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三星44b0的测试程序, C语言代码主要是应用代码,包括: 设置使用指令缓存; 修改系统主时钟为32MHz; IO端口功能、方向设定; 初始化中断; 初始化DMF50081液晶模块; 蜂鸣器测试; 液晶显示测试; LED输出测试; 定时器、PWM测试等; -Samsung 44b0 testing procedures, C language code is the main application code, including : the establishment of the use of directives cache; Main changes to the system clock of 32 MHz; IO port functions, set direction; Initialization interruption; Initialization DMF50081 LCD module; The buzzer sounded testing; LCD test; LED output test; Timer, PWM testing;
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 18.07kb Publisher : wohulf

44b0的PWM脉宽调制软件,包含44B0的上电初始化。开发环境为ADS1.2-44b0 PWM pulse width modulation software, including the electricity 44B0 initialization. Development Environment for ADS1.2
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 96.45kb Publisher : zhouzhiguang

ARM7 44B0的PWM程序,是周立功的测试程序
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 79.75kb Publisher : liliang

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 90.1kb Publisher : will

S3C44B0X 开发板PWM Demo程序,主要是测试了PWN的功能,可以做为通用程序-S3C44B0X development board PWM Demo procedures, the test is mainly OWN function can be used as a general program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 76kb Publisher : 冯海东

基於S3C44B0X上的各種範例,可以實驗IDE,PWM,USB,LED...etc。對於初學嵌入式系統者有很大助益。-S3C44B0X based on the model can experiment IDE, PWM, USB, etc. LED .... For beginners embedded systems are very useful.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 779kb Publisher : 吳中億

三星公司的S3C44B0X开发板的配套光盘的PWM实验源程序-Samsung's S3C44B0X development boards supporting experimental discs PWM source
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 68kb Publisher : 孟繁雪

1. beep -- PWM测试 为 ADS1.2 下编译的项目, 在sdt2.51的ADW里调试,该程序运行后在57600的超级终端里按PC机键盘的“+”“-” 按键,可以听到BUZZ增大减小的声音。 2. key -- 按键测试 为 SDT2.51 下编译的项目, 在sdt2.51的ADW里调试,该程序运行后按FS44B0X上的按键key1 key2 key3 key4 相应的发光二极管亮 3 keyint -- 按键中断测试 该项目在SDT2.51下编译调试。主程序是while空循环,中断服务程序对应四个按键做相应的处理,key1 按键点亮D1灯,并在串口打印信息,因为没有加按键去抖动程序,所以,一次按键,产生几次中断。 -1. Beep-- PWM ADS1.2 testing for the project under the Build, in the ADW sdt2.51 Lane debugging, after running the 57,600 in the Super Terminal Lane by PC keyboard "" "-" buttons, Buzz can be increased to reduce heard voices. 2. Key-- SDT2.51 key test for the project under the Build, in the ADW sdt2.51 Lane debugging, after running the program on the button FS44B0X key1 key2 key3 key4 corresponding LED top-three keyint-- interrupted test button in the project under the Build SDT2.51 debugging. While space is the main program cycle, interrupt service routine correspondence four keys handled accordingly. key1 D1 lights lit keys, and Serial Print information, because no buttons to increase jitter, and therefore, a button. several have interrupted.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 495kb Publisher : 张淼林

PWM测试程序,运行后通过控制超级终端可以改变频率值及改变发声。-PWM testing procedures after running through control of the Super Terminal can change frequency audible and change.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 76kb Publisher : 李凌

DL : 0
ARM 44b0x的PWM完整源代码,并且已经调试通过-ARM 44b0x PWM complete source code, and debugging has been adopted
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 78kb Publisher :

三星44b0的测试程序, C语言代码主要是应用代码,包括: 设置使用指令缓存; 修改系统主时钟为32MHz; IO端口功能、方向设定; 初始化中断; 初始化DMF50081液晶模块; 蜂鸣器测试; 液晶显示测试; LED输出测试; 定时器、PWM测试等; -Samsung 44b0 testing procedures, C language code is the main application code, including : the establishment of the use of directives cache; Main changes to the system clock of 32 MHz; IO port functions, set direction; Initialization interruption; Initialization DMF50081 LCD module; The buzzer sounded testing; LCD test; LED output test; Timer, PWM testing;
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 98kb Publisher : wohulf

压缩包里包含有JX44B0教学实验系统用户手册及该系统的全套试验例程,用c编写,在ADT环境下编译后下载到 实验板即可执行,是学习arm开发的有用例程 源文件说明 Leddemo LED显示实验 Led LED 显示实验 Serial 串口实验 Interrupt 外部中断实验 Dma DMA实验 Pwm PWM实验 Rtc 实时时钟实验 Watchdog 看门狗实验 Ad AD 采样实验 Stepper 步进电机驱动实验实验 Key 键盘驱动实验 Dispchar 汉字字符显示实验 Dispgraph 图形显示实验 Iic IIC 总线实验 Tftp TFTP 文件传输实验 Usb USB 数据传输实验 Iis 立体声录放音实验 Touch 触摸屏驱动实验 cf CF卡实验 ide IDE硬盘接口驱动实验 parallel 并行打印机接口通讯实验 Ucos-ii UCOS-II实验:Eg1, Eg2, Eg3, Eg4 gprs GPRS相关实验(主叫实验,被叫实验,收短信实验和发短信实验) gps GPS实验-compressed bundle includes JX44B0 experimental teaching system and the user manual system is the set of test routines. c prepared with the ADT environment compiled plate downloaded to experiment can be executed, Learning is the development arm of useful routines source document shows Leddemo experimental Led LED Display LED Display Serial Experimental Serial Experimental Interrupt external interrupt experimental Dma DMA experimental Pwm PW M Experiment Rtc real time clock experiments Watchdog experimental Ad watchdog AD sampling experiments Stepper Stepper motor drive Experimental Experimental Experimental Key Keyboard Driver Dispchar Chinese characters experimental Dispg raph graphics experimental Iic IIC bus experiment Tftp TFTP file transfer experiments Usb USB Experimental data transmi
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.83mb Publisher : kl.ud

DL : 0
44b0的PWM脉宽调制软件,包含44B0的上电初始化。开发环境为ADS1.2-44b0 PWM pulse width modulation software, including the electricity 44B0 initialization. Development Environment for ADS1.2
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : zhouzhiguang

可以对自己开发基于S3C44B0X的PWM控制电路起到很好的借鉴!-ourselves on the development based on S3C44B0X PWM control circuit and play a very good reference!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 190kb Publisher : 刘研

该压缩包为ARM S3C44B0的源代码,含有5个程序。分别为按键控制LED,PWM脉冲宽度调制,RTC实时时钟,UART串口通信,DMA直接内存存取等5个实验的源代码。代码以C语言为主,辅以部分ARM汇编指令。该实验开发平台为S3C44B0板,开发工具为ADS1.2.-The package for the ARM S3C44B0 compression source code, which contains five procedures. Were keys to control LED, PWM pulse width modulation, RTC real time clock, UART serial communication, DMA direct memory access, such as five experiments the source code. Code to C language, supplemented by some ARM compilation directives. The experimental development platform for S3C44B0 boards, development tools for ADS1.2.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 464kb Publisher : 刘贵华

ARM7 44B0的PWM程序,是周立功的测试程序-ARM7 44B0 of the PWM process is Ligong weeks of the test procedure
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 79kb Publisher : liliang

DL : 0
44b0的PWM功能实现,有完整的工程文件使用ADS1.2编译成功-44b0 of the PWM function of the realization of a complete project file used to compile successfully ADS1.2
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 95kb Publisher : will

使用ADS1.2打开,测试s3c44b0的pwm的功能代码,用c语言编写-The use of open ADS1.2, testing S3C44B0 the pwm function code, using c language
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 30kb Publisher : 孙忠祥

英蓓特Embest EduKit-III 44b0实验箱 For MDK 所有实验源代码,包括PWM、IIC、LCD、TouchScreen、uart、keyboard、8Led-British Beite Embest EduKit-III 44b0 experimental box For MDK all experiments the source code, including PWM, IIC, LCD, TouchScreen, uart, keyboard, 8Led etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 735kb Publisher : wzh

为44B0的测试代码,可以测试蜂鸣器,IIS 播放WAV文件,USB点灯,按键,串行FLASH,IDE硬盘 LCD等。 0 : Please input a number 1 : Memory test 2 : Timer PWM test ( Beep ) 3 : IIC EEPROM test 4 : ADC test 5 : Download File by uart(DNW) 6 : IIS Play test(Please download *.wav by Uart first) 7 : PDIUSBD12 test 8 : LCD test Mono 9 : LCD test Mono printf string 10 : LCD test Grey 4 11 : LCD test Gray 16 12 : LCD test Color 256 13 : Interrupt test 14 : Get IDE information-Test code for the 44B0, you can test buzzer, IIS plays WAV files, USB lamps, buttons, serial FLASH, IDE hard drive LCD and other. 0: Please input a number 1: Memory test 2: Timer PWM test (Beep) 3: IIC EEPROM test 4: ADC test 5: Download File by uart (DNW) 6: IIS Play test (Please download*. wav by Uart first ) 7: PDIUSBD12 test 8: LCD test Mono 9: LCD test Mono printf string 10: LCD test Grey 4 11: LCD test Gray 16 12: LCD test Color 256 13: Interrupt test 14: Get IDE information
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.83mb Publisher : 张俊
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