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OpenGL是美国SGI公司最新推出的一套开放式的三维图形软件接口,适用于广泛的计算机环境,从个人计算机到工作站,OpenGL都能实现高性能的三维图形功能。OpenGL本身不仅提供对简单图元的操作和控制,还提供了许多函数用于复杂物体的建模。但是,我们通常喜欢使用AutoCAD和3DS及3Dmax等工具来建立模型,并且我们已经有了很多这样的模型,那么我们如何才能资源共享,避免重复劳动呢?利用CAD图形标准数据交换格式—DXF格式,我们就能很容易地实现资源共享,而不需要重复建模。 -SGI OpenGL is the company's new open-3D graphics software interface, applied to a wide range of computing environments, from the personal computer workstations, can achieve high-performance OpenGL 3D graphics capabilities. OpenGL itself not only provide simple graph yuan to the operation and control, but also provides many functions for complex object modeling. However, we usually prefer to use AutoCAD and 3DS max and tools to build models, and we have many such models, then how can we share resources and avoid duplication of work? CAD graphics standard data exchange format - DXF format, we can easily share resources, without the need to repeat modeling.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 58kb Publisher : 孙长叹

OpenGL是美国SGI公司最新推出的一套开放式的三维图形软件接口,适用于广泛的计算机环境,从个人计算机到工作站,OpenGL都能实现高性能的三维图形功能。OpenGL本身不仅提供对简单图元的操作和控制,还提供了许多函数用于复杂物体的建模。但是,我们通常喜欢使用AutoCAD和3DS及3Dmax等工具来建立模型,并且我们已经有了很多这样的模型,那么我们如何才能资源共享,避免重复劳动呢?利用CAD图形标准数据交换格式—DXF格式,我们就能很容易地实现资源共享,而不需要重复建模。 -SGI OpenGL is the company's new open-3D graphics software interface, applied to a wide range of computing environments, from the personal computer workstations, can achieve high-performance OpenGL 3D graphics capabilities. OpenGL itself not only provide simple graph yuan to the operation and control, but also provides many functions for complex object modeling. However, we usually prefer to use AutoCAD and 3DS max and tools to build models, and we have many such models, then how can we share resources and avoid duplication of work? CAD graphics standard data exchange format- DXF format, we can easily share resources, without the need to repeat modeling.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 58kb Publisher : 孙长叹

研究在普通的PC机下开发高质量的视景仿真系统。在Window X P系统下 , 以Vi s u a l C ++为开发平台, 利用 O p e n GL和 3 D S MA X, 运用面向对象编程的思想, 采用 Wi n 3 2 Ap p l i c a t i o n的编程方法。首先介绍了 Op e n G L及如何利 用 它生成地面和天空 。采用 Op e n GL函数进行摄像漫游和调入 由 3 DS MAX绘 制的 3 DS模型 , 较好 地解决了用 Op e n GL 绘 制复杂图形的困难性 。-Research in the ordinary PC-developed high-quality visual simulation system. In Window XP system, to Vi sual C++ For the development platform, using O pen GL and 3 DS MA X, use the idea of object-oriented programming, using Wi n 3 2 Ap plication programming method. First introduced Op en GL and how to use it to generate the ground and the sky. Op en GL function used for roaming camera and transferred to 3 DS MAX rendering from the 3 DS model, solved using Op en GL rendering complex graphics difficulty.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 148kb Publisher : 何阿瑟

最终幻想X里的20个人物的3d模型。用3d max做的-Final Fantasy X s 20 personal objects of the 3d model. Done with 3d max
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.15mb Publisher : 白天

本书深入浅出、系统全面地介绍了最新版本的三维动画设计软件3D Studio MAX 3的操作方法和动画设计技巧。本书内容涉及3D Studio MAX 3的工作环境、设计概念和基础、建模、材质与贴图、灯光和摄像机、环境气氛的营造、粒子系统、常用动画技巧总结、关键帧与轨迹视图设置、动画控制器等,还专门讨论了正向运动与反向运动、角色行走动画的制作和Video Post动画合成技术,并提供了三维造型和动画设计的实例。 本书内容翔实、结构清晰、叙述简洁、图例丰富,适合于各类3D Studio MAX 3用户阅读,也可供其他从事三维设计和多媒体开发的人员参考。 -This book in layman s language, systematic and comprehensive introduction to the latest version of three-dimensional animation design software, 3D Studio MAX 3 animation of the operation and design skills. Book cover 3D Studio MAX 3 of the working environment, and basic design concepts, modeling, materials and textures, lights and cameras, creating the atmosphere, particle systems, animation techniques commonly used summary of the key frame and set the track view, animation controller and so on, are also devoted to the movement and reverse movement, the role of walking animation Animation Video Post production and synthesis technology, and provides three-dimensional modeling and animation examples. Informative book, the structure of clear and concise narrative, rich in legend, is suitable for all types of 3D Studio MAX 3 users to read, but also for other multi-media to engage in three-dimensional design and development of reference.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21.06mb Publisher : steven

3dmax插件编程的资料和带的例子代码, 可以在这个基础上写自己的插件-3dmax plug-in programming with the information and examples of code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 264kb Publisher : jared

IT s all about 3d modelling with 3d studio max
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 59kb Publisher : moh

DL : 0
JPCT写的读取3Ds Max文件的一个案例。JPCT是Java的一个3D开发引擎,提供网络游戏和应用程序的3D编程。-PCT is a solution for browser based games and applications as well as for OpenGL accelerated ones. It offers a software (Java 1.1 compatible, will work even on the MS-VM) and a hardware renderer (Java 1.4 or higher required). It integrates nicely into Swing/AWT but may also render into a native OpenGL window. jPCT has been developed with ease of use and small size in mind. The API s jar-file is only around 240KB in size. jPCT can be used free of charge for private and commercial games and applications.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : krime

OpenGL是近几年发展起来的一个性能卓越的三维图形标准,它是在SGI等多家世界闻名的计算机公司的倡导下,以SGI的GL三维图形库为基础制定的一个通用共享的开放式三维图形标准。目前,包括Microsoft、SGI、IBM、DEC、SUN、HP等大公司都采用了OpenGL做为三维图形标准,许多软件厂商也纷纷以OpenGL为基础开发出自己的产品,其中比较著名的产品包括动画制作软件Soft Image和3D Studio MAX、仿真软件Open Inventor、VR软件World Tool Kit、CAM软件ProEngineer、GIS软ARC/INFO等等。值得一提的是,随着Microsoft公司在Windows NT和最新的Windows 95中提供了OpenGL标准及OpenGL三维图形加速卡的推出,OpenGL将在微机中有广泛地应用,同时也为广大用户提供了在微机上使用以前只能在高性能图形工作站上运行的各种软件的机会。 -OpenGL is a recently developed three-dimensional graphics performance standards, it is in the SGI and many other world-famous computer company s initiative to SGI s GL-based three-dimensional graphics library share a common set of open three-dimensional graphics standards. Present, including Microsoft, SGI, IBM, DEC, SUN, HP and other large companies have adopted as a three-dimensional graphics standard OpenGL, many software vendors have to develop their own OpenGL-based products, the more well-known products include animation Soft Image software, and 3D Studio MAX, simulation software, Open Inventor, VR software, World Tool Kit, CAM software, ProEngineer, GIS software ARC/INFO and so on. It is worth mentioning that, with the Microsoft Corporation in the Windows NT and the latest available in Windows 95 OpenGL OpenGL standard and the introduction of three-dimensional graphics accelerator card, OpenGL will be widely used in computer, but also to provide customers in the microcomputers p
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 622kb Publisher : LPFU

3D max 脚本.用于max脚本编写。不是很NB,但是可以学习下。-3D max script. For max scripting. Not very NB, but you can learn the next.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher : 徐英唐

Computer Graphics: The geometry of the shape must be defined by implicit functions. You must use in the function script at least one set-theoretic intersection, one union and one difference operations implemented using min / max functions. Using symbols of these operations ( | and & ) is not allowed. The geometry of the shape must be created using at least one ellipsoid, cylinder, cone, box, and blobby object. A 3D texture defined by an explicit displacement function has to be applied to the shape. The color of the shape must vary across the shape’s surface and be defined by parametric functions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : yanqing

注册,注册机,3d s,3dmax,3ds max-Registration, RI, 3d, 3ds, 3dmax, 3ds max
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 316kb Publisher : ggxxggfdfafda
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