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Description: 3D Transforms Demonstration Program. Requires Turbo C Version 1.5. Project file should contain the line DEMO3D.C GRAPHICS.LIB 3D.LIB DRIVERS.LIB The library directory must include 3D.LIB and GRAPHICS.LIB, and the include directory must include 3D.H. DRIVERS.LIB must be created by converting the .BGI files to .OBJ files (using the BGIOBJ utility in Turbo C version 1.5) and collecting them in a library (using TLIB). The program displays a cube, a tetrahedron, and an octahedron in three dimensions. Each figure is rotated about a different axis.
Platform: | Size: 77768 | Author: 邵长青 | Hits:

[Other resource3dtrans

Description: 产生脉冲流密度为百万的雷达脉冲,可以对信号进行能够仿真达到给出测试的信号源环境
Platform: | Size: 6710 | Author: leon | Hits:

[OpenGL program3DTrans

Description: 此代码主要实现了计算机图形学中的3D变换,和大家一起分享
Platform: | Size: 94696 | Author: 武玉伟 | Hits:

[OpenGL program3DTRANS

Description: 这是OpenGL高级编程与可视化系统开发(系统开发篇)源码
Platform: | Size: 64246 | Author: cai4498327 | Hits:


Description: 3D Transforms Demonstration Program. Requires Turbo C Version 1.5. Project file should contain the line DEMO3D.C GRAPHICS.LIB 3D.LIB DRIVERS.LIB The library directory must include 3D.LIB and GRAPHICS.LIB, and the include directory must include 3D.H. DRIVERS.LIB must be created by converting the .BGI files to .OBJ files (using the BGIOBJ utility in Turbo C version 1.5) and collecting them in a library (using TLIB). The program displays a cube, a tetrahedron, and an octahedron in three dimensions. Each figure is rotated about a different axis.
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: 邵长青 | Hits:

[Data structs3dtrans

Description: 产生脉冲流密度为百万的雷达脉冲,可以对信号进行能够仿真达到给出测试的信号源环境-Have a pulse current density for the millions of radar pulse, the signal can reach is given to simulation test signal source environment
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: | Hits:

[OpenGL program3DTrans

Description: 此代码主要实现了计算机图形学中的3D变换,和大家一起分享-This code mainly achieved in the 3D computer graphics transform, and the community together to share
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: 武玉伟 | Hits:

[OpenGL program3DTRANS

Description: 这是OpenGL高级编程与可视化系统开发(系统开发篇)源码 -This is a high-level programming with OpenGL visualization system development (system development articles) source
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: cai4498327 | Hits:


Description: 图形学试验 图形学试验-Graphics Graphics Test Test Test Graphics
Platform: | Size: 143360 | Author: 洗手间 | Hits:


Description: 实现三维图像的平移,放缩,镜像,错切变换。用vc++6.0实现-The realization of three-dimensional image of the pan, zoom, mirror, shear transformation. Using vc++6.0 to achieve
Platform: | Size: 4642816 | Author: xuhang75 | Hits:

[3D Graphic4-3Dtrans

Description: 可以通过鼠标对图像进行三维变换。具有交互功能。-By mouse on the images of three-dimensional transformation. With interactive features.
Platform: | Size: 181248 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 3D Space Coordinate Transformations This folder contains 3 files (m-functions) : - t2x.m Transformation Matrix to Generalized Position Vector. - x2t.m Generalized Position Vector to Transformation Matrix. - m2m.m Mass/Inertia Tensor transformation with coordinate change. In the Generalized Position Vector the orientation can be expressed with: - unit quaternion, - Euler angles xyz (roll, pitch, and yaw), - Euler angles zyz (rotation, precession, and mutation), - unit vector and rotation angle, - Denavitt-Hartemberg parameters. Conversion between the above orientation systems can be easily achieved. The three files work independently on each other, but since they work on the same objects it is somewhat useful to keep them in the same folder. - 3D Space Coordinate Transformations This folder contains 3 files (m-functions) : - t2x.m Transformation Matrix to Generalized Position Vector. - x2t.m Generalized Position Vector to Transformation Matrix. - m2m.m Mass/Inertia Tensor transformation with coordinate change. In the Generalized Position Vector the orientation can be expressed with: - unit quaternion, - Euler angles xyz (roll, pitch, and yaw), - Euler angles zyz (rotation, precession, and mutation), - unit vector and rotation angle, - Denavitt-Hartemberg parameters. Conversion between the above orientation systems can be easily achieved. The three files work independently on each other, but since they work on the same objects it is somewhat useful to keep them in the same folder.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: kiyoung | Hits:

[3D Graphic3DTRANS

Description: Implementation of 3D Transformation-Implementation of 3D Transformation
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Hemanshu | Hits:


Description: 3D Space Coordinate Transformations
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: souheib | Hits:

[3D Graphic3DTrans

Description: 运用了Opengl和MFC的结合,编程实现可以三维的坐标变化,-Changes in three-dimensional coordinates can be achieved
Platform: | Size: 1259520 | Author: yly | Hits:

[OpenGL program3dtrans

Description: 经常用到的三维变换例子Frequently used three-dimensional transform example
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: lxxz10 | Hits:


Description: 使用GDI实现的三维图形变换,程序使用几何变换矩阵、视变换矩阵、投影矩阵、视窗矩阵等操作图形,在原理上能够体现计算机图形学图形变换方面的知识-GDI achieved transform 3D graphics, the program uses the geometric transformation matrix as the transform matrix, projection matrix, the matrix of the window operation graphics, in principle, to reflect the knowledge of computer graphics graphics transformation
Platform: | Size: 7077888 | Author: sinstar | Hits:


Description: 二维图形的几何变换(平移,旋转,对称,错切等),投影变换(平行投影,透视投影),三维图形变换(平移,比例,旋转),是个非常好的例子-2D geometry transformation (translation, rotation, symmetry, shear, etc.), projection transformation (parallel projection, perspective projection), three-dimensional graphics transformation (translation, scale, rotation), is a very good example
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: 李飞吾 | Hits:

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