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这是一个在对话框中显示图片的程序。可以显示24位或者是32位bmp格式的位图-This is a dialog box shown in the photo process. It shows 24 or 32 bmp format bitmaps
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.62kb Publisher : 小河

DL : 0
一个关于32位图像读取的c#程序,修改后并保存原图。具体的修改部分可以按照需求修改-one of 32 images read the c # procedures, the revised and preserve maximum. Some specific changes can be amended in accordance with demand
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.28kb Publisher : quyq

冒险岛资源提取器 源代码 提取资源图片(32位BMP格式导出) .net2003编译通过-adventure Island for resource extraction from the source code resources Photo (32 BMP format is derived). Net200 3 compile
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 193.32kb Publisher : 李拓

指纹识别中的一个步骤分支点检测的实现,使用的是我个人编写的位图操作类,本位图操作类中的算法组,可以用于所有能够返回具有指针特性图像矩阵的文档操作类库。也就是说通用性很强。算法组还包括指纹识别算法,卷积函数。位图操作类包括的方法有 tmBmp(); tmBmp(const std::string & fname, BYTE clrBit = 8 ,DWORD imW = 256,DWORD imH = 256); virtual ~tmBmp(); //复制构造函数 tmBmp(const tmBmp & bmp); virtual const tmBmp & operator = (const tmBmp & init); //打开位图 virtual bool openBmp(const std::string fname); //另存位图 virtual bool saveBmp(const std::string fname); //保存位图 virtual bool saveBmp(); //创建一幅位clrBit位,宽imw高imH的位图 virtual bool createBmp(const std::string fname,BYTE clrBit,DWORD imW,DWORD imH); //从灰度数组,创建灰度图像 template bool createGrayBmp(T * imArray,DWORD imW,DWORD imH); //释放读入的图像 virtual void releaseBmp(); //获得图像的宽度 DWORD getWidth(); //获得图像的高度 DWORD getHeight(); //获得颜色位数 WORD getClrBit(); //显示位图信息 void showBmpInfo(); //获取调色板某一元素的值,存入RGBQuad bool getRGBQuad(RGBQuad &, BYTE index); //用RGBQuad更改调色板某一元素的值 bool setRGBQuad(RGBQuad &, BYTE index); //重命名位图 void rename(const std::string fname = "新建位图.bmp"); //颜色反转 virtual void reverseColor(); //将一幅图片的像素区,装换为灰度值数组 template bool tranToArray(T * pixelArray); //如果是8位以内的图像本函数为 //在图像上(x,y)处画颜色索引为redPart的点 //对于16,24,32位的图像为 //在图像上(x,y)处画颜色为redPart+greenPart+bluePart的点 //x为行号,y为列号 bool putPixel(DWORD x,DWORD y,BYTE redPart=0,BYTE greenPart=0,BYTE bluePart=0);
Update : 2009-04-09 Size : 15.35kb Publisher : tr0217

将BMP文件转换成32位或16位RGB格式C语言头文件的小工具-to BMP file conversion into 32 or 16 bit RGB format C header files small tools
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 易 容

这是一个在对话框中显示图片的程序。可以显示24位或者是32位bmp格式的位图-This is a dialog box shown in the photo process. It shows 24 or 32 bmp format bitmaps
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : zhaochunhe

以RGBTRIPLE数组数据生成24位位图 以Long数组生成32位位图 数组起点(1,1)-to RGBTRIPLE array data generated 24 Long bitmap array to generate 32 bitmap few Group starting point (1,1)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 吴翔

DL : 0
一个关于32位图像读取的c#程序,修改后并保存原图。具体的修改部分可以按照需求修改-one of 32 images read the c# procedures, the revised and preserve maximum. Some specific changes can be amended in accordance with demand
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : quyq

This program reads a 24bpp, 8bpp or 4bpp Microsoft Windows(TM) .BMP file and converts it into a C structure with the following information: the bitmap width, the bitmap height, the RGB color palette if the bitmap is 8bpp or 4bpp, an array of 32-bit values representing the scaled down (24bpp to 5:5:5 RGB) color values OR an array of 8-bit or 4-bit indices into the palette.-This program reads a 24bpp, 8bpp or 4bpp Microsoft Windows (TM). BMP file and converts it into a C structure with the following information: the bitmap width, the bitmap height, the RGB color palette if the bitmap is 8bpp or 4bpp, an array of 32-bit values representing the scaled down (24bpp to 5:5:5 RGB) color values OR an array of 8-bit or 4-bit indices into the palette.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 45kb Publisher : 赵东

冒险岛资源提取器 源代码 提取资源图片(32位BMP格式导出) .net2003编译通过-adventure Island for resource extraction from the source code resources Photo (32 BMP format is derived). Net200 3 compile
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 374kb Publisher : 李拓

EasyBMPtoAVI is a simple, easy-to-use, cross-platform utility for creating an avi movie file from a series of windows bitmap (BMP) images. Some features: 1) Support for reading all bit-depths supported by EasyBMP. At the present time, this includes 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32-bpp bitmap images. 2) Can create files up to 2GB in size. 3) Output is uncompressed, so you can choose your own compression without loss of quality. 4) Cross-platform compatible (Linux, Unix, Windows, Macintosh, Solaris, ...) 5) Cross-compiler compatible (supports compiling in MS Visual Studio, g++, MinGW, Intel s icc, and the lousy Borland compiler) 6) Easy user interface even helps you if you forget to specify crucial information. 7) Endian-safe as of Version 0.52, so it will work on things like PowerPC, Sparc, etc. 8) 64-bit compatible if you compile with EasyBMP -EasyBMPtoAVI is a simple, easy-to-use, cross-platform utility for creating an avi mov ie file from a series of windows bitmap (BMP) ima celebrated. Some features : 1) Support for reading all bit-depths supporte d by EasyBMP. At the present time, this includes 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32-bpp bitmap images. 2) Can create files up to 2GB in size. 3) Output is uncompressed. so you can choose your own compression without l oss of quality. 4) Cross-platform compatible ( Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac, Solaris, ...) 5) Cross-compatible compiler (c supports ompiling in MS Visual Studio, g, MinGW. Intel's icc. and the lousy Borland compiler) 6) Easy user int erface even helps you if you forget to specify cr ucial information. 7) Endian-safe as of Versio n 0.52, so it will work on things like the PowerPC
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : deeply2000

DameWare DBtnMap ActiveX component is a 32-bit custom control for use with Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Web pages or any environment that can host ActiveX controls. DBtnMap will allow any picture file (.JPG, .GIF, .BMP, TIFF, etc.) type supported, to be used as an Image Map. This functionality works identically to an Image Map created for a Web page. DBtnMap supports RECT, CIRCLE and POLY types for the Image Map. DBtnMap utilizes unique animation characteristics with fly-by/hover and click features for each object type specified within the Image Map. Another distinguishing feature available within DBtnMap is sound support. DBtnMap has several properties including PictureFile, SoundClick and SoundHover. Each of these sound properties can be customized from within your application, or Web page to point to your own sound file(s) (.WAV).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 93kb Publisher : fwh

DL : 0
FCDib封装DIB操作的类;FCDibEffect 32Bit-DIB特效处理; FCImage图像文件处理操作,支持Jpg, Gif, Bmp, Pcx, Tga, Png格式;FCLzwLZW算法编/解码类。RLE算法 RLE算法编/解码。-DIB operation FCDib package type FCDibEffect 32Bit-DIB treatment effects FCImage image file handling operations in support of Jpg, Gif, Bmp, Pcx, Tga, Png format FCLzwLZW algorithm for encoding/decoding type. RLE algorithm RLE algorithm encoder/decoder.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 869kb Publisher : 王群

linux下开源图片codec,可显示png,jpg,bmp等,还可交叉编译,在ARM平台运行。-This is a image viewer for framebuffer devices. It is quick & dirty hacked off a svgalib PhotoCD viewer. This background is the reason for a few limits: * It can handle the usual VGA graphics modes only, i.e. packed pixels with 8 bpp pseudocolor and 16/24/32 bpp truecolor/directcolor * It was designed to handle photos. It can display paletted images (i.e. GIF) too, but not very well. On 8 bit displays you ll get dithered images... It has PhotoCD, jpeg, ppm, gif, tiff, xwd, bmp and png support buildin. Unknown formats are piped throuth convert (ImageMagick), which hopefully can handle it... If you run it with-h, it will print a short description. I ve tested this on i386 (matroxfb) and ppc (atyfb).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 90kb Publisher : 张洪

将32位bmp图象转换为16位bmp图象 VC-convert 32 bit bmp graphics to 16 bit
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : zzw

32位bmp提取出16位数据:每个16位像素的字节的数据用逗号隔开,保持为txt文件。-32-bit bmp extract 16-bit data: 16 bits per pixel of data bytes separated by commas, to keep the txt file.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : sifei

自己写的MFC写的BMP图象处理程序,实现反色,直方图等简单的图象处理,同时支持8位,16位,32位BMP的变换,简单易懂,适合初学者.-Write your own MFC write BMP image processing procedures, to achieve the anti-color, histogram and other simple image processing, while supporting 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit BMP transformation, simple and easy to understand for beginners.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.62mb Publisher : wei

32或24位BMP图像转换压缩成成jpg图像-32 or 24-bit compressed BMP image is converted into a jpg image
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 414kb Publisher : 林西

DL : 0
ImageJ是一個基於java的公共的圖像處理軟件,它是由National Institutes of Health開發的。可運行於Microsoft Windows,Mac OS,Mac OS X,Linux,和Sharp Zaurus PDA等多種平台。其基於java的特點, 使得它編寫的程序能以applet等方式分發。 ImageJ能夠顯示,編輯,分析,處理,保存,打印8位,16位,32位的圖片, 支持TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS等多種格式。ImageJ支持圖像棧功能,即在一個窗口里以多線程的形式層疊多個圖像, 并行處理。只要內存允許,ImageJ能打開任意多的圖像進行處理。除了基本的圖像操作, 比如縮放,旋轉, 扭曲, 平滑處理外,ImageJ還能進行圖片的區域和像素統計, 間距,角度計算, 能創建柱狀圖和剖面圖,進行傅里葉變換。 -ImageJ is a java-based image processing software in public, it is by the National Institutes of Health developed. Can run on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Mac OS X, Linux, and the Sharp Zaurus PDA and many other platforms. The characteristics of their java-based, making it able to write programs applet, etc. distributed. ImageJ can display, edit, analyze, process, save and print 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit images, support for TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS and many other formats. ImageJ supports image stack functions, namely, a window in the form of multi-threaded Cascading multiple images, parallel processing. As long as memory allows, ImageJ can open any number of images for processing. In addition to the basic image manipulation, such as scaling, rotation, distortion, smoothing things, ImageJ can be a picture of regional and pixel statistics, spacing, angle calculation, can create histograms and profiles, the Fourier transform.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.28mb Publisher : 王人富

DL : 0
在Linux环境中利用framebuffer设备显示bmp图像,针对显示器设备为1024*768 32位色深的(vga=833)-In the Linux environment, using framebuffer device display bmp images for display devices 1024* 768 32-bit color depth (vga = 833)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 776kb Publisher : liuxiaowen
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