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[Graph DrawingDrawB

Description: 用VC编写的圆弧样条,B样条曲线的绘制程序,在单文档中输入任意点,绘制出点间的圆弧样条曲线与B样条曲线-VC prepared by the arc-like, B-spline curve mapping procedures in a single document input arbitrary point and draw points of the circular spline curves and B-spline curves
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 张sir | Hits:

[OpenGL programGLScene

Description: BCB下的一个插件,用于2D、3D图形设计,游戏开发,语言是OPENGL-BCB under a plug-in for 2D, 3D graphics design, game development, language is OpenGL
Platform: | Size: 1658880 | Author: lxr | Hits:


Description: 使用Java书写的图形学2D程序集合(可以用JCreator3.5编译),程序包括交互式编辑,常用曲线(抛物线,三次参数样条,Beizer,B样条),还有多边形填充,2D旋转和字体示例-written in Java 2D graphics procedures set (which can be used JCreator3.5 compiler), including interactive editing procedures, common curve (parabola, the three parameters of the sample, Beizer, B-Spline), and filled polygon, 2D rotation and font sample
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: 徐林 | Hits:

[2D GraphicGaphics

Description: 我是一名大学的学生,我没有做过很复杂的编程练习,这也是我第一次上传源程序,这次上传的是我做计算机图形学的练习时在WIN-TC环境下所编的一些程序,其中有二维图形的基本变换(平移,旋转,错切,放缩,对称)的动画演示、三维图在二维平面上的消隐图的显示、线条的裁减、抛物线的绘制以及B样条曲线的绘制,程序中有详细的注释,希望对学生朋友们能够有所帮助。-I was a university student, I had not done a very complex programming exercise, This is the first time I upload source. this is the upload computer graphics, I do exercises at the WIN-TC environment prepared by some of the procedures, these are the basic 2D graphics transform (translation, rotation, Shear, Zooming, symmetric) animation demonstration, three-dimensional map of the two-dimensional plane of the hidden map, the lines cut, the parabolic mapping and B-spline curves mapping, detailed procedures of the Notes, and I hope to the students friends to help.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 李好 | Hits:

[Picture Viewerpic

Description: 源码简介: 这是我上图形学实验课时写的程序,实现了以下功能: 第一次作业:(第一课时) 要求:用Bresenham算法画出一个多边形,然后用扫描线填充 第二次作业:(第二课时) 要求:二维空间变换 第三次作业:(第三、四课时) 要求:三维空间变换及投影 第四次作业:(第五,六课时) 要求:Cohen_Sutherland裁剪,梁友栋-Barsky裁剪,裁剪开窗算法,多边形裁剪。 第五次作业:(第七,八课时) 要求:Hermite曲线,Bezier曲线(几何作图算法,分裂法),B样条曲线分段算法。 -Source Description: This is my experiment on the Graphics class to write the procedures, to achieve the following functions: the first operation: (first class) requirements: using Bresenham algorithm to draw a polygon, then the second scan line fill operation: (second class) requirements: the third two-dimensional space transform operation: (third and fourth class) requirements: three-dimensional projection transformation and the fourth operation: (fifth and sixth class) request: Cohen_Sutherland cutting, You-Xin Liang Dong-Barsky Clipping , cutting window algorithm, polygon clipping. Fifth operation: (seventh, eight hours) to request: Hermite curve, Bezier curve (geometric mapping algorithm, secession law), B-spline curve algorithm subparagraph.
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 罗森 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个三次样条插值的.m程序 输入的是一个二维数组A(Nx2) 插值方法为: S(x) = A(J) + B(J)*( x - x(J) ) + C(J)*( x - x(J) )**2 +D(J) * ( x - x(J) )**3 for x(J) <= x < x(J + 1) -This is a cubic spline interpolation. M program input is a two-dimensional array A (Nx2) interpolation method: S (x) = A (J)+ B (J)* (x- x (J ))+ C (J)* (x- x (J))** 2+ D (J)* (x- x (J))** 3 for x (J)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 朱与心 | Hits:

[Special Effectsnonrigid_version10

Description: nonrigid_version10: Registration of two 2D images or 3D volumes both rigid and non-rigid with smooth b-spline grid without landmarks
Platform: | Size: 507904 | Author: zhangxq | Hits:


Description: 简单的无线遥控音乐制作 采用HC2272,HC2262接收, 对应管脚连接: 1、无线遥控部分 D0----P1^0 D1----P1^1 D2----P1^2 D3----P1^3 VT----P3^2 2、显示部分: 74LS48驱动共阴数码管 A-----P3^0 B-----P3^1 C-----P3^2 D-----P3^3 3、蜂鸣器(或喇叭) P3^4 -Easy wireless remote control of music production using HC2272, HC2262 receiver, the corresponding pin connection: 1, wireless remote control part of D0---- P1 ^ 0 D1---- P1 ^ 1 D2---- P1 ^ 2 D3----P1 ^ 3 VT---- P3 ^ 2 2, shows part: 74LS48 drive a total of vaginal digital tube A----- P3 ^ 0 B----- P3 ^ 1 C----- P3 ^ 2 D----- P3 ^ 3 3, buzzer [or horn] P3 ^ 4
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: lmj | Hits:

[Graph DrawingBezier2D

Description: 这是一个用VC写的2D Bezier曲线生成演示程序,可以根据鼠标点击实时生成B曲线。-This is a written with VC to generate 2D Bezier curve demo program can be generated in real time in accordance with the click of a mouse B curve.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: zhouqingrang | Hits:

[Graph Drawingnonrigid_version16

Description: Registration of two 2D/3D images, rigid and with smooth b-spline grid.
Platform: | Size: 603136 | Author: yyz | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsqq

Description: A numerical solution of the 2D wave equation utt = β2 (uxx + uyy) is required over the region R in the x, y plane R = {(x, y)| 0 < x < a, 0 < y < b}-A numerical solution of the 2D wave equation utt = β2 (uxx+ uyy) is required over the region R in the x, y plane R = ((x, y) | 0 < x < a, 0 < y < b)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: liuzhenghao | Hits:

[Data structsduct4

Description: duct.f computes a fully developed viscous laminar flow in a rectangular channel of aspect ratio b/a (=bar). solve the equation: d^2u/dx^2 + d^2u/dy^2 = -1, -a<x<a, -b<y<b method of discretisation: 3-point centered differences method of linear system solution: gauss-seidel + sor -duct.f computes a fully developed viscous laminar flow in a rectangular channel of aspect ratio b/a (=bar). solve the equation: d^2u/dx^2+ d^2u/dy^2 =-1,-a<x<a,-b<y<b method of discretisation: 3-point centered differences method of linear system solution: gauss-seidel+ sor
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Barboy | Hits:

[Game Engineframework

Description: Boy framework from 2D Boy
Platform: | Size: 7900160 | Author: TranKing | Hits:

[Windows DevelopInertiaEngine-0.1.1-bin

Description: InertiaEngine 是一个使用C++编写的2D 刚体物理特性仿真器,可跨平台使用,还包含多边形碰撞检测算法,支持碰撞反应,静态摩擦,动态摩擦。-InertiaEngine is a 2D rigid body physic engine written in C++ and is not OS dependent. It is designed to be very user friendly. It contains also a 2D convex polygon collision detection engine. It supports collision response, static friction, kinetic fric
Platform: | Size: 1746944 | Author: 张玉刚 | Hits:


Description: 二维傅里叶变换,对图像进行二维傅里叶变换处理-Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform The purpose of this project is to develop a 2-D FFT program "package" that will be used in several other projects that follow. Your implementation must have the capabilities to: (a) Multiply the input image by (-1)x+y to center the transform for filtering. (b) Multiply the resulting (complex) array by a real function (in the sense that the the real coefficients multiply both the real and imaginary parts of the transforms). Recall that multiplication of two images is done on pairs of corresponding elements. (c) Compute the inverse Fourier transform. (d) Multiply the result by (-1)x+y and take the real part. (e) Compute the spectrum.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: solo | Hits:

[2D Graphicconvolve2

Description: CONVOLVE2可以用于任何CONV2使用,采取同样的参数并返回一个小的公差范围内同样结果。加速计算是通过使用面膜中的奇异值分解,表示为外产品总结一下。这些都可以有效地计算与行和列向量的卷积。 CONV2是用来从事这项运动。 可分面具是一个特殊情况,并受CONVOLVE2处理多达FILTER2一样。许多不属于其他口罩可分低等级(如Gabor函数口罩),并更有效地处理CONVOLVE2。 该功能也将计算出降秩逼近一个给定的面具如果需要的话,将使用此是否会加速计算。一个额外的参数允许在错误控制。 附加形状选项允许:(一)2 - D“的通知“执行卷积- 也就是说,输入数组被视为周期,而不是零包围 (二)一个“反思“的边界条件- 那就是,输入数组被视为体现了自身的副本包围。 看到 计算机和机器人视觉 第一卷,由R.M. Haralick和L.G.夏皮罗(Addison - Wesley出版1992年),第298-299 -CONVOLVE2 can be used wherever CONV2 is used, taking the same arguments and returning the same results to within a small tolerance. The computation is speeded up by using the singular value decomposition of the mask to express it as a sum of outer products. Each of these can be computed efficiently as convolution with a row and a column vector. CONV2 is used to carry this out. Separable masks are a particular case and are handled by CONVOLVE2 much as FILTER2 does. Many other masks which are not separable have low rank (e.g. Gabor function masks) and are handled more efficiently by CONVOLVE2. The function will also compute a reduced-rank approximation to a given mask if required and will use this if it will speed up the computation. An extra argument allows control over the error. Additional shape options allow: (a) 2-D "circular" convolution to be performed- that is, the input array is taken to be periodic rather than surrounded by zeros (b) a "reflection" boundary c
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: namind | Hits:

[2D GraphicB-spline-approximation

Description: 一个可以将给定2D曲线图像转化为B样条曲线的程序。需要opencv支持 内含程序源码、用户手册、算法原理文档、样例以及结果文档-A simple code about B-spline approximation.
Platform: | Size: 3625984 | Author: sunjing | Hits:

[2D Graphic2D-coloring

Description: 通过选取不同像素,改变R,G,B颜色,实现灰度图像的伪彩色化-Coloring procession to the digital gray image
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: laiwd | Hits:


Description: create B-spline in 2D and 3D space Matlab
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Coming | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsPeriodic_ILB(R-a-B)

Description: The MatLab code uses lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate two phase flows for immiscible fluids (blue & red fluids) in 2D according to the D2Q9 scheme. The model is also referred to as color model or chromodynamic model or ILB (immiscible LB). This MatLab implementation of ILB saves an AVI file in dir_avi= C:\ that records frames generated by the time evolution iterations. The code implements in D2Q9 the model originally developed by Gunstensen [Gunstensen AK, Rothman D. Lattice The MatLab code uses lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate two phase flows for immiscible fluids (blue & red fluids) in 2D according to the D2Q9 scheme. The model is also referred to as color model or chromodynamic model or ILB (immiscible LB). This MatLab implementation of ILB saves an AVI file in dir_avi= C:\ that records frames generated by the time evolution iterations.-The MatLab code uses lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate two phase flows for immiscible fluids (blue & red fluids) in 2D according to the D2Q9 scheme. The model is also referred to as color model or chromodynamic model or ILB (immiscible LB) . This MatLab implementation of ILB saves an AVI file in ' ' dir_avi = ' C: \' ' ' that records frames generated by the time evolution iterations The code implements in D2Q9 the model originally developed by Gunstensen [Gunstensen AK, Rothman D.. Lattice The MatLab code uses lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate two phase flows for immiscible fluids (blue & red fluids) in 2D according to the D2Q9 scheme. The model is also referred to as color model or chromodynamic model or ILB (immiscible LB .) This MatLab implementation of ILB saves an AVI file in ' ' dir_avi = ' C: \' ' ' that records frames generated by the time evolution iterations.
Platform: | Size: 364544 | Author: 许雄文 | Hits:
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