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[WEB Codemesh

Description: 在分析三维STL文件格式数据结构的基础上,分析了建立拓扑结构的优点并提出了建立拓扑结构关系的方法 ,并建立了快速优化分层算法,从而大大提高了铸件三维有限差分网格自动剖分的速度和效率,开发了能适用于任意 复杂铸件形体的三维网格剖分程序,通过实际应用证明了程序的实用性。-the analysis of 3D STL file format data structure on the basis of Analysis of the establishment of topological structure and the advantages of the establishment of relations between the topological structure, and the establishment of a rapid hierarchical optimization algorithm, thus greatly improving the casting 3D finite difference Automatic Mesh Generation for the speed and efficiency developed can be applied to arbitrary physical Castings complex 3D Mesh Generation procedures, through the practical application of the procedures to prove the practicality.
Platform: | Size: 67117 | Author: chen ru | Hits:

[Grid ComputingSimplifier

Description: 一个读三维网格的程序 *.tm后缀的,可以自己定义-a 3D mesh procedures*. TM extension, their own definition
Platform: | Size: 3295232 | Author: 王知恩 | Hits:

[3D GraphicLoadMesh

Description: direct 3d载入地图模型的例子,非常适合初学者学习。-direct 3d model of printed maps example, very suitable for beginners to learn.
Platform: | Size: 624640 | Author: 李洪斌 | Hits:

[OpenGL programthreedmesh

Description: 为了实现图像处理的需要,实现二维图像的三维显示,于是写了本代码,希望与此有兴趣的读者共享。图像的获取一是bmp图像文件,二是来自剪贴板。本代码在MFC中调用OpenGL库函数来实现二维图像的三维显示,图像的宽度、高度和象素的亮度分别为三维空间的x,z,y坐标。程序主要有初始化、绘图、资源释放和操作部分,这些功能在OGL_MFCView.cpp文件中实现。OpenGL库的初始化在该文件中的OnCreate,InitScene和DrawScene函数中实现,主要初始化OpenGL运行时的环境变量,三维物体的光照,材质等,由于介绍OpenGL库的初始化的文档很多,在这里我就不多说了,感兴趣的读者可以参考有关的文档。在DrawScene函数中调用全局函数GLDraw3DBMP完成绘图部分。 编译源代码时,必须把opengl32.lib glu32.lib链到工程中。 可以通过对话框改变材质。按上下箭头键可以实现三维图像的绕x轴旋转,按左右箭头键可以实现三维图像绕z轴旋转。 本代码在Windows2000下编译通过。-image processing in order to achieve the necessary two-dimensional realization of the three-dimensional images, then wrote the code, with the readers are interested in sharing. Image Access First bmp image files, two from the clipboard. The MFC code Calling OpenGL library functions to achieve the three-dimensional two-dimensional image display, image width, height and pixel brightness of the three-dimensional space x, z, y coordinates. Main initialization procedures, mapping, the release of resources and operation, the function of these documents OGL_MFCView.cpp achieve. OpenGL library initialization of the documents, the OnCreate, InitScene DrawScene function and the realization of the main initialization OpenGL runtime environment variables, 3D objects light, material, and as such introd
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: 周立 | Hits:

[3D Graphic3dSimplifier

Description: 一个浙江大学教授写的三维网格简化的源代码,用的是能量误差算法!-a professor of Zhejiang University wrote 3D mesh simplification of the source code, using the energy error algorithm!
Platform: | Size: 815104 | Author: wuhanwangtao | Hits:

[OpenGL programmesh

Description: 三维图形生成和察看工具,使用VC++ 6.0和OpenGL开发-3D graphics generation and inspect tools, VC 6.0 and OpenGL development
Platform: | Size: 3893248 | Author: MC | Hits:

[OpenGL programskeleton_view_src

Description: 很酷的openGL例程,教你如何载mesh,并控制,这可是难得的3d动画例程。-cool routines, set to teach you how to mesh and control, But this rare 3d animation routines.
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: 刘厚义 | Hits:

[3D GraphicMarchCube

Description: MatchCube 三维网格数据等值表面重构算法。使用查表方式进行。-MatchCube 3D mesh surface contour data reconstruction algorithm. The use of look-up table method.
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: 谭昌勇 | Hits:


Description: VC++ 实现图形处理,二维、3D-VC graphics, 2D and 3D
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: QIN | Hits:


Description: Direct3D中使用网格模型------复杂的几何模型通常是由3D建模软体创建并保存到文件中。例如.x文件就是这样的一种格式,Microsoft Direct3D使用的网格模型都是载入这些文件中的对象。-use Direct3D mesh------ complex geometrical model is usually 3D Modeling software creation and preservation of documents. For example. X document is such a format, Microsoft Direct3D use of mesh are stored in the object file.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: weiguian | Hits:

[OpenGL program3dsftk3

Description: 3ds file format library.autodesk的官方读写3ds的库.文档俱全(各种函数均有详细的介绍),是读3ds的超级好库.(可以读取3ds中的mesh信息,动画信息,light信息等等,一应俱全啊)-3ds file format library.autodesk official literacy 3d 's libraries. Documentation is complete (all functions are described in detail) Reading 3 ds is a super good library. (3 ds can read the information mesh, animation information, light information, etc., in place ah)
Platform: | Size: 929792 | Author: liwen | Hits:

[3D Graphic3Dgrid

Description: 3D网格效果 -3D mesh grid 3D effect effect effect 3D mesh grid 3D effect
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: 王丹 | Hits:


Description: 在分析三维STL文件格式数据结构的基础上,分析了建立拓扑结构的优点并提出了建立拓扑结构关系的方法 ,并建立了快速优化分层算法,从而大大提高了铸件三维有限差分网格自动剖分的速度和效率,开发了能适用于任意 复杂铸件形体的三维网格剖分程序,通过实际应用证明了程序的实用性。-the analysis of 3D STL file format data structure on the basis of Analysis of the establishment of topological structure and the advantages of the establishment of relations between the topological structure, and the establishment of a rapid hierarchical optimization algorithm, thus greatly improving the casting 3D finite difference Automatic Mesh Generation for the speed and efficiency developed can be applied to arbitrary physical Castings complex 3D Mesh Generation procedures, through the practical application of the procedures to prove the practicality.
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: chen ru | Hits:

[Game Engine3D.x

Description: Mesh网络开发语言C++,Direct3D-Mesh network development language C++, Direct3D
Platform: | Size: 439296 | Author: 郑康臣 | Hits:

[3D GraphicPlyViewer(DirectX)

Description: 3D mesh model view, with directx 9.0 and another with openGL, you can compare the differences between them
Platform: | Size: 3586048 | Author: 吕雪梅 | Hits:


Description: draw 2D and 3D basic graph with visual C++!
Platform: | Size: 3644416 | Author: roseamy | Hits:

[Technology Management(D)MeshScissoringContour-basedMeshSegmentation

Description: 韩国Yunjin Lee的博士论文,包含了她读博期间的主要研究成果,包括Mesh Scissoring: Contour-Based Segmentation,Mesh Parameterization Using Virtual Boundaries,Geometric Snakes for 3D Meshes,Mean Shift for 3D Meshes-Yunjin Lee Korean doctoral dissertation, including during her读博the main research results, including Mesh Scissoring: Contour-Based Segmentation, Mesh Parameterization Using Virtual Boundaries, Geometric Snakes for 3D Meshes, Mean Shift for 3D Meshes
Platform: | Size: 15369216 | Author: JinYao | Hits:


Description: 3D网格绘制正方体案例,运用MESH来实现。-3D grid mapping cube cases, the use of MESH to achieve.
Platform: | Size: 2269184 | Author: 李航 | Hits:

[Industry research3D-mesh-compression

Description: Technologies for 3D mesh compression A survey
Platform: | Size: 762880 | Author: shizhe | Hits:

[OpenGL program3D-Mesh-Viewer

Description: 3d mesh viewer opengl -3d mesh viewer opengl
Platform: | Size: 11668480 | Author: gun | Hits:
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