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IP camera的设计文档,很实用,方案也还不错。-IP camera design document, it is useful, the program is also good.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 741kb Publisher : lu

生成3个六面体 长短不一 现实在屏幕中央 用户点击任何一个 会弹出新的窗口 对用户点击的立方体进行仔细观察 可以通过上下左右键进行各个方向的旋转 通过‘s’键 就会退出仔细观察模式 ‘space’键 三个立方体会回到初始的样子 ‘Esc’键 程序关闭-In this problem,some function is already inluded in the problem 1. In the second problem,I also used the function provided by Angel.But I meet some problems in this project,I will talk about later. What I did:  I generate three cuboids by hierarchical modeling and perspective projecting.  And I used picking Ray Casting function which already provided by teacher in my program.So,when you click the cube by your mouse,the cube which you clicked on will generate in another new windows.  You can see the box around by use the keyboard “up”,”down”,”left”,”right”. When you press the “up”and “down”key,the cube will rotate around the X-axis. When you press the “left”and “right”key,the cube will rotate around the Y-axis.  And when you press “s”key,the one-cube exploration type will close,and the original window will come out again.  And under the exploration condition, when you press”space”bar,the one which you picked will update to the original lo
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 133kb Publisher : GE ZHANG
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