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[Other resourcePN-arraycheck

Description: 在QuartusII运用AHDL语言,首先设计出PN发生器来产生一个11位的数据流在整个周期内有效数据有 =2047位;再设计状态机用来检测串行数据流中的序列。运用两个个计数器分别对PN码计数以及序列出现的次数计数。改变PN码结构可以作为通用数列检测器
Platform: | Size: 385952 | Author: 戴振华 | Hits:

[Other resource2047

Description: 北大POJ_ACM_2047素数检测.好不容易收集到的。
Platform: | Size: 5797 | Author: prolove | Hits:


Description: /*PL/0编译系统C版本头文件pl0.h*/ /* typedef enum { false, true } bool; */ #define norw 13 /*关键字个数*/ #define txmax 100 /*名字表容量*/ #define nmax 14 /*number的最大位数*/ #define al 10 /*符号的最大长度*/ #define amax 2047 /*地址上界*/ #define levmax 3 /*最大允许过程嵌套声明层数[0,levmax]*/ #define cxmax 200 /*最多的虚拟机代码数*/ /*符号*/ enum symbol{ nul, ident, number, plus, minus, times, slash, oddsym, eql, neq, lss, leq, gtr, geq, lparen, rparen, comma, semicolon, period, becomes, beginsym, endsym, ifsym, thensym, whilesym, writesym, readsym, dosym, callsym, constsym, varsym, procsym, }; #define symnum 32 /*名字表中的类型*/ enum object{ constant, variable, procedur, }; /*虚拟机代码*/ enum fct{ lit, opr, lod, sto, cal, inte, jmp, jpc, }; #define fctnum 8 /*虚拟机结构代码*/ struct instruction { /*454*/ enum fct f; // 虚拟机代码指令 int l; //引用层与声明层的层次差 int a; //根据f的不同而不同 }; FILE * fas; //输出名字表 FILE * fa; //输出虚拟机代码 FILE * fa1; //输出源文件及其各行对应的首地址 FILE * fa2; //输出结果 bool listswitch; //显示虚拟机代码与否 bool tableswitch; //显示名字与否 char ch; //获取字符的缓冲区,getch使用 enum symbol sym; //当前的符号 char id[al+1]; //当前ident,多出的一个字节用于存放0 int num; //当前number int cc,ll; //getch使用的计数器,cc表示当前字符(ch)的位置 int cx; //虚拟机代码指针,取值范围[0,cxmax-1] char line[81]; //读取行缓冲区 char a[al+1]; //临时符号,多出的一个字节用于存放0 struct instruction code[cxmax]; //存放虚拟机代码的数组 char word[norw][al]; //保留字 enum symbol wsym[norw]; //保留字对应的符号值 enum symbol ssym[256]; //单字符的符号值 char mnemonic[fctnum][5]; //虚拟机代码指令名称 bool declbegsys[symnum]; //表示声明开始的符号集合 bool statbegsys[symnum]; //表示语句开始的符号集合 bool facbegsys[symnum]; //表示因子开始的符号集合 //名字表结构 struct tablestruct { char name[al]; //名字 enum object kind; //类型:const,var,array or procedure int val; //数值,仅const使用 int level; //所须层,仅const不能用 int adr; //地址,仅const不能用 int size; //需要分配的数据空间,仅procedure使用 }; struct tablestruct table[txmax]; //名字表 FILE * fin; FILE * fout; char fname[al]; int err; //错误计数器 //当函数中发生fatal error时,返回-1告知调用它的函数,最终退出程序 #define getsymdo if(-1==getsym()) return -1 #define getchdo if(-1==getch()) return -1 #define testdo(a,b,c) if(-1==test(a,b,c)) return -1 #define gendo(a,b,c) if(-1==gen(a,b,c)) return -1 #define expressiondo(a,b,c) if(-1==expression(a,b,c)) return -1 #define factordo(a,b,c) if(-1==factor(a,b,c)) return -1 #define termdo(a,b,c) if(-1==term(a,b,c)) return -1 #define conditiondo(a,b,c) if(-1==condition(a,b,c)) return -1 #define statementdo(a,b,c) if(-1==statement(a,b,c)) return -1 #define constdeclarationdo(a,b,c) if(-1==constdeclaration(a,b,c)) return -1 #define vardeclarationdo(a,b,c) if(-1==vardeclaration(a,b,c)) return -1 void error(int n); int getsym(); int getch(); void init(); int gen(enum fct x,int y ,int z); int test(bool *s1,bool *s2,int n); int inset(int e,bool *s); int addset(bool *str,bool * s1,bool * s2,int n); int subset(bool *str,bool * s1,bool * s2,int n); int mulset(bool *str,bool * s1,bool * s2,int n); int block(int lev,int tx,bool * fsys); void interpret(); int factor(bool * fsys,int * ptx,int lev); int term(bool * fsys,int * ptx,int lev); int condition(bool * fsys,int * ptx,int lev); int expression(bool * fsys,int * ptx,int lev); int statement(bool * fsys,int * ptx,int lev); void listcode(int cx0); int vardeclaration(int *ptr, int lev,int *ptx); int constdeclaration(int *ptr, int lev,int *ptx); int position(char * idt,int tx); void enter(enum object k,int * ptx,int lev, int * pdx); int base(int l,int * s,int b)
Platform: | Size: 25139 | Author: xqq771084591 | Hits:


Description: 北大POJ_ACM_2047素数检测.好不容易收集到的。-North POJ_ACM_2047 prime number detection. Finally collected.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: prolove | Hits:

[DSP programdsplab-C

Description: 2047经典实验测试程序,适合初学者使用,代码完整可以直接使用-2047 classic experimental test program, suitable for beginners to use, the code integrity can be used directly
Platform: | Size: 1854464 | Author: 王磊 | Hits:


Description: 美国国家航空和宇宙航空局(NASA)研制的跟踪和数据中继卫星系统(TDRSS)的正交信号发生器使用的是阶数为r=11的GOLD序列,序列长为2047,m序列优选对为4445和4005,利用Matlab程序构造出这个序列,并且验证信号的平衡标准,PACF(离散周期自相关函数)和PCCF(离散周期互相关函数)。通过Matlab2009A测试。-NASA developed tracking and data relay satellite system (TDRSS) use of orthogonal signal generator is the order of the GOLD for the r = 11 sequence of length 2047, m sequence pairs for the 4445 and 4005, use of Matlab program to construct the sequence, and verify the balance of the signal standard, PACF and PCCF. Testing by Matlab2009A.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Alex | Hits:

[DSP programpwm1

Description: dsp 2047 产生的六路spwm波形,自己做的变频器的时候写的-Stepping motor control procedure
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[2D Graphicdct

Description: 在编码端,影像首先被分割成8 8块。 DCT的操作,然后 适用于每个图像块。据国际视频标准(JPEG,H.261...), 变换系数四舍五入到最接近的整数,并剪辑成12位( 2048至 2047)。这些系数,然后根据锯齿扫描顺序安排到1-D数据阵列。 然后,选择一些系数和量化。在解码器端,量化系数 反DCT(IDCT)重建。 IDCT的输出调整和裁剪,以0 255。 (我们只有Y信号处理。),DCT,量化和锯齿扫描规格 为了下页。 下面给出3个测试图像上的问题,每个尝试:莉娜(lena.raw)的,辣椒(pepper.raw), 狒狒(baboon.raw)。你需要计算之间原有的均方根误差(MSE) 图像和重建图像。测试图像可以从Web加载。他们是 5128位(每像素),512级灰度(黑白)图像没有任何头。图像 像素存储从左至右,从上到下成一个文件。 (您可以查看图像 使用,例如,Photoshop软件。)-DCT Coding
Platform: | Size: 564224 | Author: cky | Hits:

[Software Engineeringcase24_ieee_rts

Description: CASE24_IEEE_RTS Power flow data for the IEEE RELIABILITY TEST SYSTEM Please see help caseformat for details on the case file format. This system data is from the IEEE RELIABILITY TEST SYSTEM, see IEEE Reliability Test System Task Force of the Applications of Probability Methods Subcommittee, "IEEE reliability test system," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 98, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 1979, pp. 2047-2054. IEEE Reliability Test System Task Force of Applications of Probability Methods Subcommittee, "IEEE reliability test system-96," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 14, No. 3, Aug. 1999, pp. 1010-1020.- CASE24_IEEE_RTS Power flow data for the IEEE RELIABILITY TEST SYSTEM Please see help caseformat for details on the case file format. This system data is from the IEEE RELIABILITY TEST SYSTEM, see IEEE Reliability Test System Task Force of the Applications of Probability Methods Subcommittee, "IEEE reliability test system," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 98, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 1979, pp. 2047-2054. IEEE Reliability Test System Task Force of Applications of Probability Methods Subcommittee, "IEEE reliability test system-96," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 14, No. 3, Aug. 1999, pp. 1010-1020.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: ali | Hits:


Description: Calculation multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis matlab program, Machine learning routines, Rapid expansion of random spanning tree algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: manqiekei | Hits:

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