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计算机网络安全分析与防范策略论文 本文,将综合概括一些过去、现有的网络和系统漏洞,就几种常见的和最新出现的漏洞及其特征进行详细的说明,并就此进一步展开对这些漏洞的防范措施的具体介绍,使大家认识并了解这些漏洞的危害,从而更好的保护自己的计算机。通过对计算机网络面临威胁的分析,该文提出了网络安全方面的一些具体防范措施,提高了计算机网络的安全性。-Computer network security analysis and prevention strategy papers in this article will summarize some of the past, the existing network and system vulnerabilities, and on the latest of several common loopholes and a detailed description of the characteristics and to further these loopholes specific preventive measures introduced, so that we can recognize and understand the dangers of these loopholes in order to better protect their computers. Through the computer network threat analysis, the paper presents aspects of network security to guard against a number of specific measures to improve the security of computer networks.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26kb Publisher : 余祖澔
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