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使用互信息进行2D图像自动配准源代码,应用平均互信息-The use of mutual information for automatic registration 2D image source code, the application of the average mutual information
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 226kb Publisher : fh

nonrigid_version10: Registration of two 2D images or 3D volumes both rigid and non-rigid with smooth b-spline grid without landmarks
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 496kb Publisher : zhangxq

非刚性图像配准算例,包括最速梯度下降优化、二次样条、2D/3D配准、互信息最小化、3D仿射等多种配准算法。 非刚性配准是当前应用最多的配准方法,用于处理有较大位移的配准问题-Non-rigid image registration examples, including the steepest gradient descent optimization, quadratic spline, 2D/3D registration, mutual information minimization, 3D affine registration algorithm, etc.. Non-rigid registration is currently the most widely used registration methods used to deal with a greater displacement of registration problems
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 240kb Publisher : zhangji

DL : 0
自己写的角点检测程序,matlab版,来源于2D 3d image registration-Corner detection procedures, matlab version, harris Corner
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : dubingxin

Registration of two 2D/3D images, rigid and with smooth b-spline grid.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 589kb Publisher : yyz

这是一个2D图像互信息配准的程序,其中图像已经导入到matlab中,并形成mat文件,对于学习互信息配准有很大的帮助-2_D image registration based on mutual information
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 167kb Publisher : 林语

interpolates平面图像Z坐标点与习近平,易。 Z是假定被定义在定期间隔1点:1:M,N,N][M,地方=大小(Z)。 如果兮,易建联价值观是图像边界,把外面的NaNs在《紫。 Matlab函数是相似的土著 INTERP2字(Z =、烯、彝族、“线性”、南), 但多的主人。如果Z是矢量阵二维图像三维价值),然后反复讨论,interpolates:Z(:1)、Z(,,)、2)::::Z(,,,3),. .等。这部作品对每个图像interpolate速度比独立,例如 字,(1)::,Z(= INTERP2(1):、:、、烯,易建联) 字,(2):= INTERP2:,(Z(::,2),习近平,易建联) 字,(3)::,Z(= INTERP2,(3)::、、烯,易建联) 额外的速度增益系数从precomputation插值的,这是相同的所有图像。一套图像插值是有用的,如用于图像配准的,当一个人必须interpolate形象和梯度矢量价值或如RGB图像。 局限性:只工作对于图像在一个规则的网格,并且只有在线性插值方法。 出门的时候,可别忘了编译第一: mirt2D_mexinterp.cpp mex 享受吧!多见于我的主页。 - ZI = mirt2D_mexinterp(Z,XI,YI) interpolates 2D image Z at the points with coordinates XI,YI. Z is assumed to be defined at regular spaced points 1:N, 1:M, where [M,N]=size(Z). If XI,YI values are outside the image boundaries, put NaNs in ZI. The function is similar to Matlab s native ZI = INTERP2(Z,XI,YI, linear ,NaN), but is much master. If Z is vector valued 2D image (3D array), then iteratively interpolates Z(:,:,1), Z(:,:,2),Z(:,:,3),.. etc. This works faster than to interpolate each image independently, such as ZI(:,:,1) = INTERP2(Z(:,:,1),XI,YI) ZI(:,:,2) = INTERP2(Z(:,:,2),XI,YI) ZI(:,:,3) = INTERP2(Z(:,:,3),XI,YI) The extra speed gain is from the precomputation of coefficients for interpolation, which are the same for all images. Interpolation of a set of images is useful, e.g. for image registration, when one has to interpolate image and its gradients or for vector valued images such as RGB. Limitations: only works for images on a regular grid,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : abeaqhax

DL : 0
This package provides Matlab code with examples for the non-rigid 2D and 3D image registration. -This package provides Matlab code with examples for the non-rigid 2D and 3D image registration.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.72mb Publisher : wyk

DL : 0
In point set analysis, it is useful to compare 2 sets of points by computing the distance between each possible point pair. For example, this is a required step in the ICP point set registration algorithm. MATLAB s built in function for computing the distance matrix is pdist2. This function does the same thing, but also returns an angle matrix, which is the angle defined by each possible point pair. The limitations of this function are that it only computes the Euclidean distance and it only works in 2D. This function is useful for excluding hypotheses that don t match distance and orientation constraints for object detection in computer vision.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : md adil

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ICP图像配准算法的matlab程序。Robust Registration of 2D and 3D Point Sets-Andrew Fitzgibbon University of Oxford-Robust Registration of 2D and 3D Point Sets-Andrew Fitzgibbon University of Oxford
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 649kb Publisher : 周蓉

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : v.r.s.mani

Demons图像配准程序,含有2D和3D配准功能,MATLAB代码-matlab image registration code demons
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 211kb Publisher : 胡顺波
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