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Moth用于从各种数据源中创建2D图形。第一个版本可以读取文本文件、rrd文件和MySQL数据库,可以输出jpeg 和png图像-Woolf used data from a variety of sources to create 2D graphics. A first version can read text files, documents and MySQL database, and can output jpeg images png
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 117.24kb Publisher : 杨子

本系统采用access+asp开发,系统要求:windows9X+pws win2000(或更高)+IIS、IE 4.0以上及相关打印设备 2、处于安全考虑,建议安装使用前,先修改数据库路径(默认为\"tcadmin\\tcmdb\")及数据库名称,然后修改文件tcconn.asp相应路径设置 3、本系统所有日期格式均为:yyyy-mm-dd,例如:2004-03-28.请按此格式输入日期,否则日期数据拒绝存入数据库 4、档案输出文件为word(*.doc)格式。由于个人配置及环境不一,所以输出后建议用MS word稍作编辑 5、系统所有查找定位均支持模糊查找。例:输入关键词:\"李\",选择条件按 \"姓名\" 查找,则记录列表将显示所有姓名中含有\"李\"字的教师记录 6、教师业务档案输出时,建议先保存后编辑,以免给你造成不必要的麻烦 7、教师查询页面学院首页指向:tcadmin/user_search.asp 8、教师业务档案管理系统登陆页面学院首页调用:login.htm ,调用方法:首页插入代码:<iframe src=\"你的路径/tcadmin/login.htm\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\"></ifram-access the system using asp development, system requirements : windows9X pws WIN2000 (or higher) IIS, IE 4.0 and related printing equipment, in safety considerations, the proposed installation, modify the database path first (default "tcadmin \\ tcmdb") and the database name, then amend the document tcconn.asp corresponding set up three paths, all of the system date formats are : yyyy-mm-dd, for example :2004-03-28. Click Enter the date format, Otherwise, the date of data stored in the database refused to 4, the output files for word document (*. doc) format. Due to personal and environmental different configuration, the output after the proposed MS word minor editing 5, All search positioning system support fuzzy search. For example : Enter your keywords : "Lee", the ch
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 687.75kb Publisher : dengweian

Dive Into Python 5.4 中文版,Python入门级的好书,对很多Python重要的概念做了深入浅出易于理解的描述,不过不能取代Python Library Reference
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 842.18kb Publisher : 张林


三星的S3C44B0X 16/32位RISC处理器被设计来为手持设备等提供一个低成本高性能的方案。
S3C44B0X提供以下配置:2.5V ARM7TDMI 内核带有8Kcache ;可选的internal SRAM;LCD Controller(最大支持256色STN,使用LCD专用DMA);2-ch UART with handshake(IrDA1.0, 16-byte FIFO) / 1-ch SIO 2-ch general DMAs / 2-ch peripheral DMAs with external request pins External memory controller (chip select logic, FP/ EDO/SDRAM controller) 5-ch PWM timers & 1-ch internal timerWatch Dog Timer71 general purpose I/O ports / 8-ch external interrupt source RTC with calendar function 8-ch 10-bit ADC 1-ch multi-master IIC-BUS controller 1-ch IIS-BUS controller Sync. SIO interface and On-chip clock generator with PLL.
S3C44B0X采用一种新的三星ARM CPU嵌入总线结构-SAMBA2,最大达66MHZ。

Update : 2009-01-13 Size : 76.85kb Publisher : ssunshine

DL : 0
/*PL/0编译系统C版本头文件pl0.h*/ /* typedef enum { false, true } bool; */ #define norw 13 /*关键字个数*/ #define txmax 100 /*名字表容量*/ #define nmax 14 /*number的最大位数*/ #define al 10 /*符号的最大长度*/ #define amax 2047 /*地址上界*/ #define levmax 3 /*最大允许过程嵌套声明层数[0,levmax]*/ #define cxmax 200 /*最多的虚拟机代码数*/ /*符号*/ enum symbol{ nul, ident, number, plus, minus, times, slash, oddsym, eql, neq, lss, leq, gtr, geq, lparen, rparen, comma, semicolon, period, becomes, beginsym, endsym, ifsym, thensym, whilesym, writesym, readsym, dosym, callsym, constsym, varsym, procsym, }; #define symnum 32 /*名字表中的类型*/ enum object{ constant, variable, procedur, }; /*虚拟机代码*/ enum fct{ lit, opr, lod, sto, cal, inte, jmp, jpc, }; #define fctnum 8 /*虚拟机结构代码*/ struct instruction { /*454*/ enum fct f; // 虚拟机代码指令 int l; //引用层与声明层的层次差 int a; //根据f的不同而不同 }; FILE * fas; //输出名字表 FILE * fa; //输出虚拟机代码 FILE * fa1; //输出源文件及其各行对应的首地址 FILE * fa2; //输出结果 bool listswitch; //显示虚拟机代码与否 bool tableswitch; //显示名字与否 char ch; //获取字符的缓冲区,getch使用 enum symbol sym; //当前的符号 char id[al+1]; //当前ident,多出的一个字节用于存放0 int num; //当前number int cc,ll; //getch使用的计数器,cc表示当前字符(ch)的位置 int cx; //虚拟机代码指针,取值范围[0,cxmax-1] char line[81]; //读取行缓冲区 char a[al+1]; //临时符号,多出的一个字节用于存放0 struct instruction code[cxmax]; //存放虚拟机代码的数组 char word[norw][al]; //保留字 enum symbol wsym[norw]; //保留字对应的符号值 enum symbol ssym[256]; //单字符的符号值 char mnemonic[fctnum][5]; //虚拟机代码指令名称 bool declbegsys[symnum]; //表示声明开始的符号集合 bool statbegsys[symnum]; //表示语句开始的符号集合 bool facbegsys[symnum]; //表示因子开始的符号集合 //名字表结构 struct tablestruct { char name[al]; //名字 enum object kind; //类型:const,var,array or procedure int val; //数值,仅const使用 int level; //所须层,仅const不能用 int adr; //地址,仅const不能用 int size; //需要分配的数据空间,仅procedure使用 }; struct tablestruct table[txmax]; //名字表 FILE * fin; FILE * fout; char fname[al]; int err; //错误计数器 //当函数中发生fatal error时,返回-1告知调用它的函数,最终退出程序 #define getsymdo if(-1==getsym()) return -1 #define getchdo if(-1==getch()) return -1 #define testdo(a,b,c) if(-1==test(a,b,c)) return -1 #define gendo(a,b,c) if(-1==gen(a,b,c)) return -1 #define expressiondo(a,b,c) if(-1==expression(a,b,c)) return -1 #define factordo(a,b,c) if(-1==factor(a,b,c)) return -1 #define termdo(a,b,c) if(-1==term(a,b,c)) return -1 #define conditiondo(a,b,c) if(-1==condition(a,b,c)) return -1 #define statementdo(a,b,c) if(-1==statement(a,b,c)) return -1 #define constdeclarationdo(a,b,c) if(-1==constdeclaration(a,b,c)) return -1 #define vardeclarationdo(a,b,c) if(-1==vardeclaration(a,b,c)) return -1 void error(int n); int getsym(); int getch(); void init(); int gen(enum fct x,int y ,int z); int test(bool *s1,bool *s2,int n); int inset(int e,bool *s); int addset(bool *str,bool * s1,bool * s2,int n); int subset(bool *str,bool * s1,bool * s2,int n); int mulset(bool *str,bool * s1,bool * s2,int n); int block(int lev,int tx,bool * fsys); void interpret(); int factor(bool * fsys,int * ptx,int lev); int term(bool * fsys,int * ptx,int lev); int condition(bool * fsys,int * ptx,int lev); int expression(bool * fsys,int * ptx,int lev); int statement(bool * fsys,int * ptx,int lev); void listcode(int cx0); int vardeclaration(int *ptr, int lev,int *ptx); int constdeclaration(int *ptr, int lev,int *ptx); int position(char * idt,int tx); void enter(enum object k,int * ptx,int lev, int * pdx); int base(int l,int * s,int b)
Update : 2010-09-13 Size : 24.55kb Publisher : xqq771084591

Moth用于从各种数据源中创建2D图形。第一个版本可以读取文本文件、rrd文件和MySQL数据库,可以输出jpeg 和png图像-Woolf used data from a variety of sources to create 2D graphics. A first version can read text files, documents and MySQL database, and can output jpeg images png
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 117kb Publisher : 杨子

本人编写的CS3758DEMO测试程序,CS3758主要用于5.1CH电子音量控制,兼容PT2258-I CS3758DEMO prepared by the test procedure CS3758 mainly for 5.1 CH electronic volume control, compatibility PT2258
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher :

功放的MCU代码,多路输入2CH,5.1CH的主控及DTS的解码,VFD的屏的显示设计.-Power Amplifier MCU code, multi-path input 2CH, 5.1CH the prosecutors and DTS decoders, VFD screen display design.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : 黄耀鹏

Delphi聊天源码,有客户端和服务端,代码精练,适合初学者参考。-Delphi source, the client and server, code eloquently reference for beginners.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 22kb Publisher : zhangyu

文本计算器是一款为经常需要使用计算器的工程项目人士而设计的软件,该软件使用简单、方便。 当需要计算数据时,在窗口中输入整个表达式(表达式可以是加+、减-、乘*、除/、平方^、括号(),以及数学函数组合),按回车后可自动计算出结果,计算方法一目了然,便于查找计算中可能出现的错误。 支持的数学函数:cos(), sin(), tg(), ctg(), abs(), sgn() or sign(), sqrt(), ln(),sh() or sinh(), ch() or cosh(), th() or tanh(),cth() or coth(), heaviside() -text calculators section is the need for regular use of calculators projects who design software The software is simple and convenient. When calculated data, the whole window input expression (expression may be, plus or minus-, x*, in addition to /, ^ square, brackets (), and the combination of mathematical function), according to the transport can be calculated automatically, transparent calculation method, To facilitate the identification of potential calculation error. Support the mathematical functions : cos (), sin (), tg (), sequencing (), abs (), sgn () or sign (), sqrt (), ln (), sh () or sinh (), ch () or cosh (), th () or tanh (), H2O () or classical equations with (), heaviside ()
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 53kb Publisher : 娃娃

DL : 0
本系统采用access+asp开发,系统要求:windows9X+pws win2000(或更高)+IIS、IE 4.0以上及相关打印设备 2、处于安全考虑,建议安装使用前,先修改数据库路径(默认为"tcadmin\tcmdb")及数据库名称,然后修改文件tcconn.asp相应路径设置 3、本系统所有日期格式均为:yyyy-mm-dd,例如:2004-03-28.请按此格式输入日期,否则日期数据拒绝存入数据库 4、档案输出文件为word(*.doc)格式。由于个人配置及环境不一,所以输出后建议用MS word稍作编辑 5、系统所有查找定位均支持模糊查找。例:输入关键词:"李",选择条件按 "姓名" 查找,则记录列表将显示所有姓名中含有"李"字的教师记录 6、教师业务档案输出时,建议先保存后编辑,以免给你造成不必要的麻烦 7、教师查询页面学院首页指向:tcadmin/user_search.asp 8、教师业务档案管理系统登陆页面学院首页调用:login.htm ,调用方法:首页插入代码:<iframe src="你的路径/tcadmin/login.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></ifram-access the system using asp development, system requirements : windows9X pws WIN2000 (or higher) IIS, IE 4.0 and related printing equipment, in safety considerations, the proposed installation, modify the database path first (default "tcadmin \ tcmdb") and the database name, then amend the document tcconn.asp corresponding set up three paths, all of the system date formats are : yyyy-mm-dd, for example :2004-03-28. Click Enter the date format, Otherwise, the date of data stored in the database refused to 4, the output files for word document (*. doc) format. Due to personal and environmental different configuration, the output after the proposed MS word minor editing 5, All search positioning system support fuzzy search. For example : Enter your keywords : "Lee", the ch
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 688kb Publisher : dengweian

Dive Into Python 5.4 中文版,Python入门级的好书,对很多Python重要的概念做了深入浅出易于理解的描述,不过不能取代Python Library Reference-Dive Into Python 5.4 Chinese version, Python entry-level books, Python for many important concepts in layman
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 842kb Publisher : 张林

DL : 0
中南大学《网络与通信课程设计》制作聊天工具相应的源码,采用delphi的winsock编写,C/S模式,功能绝对齐全,界面好看,包括登陆,注册,数据库,添加好友,查看聊天记录等,是网上流行的JJYY版本的增强版,其中用到一些控件(可在“delphi盒子”网下载)。服务器端需要的控件已经添加到源程序中,可运行通过,客户端控件不全,暂时不能运行,如有疑问,可给我发邮件 South University, Network design and communication courses, the production of the corresponding source chat tool, using delphi s winsock preparation, C/S mode, function is absolutely complete, good-looking interface, including the landing, registration, database, add a friend, view the chat history, etc. is the online version of JJYY popular enhanced version, which uses a number of controls (available on the delphi box network to download). The need for server-side controls have been added to the source code can be run through, the client control incomplete, can not run, if in doubt, they sent me e-mail:
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.78mb Publisher : 潘世雄

DL : 0
型号: AV-P06A 5.1CH功率放大器 89C52+12M+PT2314+PT2315+2*M62429+PT6311+CS16210+6221+VFDGDT1313A,包含VFD真值表手册资料-Model: AV-P06A 5.1CH power amplifier 89C52+ 12M+ PT2314+ PT2315+ 2* M62429+ PT6311+ CS16210+ 6221+ VFDGDT1313A, truth table VFD manual contains information
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 429kb Publisher : 张绍斌

歡迎 SocksSvc,集合的MFC類實現一個簡單的襪子服務器。 這個想法最初背後 SocksSvc了解SOCKS協議以及它是如何實現在Win32。 如需了解有關議定書的襪子你應該閱讀 RFC 1928(襪子 5),玫瑰花1929(用戶名/密碼身份驗證襪子 5)和襪子 4規格,您可以下載這些從 huān yíng SocksSvc, jí hé deMFC lèi shí xiàn yī gè jiǎn dān de wà zi fú wù qì。 zhè ge xiǎng fǎ zuì chū bèi hòu SocksSvc liǎo jiěSOCKS xié yì yǐ jí tā shì rú hé shí xiàn zàiWin32。 rú xū liǎo jiě yǒu guān yì dìng shū de wà zi nǐ yīng gāi yuè dú RFC 1928(wà zi 5), méi guī huā1929(yòng hù míng/mì mǎ shēn fèn yàn zhèng wà zi 5) hé wà zi 4guī gé, nín kě yǐ xià zài zhè xiē cóng 建議更好的譯法:-Welcome to SocksSvc, a collection of MFC classes to implement a simple Socks server. The idea behind SocksSvc was originally to learn about the Socks protocol and how it is implemented on Win32. For detailed information about the Socks Protocol you should read RFC 1928 (Socks 5), RFC 1929 (Username/Password authentication for Socks 5) and the Socks 4 specification, You can download these from
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 49kb Publisher : 睡魔

ch.ntb.usb-0.5.9.jar为java 在windows下访问USB的开发包。下载后去除.gz是java的jar包-ch.ntb.usb-0.5.9.jar java under windows to access the USB Development Kit. Download removal. Gz is the java jar package
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 53kb Publisher : 郑绍华

DL : 0
7384公交查询系统该代码在我爱巴士网公交查询程序 v1.0基础上修改!请在根目录下运行。 数据库有变动,跟原来版本不兼容!增加了查询自动提示,查询记录,以及使用了新的页面风格。 1.公交换乘查询,支持直达及二次以内公交换乘查询。 2.公交线路查询,支持模糊查询,显示最新查询记录。 3.公交站点查询,支持模糊查询,显示语音相近的站点。 相关站点,包含两个以上音一样的站点. 4.搜索查询ajax即时提示。关键词加红,视觉效果很好。 搜索提示支持拼音查询"火车站"="huochezhan", 搜索提示支持简拼查询"火车站"="hcz", 搜索提示支持模糊查询"货车"="火车", 搜索支持拼音模糊查询"ch"="c"...., 5.首页公交换乘查询最新查询记录 6.首页公交线路查询最新查询记录 7.首页公交站点查询最新查询记录 8.无后台,但有数据库更新维护工具,详见/本地运行/目录。-7384 public transport query system the code in my love bus network bus inquiry procedures v1.0 based on modified! Please in the root directory operation. The database has changed, with the original version is not compatible! Increase the query automatically prompts, query logs, and the use of the new page style. 1 public bus transfer inquiry, support direct and two times less than the public bus transfer inquiry. 2 bus line query, fuzzy query support, display the new query record. 3 public transportation site query, fuzzy query support, display voice similar to the site. Related sites, containing more than two sound the same site. The 4 search query Ajax instant prompt. Key words plus red, visual effect is very good. Search tips support phonetic query" train station" =" huochezhan", Search Jianpin search tips support" train station" =" hcz", Search tips support fuzzy inquiry" wagon train" ="", Pinyin search support fuzzy query" ch =" C"" ...., 5 page pu
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 76kb Publisher : 是的夫人

人机下棋游戏,用C++语言实现,其中包含一个.h和一个.cpp文件.int n=0,max=0,temp=0 char ch //输出棋盘原始状态 Print() cout<<"You First or Second(F/S)?" cin>>ch if((ch== S )||(ch== s )) { status[4]= X counter=counter+1 Print() cout<<"Computer plays 5!"<<endl }-it is include two files,one is .h file,another one is .cpp file. int n=0,max=0,temp=0 char ch //输出棋盘原始状态 Print() cout<<"You First or Second(F/S)?" cin>>ch if((ch== S )||(ch== s )) { status[4]= X counter=counter+1 Print() cout<<"Computer plays 5!"<<endl }
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 119kb Publisher : 园子

最新海康硬盘录像机开发包,用于对海康硬盘录像机后台编程使用-Latest Haikang DVR development kit for Haikang DVR background programming use
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11.22mb Publisher : bibo

先实现了将前缀表达式转换为逆波兰表达式的功能, 之后再利用逆波兰表达式对表达式进行求值, 支持+,-,*,/,^等运算, 以及sqrt, lg, ln, exp, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sh, ch等函数操作-First realized the prefix expressions into reverse Polish notation features, re-use reverse Polish expression after the expression is evaluated, support+,-,*, /, ^ and other operations, and sqrt, lg, ln, exp, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sh, ch other functions operate
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.79mb Publisher : Joshua
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