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网络蜘蛛源码。 Spider是搜索引擎的一个自动程序。它的作用是访问互联网上的html网页 ,建立索引数据库,使用户能在搜索引擎中搜索到贵网站的网页。 搜索引擎 派出“蜘蛛”程序检索现有网站一定IP地址范围内的新网站,而对现有网 站的更新则根据该网站的等级不同有快慢之分。一般来说,网站网页等级 越高,更新的频率就越快。搜索引擎的“蜘蛛”同一天会对某些网站或同 一网页进行多次爬行,知道蜘蛛的运动规律,对于更新网页、了解搜索引 擎收录的收录情况等等有相当重要的作用。-Spider-source network. Spider is a search engine of automatic procedures. Its role is to visit on the Internet homepage html, database indexing, so that users can search search engine to your site's homepage. Search engine sent a "spider" search procedures for certain existing site within the IP address of the new site, and to update the existing site under the site of the different grades vary from case to case. Generally, the higher the rating web site, the frequency of updates sooner. The search engine "spider" on the same day, some web site or the same number of reptiles, spiders know the rules of movement, updated website to find out the search engine included included etc. have a very important role.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.39kb Publisher : cwsj

网络蜘蛛源码。 Spider是搜索引擎的一个自动程序。它的作用是访问互联网上的html网页 ,建立索引数据库,使用户能在搜索引擎中搜索到贵网站的网页。 搜索引擎 派出“蜘蛛”程序检索现有网站一定IP地址范围内的新网站,而对现有网 站的更新则根据该网站的等级不同有快慢之分。一般来说,网站网页等级 越高,更新的频率就越快。搜索引擎的“蜘蛛”同一天会对某些网站或同 一网页进行多次爬行,知道蜘蛛的运动规律,对于更新网页、了解搜索引 擎收录的收录情况等等有相当重要的作用。-Spider-source network. Spider is a search engine of automatic procedures. Its role is to visit on the Internet homepage html, database indexing, so that users can search search engine to your site's homepage. Search engine sent a "spider" search procedures for certain existing site within the IP address of the new site, and to update the existing site under the site of the different grades vary from case to case. Generally, the higher the rating web site, the frequency of updates sooner. The search engine "spider" on the same day, some web site or the same number of reptiles, spiders know the rules of movement, updated website to find out the search engine included included etc. have a very important role.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : cwsj
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