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用C++实现的B-Tree算法- B-Tree algorithm realizes which with C
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 站长

Complete support for EBNF notation; Object-oriented parser design; C++ output; Deterministic bottom-up "shift-reduce" parsing; SLR(1), LALR(1) and LR(1) table construction methods; Automatic parse tree creation; Possibility to output parse tree in XML format; Verbose conflict diagnostics; Generation of tree traverse procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 215kb Publisher : none

生成直角Steiner树的程序包-generated rectangular Steiner tree package
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.88mb Publisher : 胡周

普里姆算法构造最小生成树-Primbetov tectonic minimum spanning tree algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 涛涛

数 据 结 构 大型 作业3.1输入一个数列L,生成一棵二叉排序树T;3.2对二叉排序树T作中序遍历,输出结果;3.3计算二叉排序树T的平均查找长度, 输出结果;3.4判断二叉排序树T是否为平衡二叉树,输出信息“OK!”/“NO!”;3.5再使用上述数列L,生成平衡的二叉排序树BT,每当插入新元素,发现当前的二叉排序树BT不是平衡的二叉排序树,则立即将它转换成新的平衡的二叉排序树BT;3.6计算平衡的二叉排序树BT的平均查找长度,输出结果。3.6分析对比未平衡化的二叉排序树和平衡的二叉排序树的查找效率(最好、最坏平均比较关键字数)-data structure large operations into a 3.1 L series, generating a binary tree Sort T; 3.2 pair of two fork-tree T for medium preorder, output results; 3.3 Ranking calculation Binary Tree Search T's average length of the output; 3. four judgment ordering two trees T fork whether balanced binary tree, the output message "OK!"/"NO!" ; again using the 3.5 series L, generate balanced binary tree sort BT, whenever insert a new element, found the current binary sort tree is not-BT Value of two binary sort tree, it will be immediately converted into the new balance of the two fork-tree BT; 3.6 Calculation balanced binary tree sort BT search length of the average output results. 3.6 Comparative Analysis of the outstanding balance of two fork-tree and balanced binary tree s
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 洪玲叶

ADT BinaryTree 的实现及验证程序采用的主要数据结构:二叉树、栈、队算法思想:1、 先序建树、输出树、后序遍历用递归方法。性能分析:O( n )2、 先序遍历、中序遍历:性能分析:O( n )(1) 若遇到新节点非空则先入栈,然后访问其左子树。(2) 若为空则将栈顶结点出栈,访问其右子树。(3) 循环1、2直到栈为空且无节点可入栈。先序与中序的区别是:先序在入栈时访问节点,中序在出栈时访问节点。3、 层遍历:性能分析:O( n )(1) 根节点入队(2) 节点出队并访问(3) 若节点有左孩子,则左孩子入队;有右孩子,则右孩子入队。(4) 重复2、3直到队列为空。4、 线索树:算法与先序遍历、中序遍历一样,只是将访问节点的Visit函数改为连接前驱与后继的操作。性能分析:O( -BinaryTree ADT Implementation and certification procedures used in the main data structure : binary tree, stack, algorithms team thinking : a first order contribution, the output tree, after preorder using recursive method. Performance Analysis : O (n) 2, preorder, the preorder : Performance Analysis : O (n) (1) If there is a new non-empty nodes were first pushed and then left to visit their son tree. (2) if the empty Zhanding node will stack up, visit their right subtrees. (3) 1,2 cycle until the stack is empty with no node can be pushed. First sequence with the sequence difference : Push the first sequence to visit nodes, which stack up in order to visit nodes. 3, the layer traverse : Performance Analysis : O (n) (1) nodes into Force (2) nodes and the team's visit (3) if the nodes ar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 徐欣

清华大学数据结构课上实现的B+树,设计一个4阶B+树,包括: (1) 叶子的每个记录应该包括4字节(long)关键码值和60字节的数据字段(存储文件名等,可以自定),设每个叶子可以存储5条记录,而内部节点应该是关键码值/指针对。此外,每个节点还应该有指向同层下一个节点的指针、本节点存储的关键码数等; (2) 此4阶B+树应该支持插入、删除以及根据给定关键码值进行精确检索与关键码范围检索; (3) 显示(打印)此4阶B+树的生长(含删除节点)过程实例;-Tsinghua University class data structure to achieve the B-tree, the design of a B-tree four bands, including : (a) the leaves of each record should include 4-byte (long) key code value and 60 gigabytes of data fields (document storage, etc., can be set), set up each leaf store five records, and internal nodes is the key code value/means against. In addition, each node should have the same point under a layer of the target node, the node storage key code number; (2) The B-tree four bands should support the insertion, deletion and with the given key code value accurate retrieval and key codes scope retrieval; (3) Display (Print ) This four bands B-tree growth (including the deletion of nodes) process examples;
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : qqiang

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这是一个用可以解决二叉树先序,中序,后序排列的程序-This is a binary tree can be solved with first sequence, sequence after sequence with procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 阿亮

This scheme is initiated by Ziv and Lempel [1]. A slightly modified version is described by Storer and Szymanski [2]. An implementation using a binary tree is proposed by Bell [3]. The algorithm is quite simple: Keep a ring buffer, which initially contains "space" characters only. Read several letters from the file to the buffer. Then search the buffer for the longest string that matches the letters just read, and send its length and position in the buffer.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 冰冰

1.n个叶结点,权分别为w1,w2,• • • ,wn的二叉树中,带权路径长度WPL最小的二叉树叫最优二叉树, 也叫霍夫曼树。 2.霍夫曼算法:1)根据给定的权值{w1,w2,• • • ,wn}构造n个二叉树F={T1,T2,• • • ,Tn}每个Ti只有一个根结点,权为wi。2)在F中选取两棵根结点的权值最小的树 构成一棵新的二叉树,其根的权值为左右子树根的权值的和。3)F中删去这两棵树,加上新得的树。4)重复2)3)直到只剩一棵树。 -1. N leaf nodes, the right to w1, w2,# 8226# 8226, wn the binary tree, with the right path length WPL smallest binary tree called Optimal binary tree, the tree is also called Hoffman. 2. Hoffman algorithm : 1) According to the weights (w1, w2,# 8226# 8226# 8226, wn) n binary tree structure F = (T1, T2,# 8226# 8226# 8226, Tn) each only a Ti Root, the right to wi. 2) In 1984 two F Root in the value of the right to the smallest tree constitute a new binary tree, the roots of the right value for the son around the roots and the value of the right. 3) F deleted these two trees, coupled with the new tree. 4) repeat 2) 3) until only a tree.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : yy

1. 汽车轮渡口,过江渡船每次能载10辆车过江,过江车辆分为客车类和货车类,上渡船有如下规定:同类车先到先上船,客车先于货车上渡船,且每上4辆客车,才允许上一辆货车。若等待客车不足4辆,则从货车代替,若无货车等待允许客车上船。试写一个算法模拟渡口管理。 算法设计: 1客车和货车均建立一个链式队列,初始均为空。以后来一辆车不是货车就是客车,因此可以说整个程序的事件驱动event就是这两个,客车表示1,货车表示0. 2轮船还没有到达时客车和货车均按次序排在各自队列中。 3轮船到达时,根据两个队列的情况,分别处理。处理如下: a 客车数不满4辆,则将排在前面的货车上船,但总数不能超过10,若没有货车等待,客车直接上船。 b 客车数满4,但不满8辆,客车先上,排在前面的只有一辆货车可以上船,若没有货车等待则货车不上。 c 客车满8辆但不满10,客车上船,排在前面的货车最多可以上2辆,但总数不能超过10。 d 客车满10,则全上客车,但总数不能超过10。 -1. I car ferry, crossing the river each ferry can carry 10 cars crossing the river, crossing the river into passenger vehicles and goods category, Ferry on the following provisions : first vehicle in a first embarkation, the first passenger ferry in the truck and four on each passenger will be permitted on a lorry. If waiting for the bus less than four, then replace the truck, without waiting for the lorry to allow passenger embarkation. Try to write a simulated crossing management. Algorithm design : a bus and the truck were established a chain cohort, the initial were empty. Later, a car is not a passenger vehicle is, it can be said of the entire process event-driven event is the two, said a passenger, said the lorry 0. Two ships have not yet arrived at the bus and the truck were ranked
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 西们子

"小树" 是从 "网际畅游 MyIE 3.2" 发展而来的一款 以IE为核心的多窗口网络浏览器,支持多种文字界面。-"trees" from the "3.2 Wangjichangliu engine" developed from the IE section to the core of the multi-window Internet browser, which supports multiple language interfaces.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : luckyedu

1问题描述: 设计一个实现稀疏多项式乘法的程序 2需求分析: 编程实现两个一元多项式相乘,要求: 2.1输入并建立多项式; 2.2输出多项式,输出形式为整数序列:n,c1,e1,c2,e2``````,cn.,en,其中n是多项式的系数,ci和ei分别是第i项的系数和指数,序列按指数降序排列。 2.3多项式a和b相乘,建立结果多项式a*b -a Problem description : Design a sparse polynomial multiplication achieve the two procedures demand analysis : Programming 2 1 yuan polynomial multiplication, requirements : 2.1 to import and establish polynomial; 2.2 Output polynomial, Output form of integer sequence : n, c1, e1, c2, e2 ``````, cn. , en, where n is the polynomial coefficients, respectively ei ci and is the first item i coefficient and the index sequence index in descending order. 2.3 polynomial multiplication a and b, the results establish a* b polynomial
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 49kb Publisher : 王并

叉排序树与平衡二叉排序树基本操作的实现 用二叉链表作存储结构 (1)以回车( \n )为输入结束标志,输入数列L,生成二叉排序树T; (2)对二叉排序树T作中序遍历,输出结果; (3)计算二叉排序树T的平均查找长度,输出结果; (4)输入元素x,查找二叉排序树T,若存在含x的结点,则删除该结 点,并作中序遍历(执行操作2);否则输出信息“无结点x”; (5)判断二叉排序树T是否为平衡二叉树,输出信息“OK!”/“NO!”;-fork trees and balanced binary tree order to achieve the basic operation of the binary tree used for the storage structure (1), carriage return ( \ n) to mark the end of the importation, importation of L series, generate binary tree Sort T; (2) Ranking of two forks to make the tree T preorder, and the output results; (3) Calculations binary tree T ranking on the average search length, output; (4) Input elements x, find two tree fork Sort T, if x exists with the node, then remove the nodes, and make the preorder (execution 2); Otherwise output "node x"; (5) to determine the order of two trees T fork whether balanced binary tree, and the output message "OK!"/"NO!" ;
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 胡图

该软件可以方便的把HTML网页解析成一棵Tree,方便的获得各个节点的名称和属性,一款很好的解析HTML的软件。-The software can easily turn into an HTML page analysis Tree, convenient access to each node name and attributes of a good HTML analytic software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 121kb Publisher : 李铭岳

b-树的增加,因为我看到的资料里的最大关键字数目为m-1,我考虑了一下,2-3树的删除会比较麻烦,后来看了下算法导论,别人的数目是2t-1,所以相同情况下是2-3-4树,我考虑按照这个因子再写一个,增加删除部分,有问题可以联系我,联系方式在程序中已注明.-b-tree increases, because the information I have seen in the largest number of keywords for the m-1, I consider a bit ,2-3 tree removal would be more trouble, after reading An Introduction to the next algorithm, the number of people are 2t-1, so the same circumstances are 2-3-4 tree, I consider this factor in accordance with the write one, delete some of the increase, has problem can contact me, Contact us in the proceedings have been marked.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 杨毅

2—3树是这样一种树: A.每个非叶子结点都有2个或3个儿子; B.每条众树根到树叶的路径长度相等; C.只有一个根结点的树也是2—3树。 本题目要求从键盘输入以整数序列,建立一棵2-3树。所以我的建树构思为以2-3树的插入操作来进行建树。-2-3 tree is such a tree: A. Each non-leaf node has two or three sons B. Each congregation tree roots to leaves is equal to the length of the path C. 2-3 tree is only one root node of the tree. The subject of the request to establish a 2-3 tree from keyboard input to a sequence of integers. So I conceived the achievements of the achievements of 2-3 tree insertion operation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 冯读庆

JQUERY ZTREE3.3 树结构插件方便使用-The JQUERY ZTREE3.3 tree structure plug-in ease of use
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 703kb Publisher : huang

2—3树的建立,插入,删除,清空等功能的实现-Establish a 2-3 tree, insert, delete
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher :

利用C++实现2-3树,课程作业,仅供参考(Implementation of the 2-3 tree)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 216kb Publisher : Corinna
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