat, is a small player
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 118kb Publisher : 无可奉告

软 VCD 系统,支持格式如下: 1.DAT-->VCD碟的标准DAT格式:DAT后缀名,并存放在CD-ROM中. 2.MPG-->MPEG-1的多媒体格式:MPG后缀名,存放在硬盘中. 3.MPV-->MPEG-1的多媒体格式:MPV后缀名,存放在硬盘中. 4.VBS-->MPEG-1的多媒体格式:VBS后缀名,存放在硬盘中. 5.VCD-->VCD碟的标准DAT格式用VCDCOPY拷到硬盘中的多媒体 文件格式:VCD后缀名,并存放在硬盘中. 注:(5)中的文件格式是本播放器独自定义的多媒体文件格式,其他 四种是国际标准格式 VCDCOPY是作者梁肇新开发的一个专用于把 CD-ROM上的VCD文件拷到硬盘中的工具程序.需要者可以联系提供.-soft VCD system, support the following format : 1.DAT-- gt; VCD disc standard DAT format : DAT suffix, both on CD-ROM. 2.MPG-- gt; MPEG-1 multimedia formats : MPG suffix, storage in the drive. 3.MPV-- gt; MPEG-1 multimedia formats : MPV suffix, and stored in the hard disk. 4.VBS-- gt; MPEG-1 multimedia formats : VBS extension, and stored in the hard disk. 5.VCD-- gt; VCD discs in a format standard DAT drive with VCDCOPY Mall of multimedia file formats : VCD suffix, both on the hard drive. Note : (5), the file format is the player's own definition of multimedia file format and the other four is the international standard format of the author VCDCOPY LIANG Zhao-development of a new dedicated to the use of CD-ROM on the VCD document metadata drives the tool procedures. those in
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 485kb Publisher : 孙卫平

ID3算法源程序。使用的方法是编写一个*.dat文件保存样本数据,还有一个*.tag文件保存属性列名,且最后一个属性是标号属性。运行是输入id3 文件名。输出格式是一个二叉判定树。-ID3 algorithm source. The method used was to prepare a document preservation*. dat sample data, a document preservation*. tag attributes listed, and the final one is the attribute label attributes. Running importation id3 file. Output format is a binary decision tree.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 小丁

用QQ查找对应的IP地址,QQ查找IP对应的地址时,使用 QQwry.dat库。本程序是可以查找对应的IP查找其地址。-with the corresponding IP addresses, QQ find the corresponding IP addresses, the use of QQwry.dat library. This procedure can find the corresponding IP address of its search.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 罗坤

用win_API实现的图像处理软件,可以实现显示直方图,直方图均衡化,域值分割,边缘提取等功能。虽然本文件只能处理最简单的图像格式(*.dat,在文件夹中包含了测试图像和图像格式说明),但该程序文件小,适合下载,界面简单、实用,可扩展性好。-Win_API achieved using image processing software, can show the histogram, histogram equalization, domain segmentation, edge detection and other functions. Although this document can only handle the simplest image format (*. dat, in the folder that contains the test images and image format explanation), but the program files small, suitable for downloading, the interface simple, practical and good scalability.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 99kb Publisher : 刘波

VC6.0可谓是微软的王牌产品,它以强大的功能而赢得了广大程序员的爱好。而用VC的AppWizard、ClassWizard和其中的各种控件可以方便地建立应用程序。 本文就介绍用VC6.0自带的一个ActiveX控件----ActiveMovieControl Object,来建立自己的多媒体播放器。此多媒体具有一般的播放功能,能播放*.mp3,*.wma,*.mdi,*.wav,*.avi,*.dat等文件,还有Repeat功能-VC6.0 is Microsoft's flagship product, which features a powerful and won the majority of programmers love. Using VC+5.0, ClassWizard, and the various controls which can easily build applications. This paper introduces a VC6.0's own ActiveX Object-ActiveMovieControl to build their own multimedia players. This is a general multimedia player, which will be available*. mp3,*. wma,*. MDI,*. wav,*. avi,*. dat documents, Repeat function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 张奇

dat文件,是apriori算法所用到的数据集,很多人找,因此上传-dat document is apriori algorithm uses data sets, many people find it uploads
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 389kb Publisher : 真真

读取QQ IP数据库(QQWry.dat)文件格式,并将数据库转换成MDB格式。-read QQ IP database (QQWry.dat) file format, will be converted into MDB database format.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 350kb Publisher : 韩百万

int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char ch while(true) { printf("*************************************\n") printf(" 1.Reader Priority\n") printf(" 2.Writer Priority\n") printf(" 3.Exit to Windows\n") printf("*************************************\n") printf("Enter your choice(1,2,3): ") do{ ch=(char)_getch() }while(ch!= 1 &&ch!= 2 &&ch!= 3 ) system("cls") if(ch== 3 ) return 0 else if(ch== 1 ) ReaderPriority("thread.dat") else WriterPriority("thread.dat") printf("\nPress Any Key to Coutinue:") _getch() system("cls") } return 0 -int main (int argc, char* argv []) (char ch while (true) (printf (************************************* ) printf ( 1.Reader Priority ) printf ( 2.Writer Priority ) printf ( 3.Exit to Windows ) printf (************************************* ) printf ( Enter your choice (1,2,3): ) do ( ch = (char) _getch ()) while (ch! = 1
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘倩

ini to dat converter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 202kb Publisher : cakeman

实现TXT文本文件向DAT文件的转换。关于VC++的源代码,可以顺利编译源文件的。(The conversion of TXT text files to DAT files. VC++ on the source code, you can successfully compile the source file.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : njdada

DL : 0
如何在MATLAB中将数据存储成.dat文件,如何对.dat文件进行读取(how to save and read .dat data/file in matlab)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 270kb Publisher : sangba2017

大灰狼8.96 dat源码,下载即可编译,自己做免杀(Big gray wolf 8.96DAT source code)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 我是农村的

可以编辑梦幻古老dat文件,可以进行服务器和客户端的dat文件的编辑!(Can edit the dat file)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.98mb Publisher : yoddo

使用qt5 读取dat文件,简单的小功能,学习一下(a simple qt5 program to read .dat file.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 301kb Publisher : qthhh
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