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这个是C制作的源代码。。。 对一幅图像进行DFT变换,分别对源图像在空间域和频域里进行二次抽样和差值,最后得出结果比较。- Get a grey level image which size is N*N. (For example, 256*256, however, N = ), and partition to 8*8 sub images. Apply DFT to these sub images, and get the fourier transformed image F. 3. Derive the proper subsampling function matrix S in spatial domain. 4. Multiplying proper 4*4 DFT matrix T to matrix S, derive the frequency version of subsampling function matrix, S. 5. Similarly, derive the frequency version of interpolation matrix, I. 6. Apply these matrices to each sub image of F (which is DFT of original image), and get the final image, taking inverse DFT. 7. Apply subsampling/interpolation function matrix S/I to original image in spatial domain and get the final image.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : zhengyan
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