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A 2D game engine for C++ and an example : Aero Blasters -A 2D game engine for C and an example : Aero Blasters
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 68kb Publisher : 站长

Symbian OS: 2D Game Engine Example file name: description: This C++ example application shows how to make a portable and efficient 2D game on top of Symbian OS. The application supports different display modes and screen resolutions with both portrait and landscape orientations, and provides some insight into multi-platform development. date of publication: 2005-12-12 type: Example topic: Symbian C++ Games Graphics Multi-Platform Development Nokia 7710 S60 Series 80 2nd Edition Symbian OS language: English (en) media encoding: Zip Archive (zip) compatibility: S60 1st Edition S60 2nd Edition S60 3rd Edition Series 80 2nd Edition Tested on Nokia 3230, Nokia 3650, Nokia 7650, Nokia N-Gage(TM), Nokia N-Gage(TM) QD, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6670, Nokia 7610, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6680, Nokia N71, Nokia N90, Nokia E61, Nokia E70, Panasonic X700, Sendo X, Nokia 9300, Nokia 9500, Nokia 7710 -Symbian OS : 2D Game Engine Example file name : Symbian_OS_2D_Game_Engine_Example_v1_0.z ip description : This application C example shows how to make a po RTABLE and efficient 2D game on top of the Symbian OS . The application supports different display m Odes and screen resolutions with both portrait and landscape orientations. and provides some insight into multi-platform development. date of publication : 2005-12-12 type : Example topic : Symbian C Games Graphics Multi-Platform Devel Doping S60 Nokia 7710 Series 80 2nd Edition Symbian ian OS language : English (en) media encoding : Zip Archive (zip) compatibility : 1st Edition S60 S60 2nd Edition S60 3rd Edition S eries 80 2nd Edition Tested on the Nokia 3230, the Nokia 3650, Nokia 7650, Nokia N-Gage (TM), Nokia N-Gage (TM) QD, Nokia 6
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.03mb Publisher :

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第二人生的崂山游戏2D引擎。带有崂山游戏的demo。引擎与轩辕剑3类似。-second life Laoshan 2D game engine. Laoshan games with the demo. Three engines with a similar X-Men.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.97mb Publisher : muf

PSP上的2D开发库 JGE++ 簡介: PSP上有一個獨立的GPU, 在我們編寫遊戲時, 要是能把有關圖像處理的工作都交給GPU做, 就可以減輕主處理器的很多負擔, 令整體程序的運作, 得到數倍的提升! JGE++ (Jas Game Engine) 就是一個利用GU 庫寫成的2D遊戲引擎, GU庫的原本用途是用作編寫3D遊戲, 我們把它應用在2D遊戲上, 就可以享用硬件加速所帶來的種種好處, 例如運行速度的提升, 混色/半透明色效果, 圖像放大縮小和旋轉等! JGE++ 基本上可以說是一個跨平台遊戲引擎, 寫好的遊戲, 可分別編譯成WINDOWS版和PSP版. JGE++ 在WINDOWS上是用了一個叫HGE 的遊戲引擎 (需要DIRECTX8.0以上) 作為根基. 而PSP版則依然要安裝了PSPSDK才可以編譯. 利用JGE++寫遊戲的好處, 是我們大部份時間可以在WINDOWS上測試和除蟲, 用VC++ 的除蟲功能, 如BREAK POINTS, 可要比在PSP上除蟲方便 n 倍哦! 讨论区: 2D development libraries JGE Profile : PSP is an independent GPU, in our game preparation, if any, can the image processing to the GPU work done on the main processor can alleviate the burden of many, so that the overall process works to be several times higher than the upgrade! JGE ( Jas Game Engine) is a library written using the GU 2D game engine, GU for the original purpose to be used for the preparation of 3D games, we have applied it in 2D games, we can have access to hardware acceleration of the benefits, such as running speed, blending/translucent color effects , image zooming and rotating! JGE be said that it is a cross-platform game engine, the game finished, they can build into Windows version and the PSP. WINDOWS on the JGE is the 1st time a call of the game engine (need
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 58kb Publisher : zb

基于OpenGL的二维游戏引擎,还未最终完成-OpenGL-based 2D game engine, it has not yet finalized
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.81mb Publisher : looping

一个简单的国外才c++ 2D游戏引擎,E文的。-a simple c abroad only 2D game engine, E text.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : ufosky

java2d游戏引擎 Phys2D is a 2D physics engine written in Java (1.4). Currently it is essentially a port and rework of the GDC 2006 presentation from Erin Catto. Current Features: Boxes Circles Static Lines Restituion and Friction Fixed, Elastic and Loose Joints Angluar Velocity/Momentum Simple API Quad Tree Collision Gideon Smeding s Polygon Support Added! Resting Body detection added! (alpha) -java2d game engine Phys2D is a 2D physics engine written in Java (1.4). Currently it is essentially a port and rework of the GDC 2006 presentation from Erin Catto. Current Features: Boxes Circles Static Lines Restituion and Friction Fixed, Elastic and Loose Joints Angluar Velocity/Momentum Simple API Quad Tree Collision Gideon Smeding s Polygon Support Added! Resting Body detection added! (alpha)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 86kb Publisher : zb

2d游戏引擎.很多公司都在用这个开源引擎做2D游戏!-2d game engine. Many companies are using this open-source 2D game engine to do!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21.13mb Publisher : 王安明

DL : 0
impactX Game 2D Engine 2D的游戏引擎 本引擎由清风水波独立开发,以开放源代码方式发布,主要包括 GraphEnine.bas xAudio.cls xGraphPool.cls xInput.cls xShow -impactX Game 2D Engine2D the game engine of the engine independently developed by the breeze Shuibo to release open-source approach, including GraphEnine.basxAudio.clsxGraphPool.clsxInput.clsxShow
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : 芦苇

一个超大规模的2d游戏引擎,现在将它开源,希望大家支持.-A super-scale 2d game engine, will now broaden its sources of revenue, I hope you will support them.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 414kb Publisher : Jhon

一个在VB平台上做RPG游戏的小游戏引擎.-One in the VB platform RPG game to do a small game engine.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 174kb Publisher : crystal

HGE是一个高效的2D游戏引擎,它是完全开源的(基于VC++),授权是慷慨的ZLib License, 任何人可以几乎不受限制的使用它,或基於技术核心开发引擎。 HGE简单的说,就是以3D加速实现2D图像的做法,它的作品可以在很低配置的电脑就能高效运作, 目前,国外人士评价HGE为最好的非商业2D游戏引擎。官方首页: 国内游戏爱好者研究专区 HGE下使用中文的方案-HGE is an efficient 2D game engine, it is completely open source (based on VC++), Authorization is generous ZLib License, any person can be almost unlimited use of it, or the core of the development of technology-based engine. HGE Simply put, is to accelerate the realization of 2D images 3D approach, which works in a very low configuration computer can be highly efficient operation, at present, foreign persons HGE evaluation for the best non-commercial 2D game engine. Official Home: domestic game enthusiasts research area HGE use Chinese program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 952kb Publisher : 吴志强

c#的2d游戏引擎,功能很强大代码很强大 终于传完5个资源了!—_—|-c# the 2d game engine, features a very powerful very powerful code Chuan finally finished the five resources!-_-|
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.62mb Publisher : lizhaolong

DL : 0
vb做的2D游戏引擎,对各功能模块进行分类,可由VB直接调用,精品中的精品-vb to do 2D game engine, the various functional modules for classification, can be directly called VB, quality of products
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 789kb Publisher : ronnie ji

一个基于DirectX的2D游戏引擎,良好的代码风格完整的代码注释,结构清晰,继续上次上传版本的更新,增加粒子系统,增加动画部分,添加了多个演示程序,更新了帮助文档,此代码为个人学习所写,若你下载了代码,发现问题或者你有一些建议,可用409361656@qq.com联系我,GUI部分我只完成了窗口和按钮这个两个控件,基类已经写好了,若你有兴趣的话请自行实现-The DirectX-based 2D game engine, good code style complete code Notes, structural clarity, to continue to upload the last version of the update, increase particle system to increase the animation part, add a number of demo program, updated the help document, this code written for personal study, if you download the code and found that problem or you have some suggestions, contact me available, GUI part of me just finish the windows and buttons of the two controls, the base class has been written If you are interested in having your own implementation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.07mb Publisher : 梁平

关于游戏2d/3d/2.5d引擎概念的教程,据说是泄露版-2d/3d/2.5d the concept of the game engine tutorials, reportedly leaked version
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22.23mb Publisher : 木马斗士

VB 2d游戏引擎模块开发代码VB 2d game engine module development code -VB 2d game engine module development code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 174kb Publisher : io

HGE delphi 版本的2D 游戏引擎(加强版本)支持 d2009 - delphi ex ... 很强大的开源引擎-HGE delphi versions of 2D game engine (enhanced version) support the d2009- delphi ex ... very powerful open source engine
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 257kb Publisher : ROO

java 2D游戏引擎,有例子可以学习使用。-java 2D game engine, there are examples you can learn to use.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.28mb Publisher : 张韶

2d game engine, author: Sung kim from Washington Univerity
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 84kb Publisher : Morton1111
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