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1. 做一个集成的图形界面的程序,可调用每一次作业子程序。 2. 调用画点的函数,用DDA、中点算法画直线和中点算法及正负法画圆和抛物线。 3. 交互式的二维直线求交:如果存在交点,用实心圆显示交点,并用文字显示其坐标。 4. 用动画实现二维图形变换的各种算法,实现对指定形体的平移、旋转和缩放。(包括自行车行走和绕固定点旋转的自旋转物体动画。) 5. 线段裁剪和多边形裁剪算法的动画演示实现。(两种线段裁剪算法和H-S多边形逐边裁剪算法)多边形裁剪算法的动画演示要求先画出一个封闭的多边形,再画矩形的裁剪窗口,然后选择裁剪按钮(或命令),按下“上边裁剪”按钮(或执行“上边裁剪”命令),多边形相对裁剪窗口的上边进行裁剪,显示上边裁剪后的多边形,依此进行其它各边裁剪。 6. 两种扫描多边形扫描转换算法实现(扫描线算法为必做,基于求余运算的边缘填充和边标志算法任选一种); 7. 4连通区域的递归种子填充算法,和扫描线种子填充算法,要求种子点(x,y)可交互输入)。 8. 简单三维图形系统:凸多面体的建模、透视投影,隐藏面的消除及基本图形变换(平移、旋转、缩放)。 9. 交互式Bezier曲线的输入绘制程序实现 -1. So an integrated graphical interface procedures, which call for each operation subroutine. 2. Calling the painting point function, with DDA, the midpoint algorithm painting line and the midpoint algorithm and France Circle and the positive and negative parabola. 3. Interactive 2D linear intersection : If there intersection with a solid circle indicates Nodal and writing to demonstrate its coordinates. 4. Using 2D animation graphics transform algorithms to achieve the specified physical translation, rotation and scaling. (Including walking and cycling around the fixed point of rotating objects from the rotating animation.) 5. Line cutting and polygon clipping algorithm to achieve the animation demo. (Two segments cutting algorithm and H-S-by-side polygon clipping algorithm) polygon clipp
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 106.16kb Publisher : 张斌

This the third tutorial in the Foundation section. This tutorial covers the basics of drawing some simple 2D polygons such as triangle, pentagon, rectangle etc. We will make use of the code that we had generated in the previous section. We ll cover some important topics such as Clipping Area, Viewports, Vertex and the Primitives in OpenGL such as the point, line, triangle, polygon, quads etc. We ll write a program that is menu driven and draws points, triangles, lines, quads etc.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 26.08kb Publisher : zhf

1. 做一个集成的图形界面的程序,可调用每一次作业子程序。 2. 调用画点的函数,用DDA、中点算法画直线和中点算法及正负法画圆和抛物线。 3. 交互式的二维直线求交:如果存在交点,用实心圆显示交点,并用文字显示其坐标。 4. 用动画实现二维图形变换的各种算法,实现对指定形体的平移、旋转和缩放。(包括自行车行走和绕固定点旋转的自旋转物体动画。) 5. 线段裁剪和多边形裁剪算法的动画演示实现。(两种线段裁剪算法和H-S多边形逐边裁剪算法)多边形裁剪算法的动画演示要求先画出一个封闭的多边形,再画矩形的裁剪窗口,然后选择裁剪按钮(或命令),按下“上边裁剪”按钮(或执行“上边裁剪”命令),多边形相对裁剪窗口的上边进行裁剪,显示上边裁剪后的多边形,依此进行其它各边裁剪。 6. 两种扫描多边形扫描转换算法实现(扫描线算法为必做,基于求余运算的边缘填充和边标志算法任选一种); 7. 4连通区域的递归种子填充算法,和扫描线种子填充算法,要求种子点(x,y)可交互输入)。 8. 简单三维图形系统:凸多面体的建模、透视投影,隐藏面的消除及基本图形变换(平移、旋转、缩放)。 9. 交互式Bezier曲线的输入绘制程序实现 -1. So an integrated graphical interface procedures, which call for each operation subroutine. 2. Calling the painting point function, with DDA, the midpoint algorithm painting line and the midpoint algorithm and France Circle and the positive and negative parabola. 3. Interactive 2D linear intersection : If there intersection with a solid circle indicates Nodal and writing to demonstrate its coordinates. 4. Using 2D animation graphics transform algorithms to achieve the specified physical translation, rotation and scaling. (Including walking and cycling around the fixed point of rotating objects from the rotating animation.) 5. Line cutting and polygon clipping algorithm to achieve the animation demo. (Two segments cutting algorithm and H-S-by-side polygon clipping algorithm) polygon clipp
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.06mb Publisher : 张斌

An article on 2-D Polygon Clipping with the source code-An article on 2-D Polygon with the Clipping source code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 56kb Publisher :

源码简介: 这是我上图形学实验课时写的程序,实现了以下功能: 第一次作业:(第一课时) 要求:用Bresenham算法画出一个多边形,然后用扫描线填充 第二次作业:(第二课时) 要求:二维空间变换 第三次作业:(第三、四课时) 要求:三维空间变换及投影 第四次作业:(第五,六课时) 要求:Cohen_Sutherland裁剪,梁友栋-Barsky裁剪,裁剪开窗算法,多边形裁剪。 第五次作业:(第七,八课时) 要求:Hermite曲线,Bezier曲线(几何作图算法,分裂法),B样条曲线分段算法。 -Source Description: This is my experiment on the Graphics class to write the procedures, to achieve the following functions: the first operation: (first class) requirements: using Bresenham algorithm to draw a polygon, then the second scan line fill operation: (second class) requirements: the third two-dimensional space transform operation: (third and fourth class) requirements: three-dimensional projection transformation and the fourth operation: (fifth and sixth class) request: Cohen_Sutherland cutting, You-Xin Liang Dong-Barsky Clipping , cutting window algorithm, polygon clipping. Fifth operation: (seventh, eight hours) to request: Hermite curve, Bezier curve (geometric mapping algorithm, secession law), B-spline curve algorithm subparagraph.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 68kb Publisher : 罗森

2D line clipping.ppt
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21kb Publisher : Shobi

The package must also have a user-friendly interface that may be menu-oriented, iconic or a combination of both. It provides most the features that a 2D graphic editor should have. It is developed in C. it has been implemented on DOS platform. The 2-D graphics package designed here provides an interface for the users for handling the display and manipulation of basic picture objects like point, line, rectangle, ellipse, polygon, spiral, etc. It can also perform operations on selected objects like clipping, translation, rotation, area filling etc. It is capable of loading and saving the picture files. The interface is user –friendly with icons for all the functions.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16kb Publisher : sk

DL : 0
sample 2D applet programs, 2D graphics,clipping examples
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 38kb Publisher : sumesh

1.实现DDA、中点Bresenham算法和改进Bresenham算法绘制直线。 2.实现绘制圆和椭圆。 3.实现线段裁剪和多边形裁剪。 4.实现二维图形的变换(平移、旋转、缩放)。 5.自己实现其他附加以及需要完善的功能。 -1 to achieve DDA, the midpoint and improved Bresenham algorithm Bresenham algorithm to draw a straight line. (2) to achieve draw circles and ellipses. 3 to achieve line cutting and clipping. 4. 2D graphics transformations (translation, rotation, scaling). 5 own, and need to improve the achievement of other additional features.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9.45mb Publisher : songzhaohe

图像剪切,网站图片设计及2D图片处理上传-Image clipping, web design and 2D image processing images uploaded
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 105kb Publisher : 邱川燕

一个三维医学图像实时可视化系统,4DView能有效地解决三维医学图像可视化及其交互操作实时性不强的问题,在临床诊断、治疗和医学研究等领域中具有极大的应用前景.-4D data exploration,This is an extension of the 3 linked cross-sections of a volumic data to the time domain. It is invoked command-line through a syntax as simple as fn_4Dview(data) or more elaborated as fn_4Dview(Y, clip ,[0 40], 2d , in ,2, time , fifth ,1) . Interesting features are: - mouse-selection of regions of interest (ROI) and plot their time courses - mouse-selection of frames to bin - display of velocity images (quiver) and mesh surfaces available as well - handle transformation between different referentials - specify the clipping - see help for more...
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19kb Publisher : 林夕

FASTGEO 2D/3D Computational Geometry Algorithms Release Version 5.0.1 Author: Arash Partow 1997-2005 Copyright notice: Free use of the FastGEO computational geometry library is permitted under the guidelines and in accordance with the most current version of the Common Public License. Introduction FastGEO is a library that contains a wide range of highly optimized computational geometry algorithms and routines for many different types of geometrical operations such as geometrical primitives and predicates, hull construction, triangulation, clipping, rotations and projections. FastGEO offers a concise, predictable, highly deterministic interface for geometric primitives and complex geometric routines using the Object Pascal language. For more information please visit: FASTGEO 2D/3D Computational Geometry Algorithms Release Version 5.0.1 Author: Arash Partow 1997-2005 Copyright notice: Free use of the FastGEO computational geometry library is permitted under the guidelines and in accordance with the most current version of the Common Public License. Introduction FastGEO is a library that contains a wide range of highly optimized computational geometry algorithms and routines for many different types of geometrical operations such as geometrical primitives and predicates, hull construction, triangulation, clipping, rotations and projections. FastGEO offers a concise, predictable, highly deterministic interface for geometric primitives and complex geometric routines using the Object Pascal language. For more information please visit:
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 648kb Publisher : Grego72

健壮的2D图形剪裁工具可以进行多种操作 例如: 合并,相交等-Very robust 2D geometry clipping tool including operatios as union or intersection
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 27kb Publisher : wanghongliang

2D图形剪裁,显示图形并进行剪裁,代码短小-2D graphics clipping, display graphics and trim, short codes
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 32kb Publisher : zcg

2 dimension clipping
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 33kb Publisher : Rupam
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