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vc灵感编程范例源代码 41 3DButton 42 计时器 43 动态改变光标和图标 44 捕获鼠标 45 得到一些系统信息 46 确定应用程序的路径 47 注册系统热键 48 检测光驱软驱是否准备就绪 49 判断驱动器的类型 50 检测磁盘容量 51 MyFormat 52 Win98下热键关机 53 获得当前屏幕的分辨率两种方法 54 在screen上显示文字 55 启动屏幕保护程序 56 开机后程序自动运行 57 Windows 2000下关机 58 屏蔽系统热键 59 获取文件图标 60 避免程序运行多个实例-vc inspiration source code programming examples 3DButton 42 41 43 timer to change the cursor and dynamic map superscript 44 mouse caught some 45 information systems 46 to determine the application's path 47 registration system hotkeys 48 Detection floppy drive the readiness of 49 drivers to judge the types of detection disk capacity 50 51 52 MyFormat Win98 hotkeys under 53 was shutdown current screen resolution two methods in 54 characters displayed on the screen started 55 of 56 screen saver automatically reboot after running under Windows 2000 57 58 Off Screen Hotkey 59 cover access to documents icon 60 to avoid running multiple instances of
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 743.57kb Publisher : yiyizi

A CORPORATE, NATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL USAGE license. The user purchases a single USAGE license, authorising the USE of RAR, by the purchaser, the purchaser s employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers, regardless of location, but owned or under the control of the purchaser.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.99mb Publisher : wxy

TCL语言的学习教程和几个程序实例 array.tcl --- --- This simple example shows how to create and manipulate arrays. main commands used: array, puts, foreach, get calculator.tcl -------------- This script asks the user to enter an operation ( ex: 24 + 52 ), analyses the operation, computes it and return the result. main commands used: proc, expr, return, while, puts, flush, switch, lindex, gets file_copy.tcl ------------- This script asks the user to enter a source file, a destination file and copies the source file in the destination file.main commands used: puts, gets, read, seek, open, close.-TCL language learning tutorials and examples of several programs array.tcl --------- T his simple example shows how to create and manip ulate arrays. main commands used : array, puts, foreach. get calculator.tcl -------------- This scrip t asks the user to enter an operation (ex : 24 52), analyzes the operation, it computes and return the result. main command s used : proc, expr, return, while, puts, flush, switch, Lindex. gets file_copy.tcl ------------- This script asks the user to enter a source file, a destination file and copies the source file in the destination file.main commands used : puts, gets, read, seek, open, close.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 424.24kb Publisher : 王力

实现扑克牌的洗牌算法。 将52张牌(不包括大、小王)按东、南、西、北分发。 每张牌用一个对象代表,包括:牌的类型、大小序号、名称。 例如:黑头A的牌型为S,序号为13(在K之后),名称为A。 比较牌大小时按序号比较大小(2的序号最小、A最大) 显示牌时将按牌型、名称显示。 例如:东家最后牌为: S:1,4,12 H:7,9 D:2,4,8,10 C:4,5,12,13 注: 洗牌次数可用随机数来确定, Math.random()的结果是0~1之间的一个随机数 -realization of cards shuffling algorithm. Licensing of 52 (not including, Wang) on the East, South, West, North circulated. Each card with a targeted representatives, including : the type of card, the size of the serial number, name. For example : A calibrated to the license for S-type, serial number 13 (after K), known as A. Comparing the size of a license by the relatively small number (serial number 2 of the smallest and the largest A) signs will be at the licensing type, name revealed. For example : licensed as a club final : S : 1,4,12,24 H : 7,9 D : 2,4,8,10 C : C10, 13 Note : shuffling number of available random number to determine, Math.random () is the result of a 0 ~ between a Random Number
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.52kb Publisher : 黄铭

关于 uC/OS-II 在 LPC210X 上移植的说明 1. 全部代码在 ADS1.2 中编译调试. 2. 您可以更改 RO BASE 为 0x0000 0000, 这样可以将代码写入 flash 中运行. 5. 全部代码采用 ARM 指令. 6. uC/OS-II 版本为 V2.52. 7. 当您暂停程序的时候, 如果定时器开着, 那么定时器并不会暂停,需要注意 8. Vectors.S 文件中的 startup 段为程序入口. 9. 编译时下面的警告不必理会. Warning : C2871W: static OS_InitTaskStat declared but not used OS_CORE.C line 1108 10. 如果您想通过软件仿真,请将 PLL.C 中的第 51 行屏蔽, 怎样就可以看到任务逐个切换,最后将进入空闲任务. 11. 此次移植将许多 uC/OS-II 的功能函数都关闭了,请查看 OS_CFG.H 文件.-on Phone / OS-II in the MCU on the note a transplant. All the code in degenerate. 2 compiler debugging. 2. You can change to the RO BASE 0x0000 0000, This code can be written into the flash run. 5. all code using ARM instructions. 6. uC/OS- II Version V2.52. 7. When you suspend the procedures, if the timer drive, then the timer will not be suspended need to 8. Vectors.S document of the startup procedures for entrance. 9. The following was compiled to disregard the warning. Warning : C2871W : static OS_InitTaskStat declared but not used O S_CORE.C line 1108 10. If you want to use software simulation, I would be grateful if PLL.C the first 51 firms shielding, you can see how each task switching, Finally, enter idle task. 11. This transplant of many embedded / OS-II functional functions are c
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 234.07kb Publisher : 王鑫

EasyBMPtoAVI is a simple, easy-to-use, cross-platform utility for creating an avi movie file from a series of windows bitmap (BMP) images. Some features: 1) Support for reading all bit-depths supported by EasyBMP. At the present time, this includes 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32-bpp bitmap images. 2) Can create files up to 2GB in size. 3) Output is uncompressed, so you can choose your own compression without loss of quality. 4) Cross-platform compatible (Linux, Unix, Windows, Macintosh, Solaris, ...) 5) Cross-compiler compatible (supports compiling in MS Visual Studio, g++, MinGW, Intel s icc, and the lousy Borland compiler) 6) Easy user interface even helps you if you forget to specify crucial information. 7) Endian-safe as of Version 0.52, so it will work on things like PowerPC, Sparc, etc. 8) 64-bit compatible if you compile with EasyBMP -EasyBMPtoAVI is a simple, easy-to-use, cross-platform utility for creating an avi mov ie file from a series of windows bitmap (BMP) ima celebrated. Some features : 1) Support for reading all bit-depths supporte d by EasyBMP. At the present time, this includes 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32-bpp bitmap images. 2) Can create files up to 2GB in size. 3) Output is uncompressed. so you can choose your own compression without l oss of quality. 4) Cross-platform compatible ( Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac, Solaris, ...) 5) Cross-compatible compiler (c supports ompiling in MS Visual Studio, g, MinGW. Intel's icc. and the lousy Borland compiler) 6) Easy user int erface even helps you if you forget to specify cr ucial information. 7) Endian-safe as of Versio n 0.52, so it will work on things like the PowerPC
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.05kb Publisher : deeply2000

A CORPORATE, NATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL USAGE license. The user purchases a single USAGE license, authorising the USE of RAR, by the purchaser, the purchaser s employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers, regardless of location, but owned or under the control of the purchaser.-A CORPORATE, NATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL USAGE license. The user purchases a single USAGE license, authorising the USE of RAR, by the purchaser, the purchaser s employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers, regardless of location, but owned or under the control of the purchaser.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.99mb Publisher : wxy

关于 uC/OS-II 在 LPC210X 上移植的说明 1. 全部代码在 ADS1.2 中编译调试. 2. 您可以更改 RO BASE 为 0x0000 0000, 这样可以将代码写入 flash 中运行. 5. 全部代码采用 ARM 指令. 6. uC/OS-II 版本为 V2.52. 7. 当您暂停程序的时候, 如果定时器开着, 那么定时器并不会暂停,需要注意 8. Vectors.S 文件中的 startup 段为程序入口. 9. 编译时下面的警告不必理会. Warning : C2871W: static OS_InitTaskStat declared but not used OS_CORE.C line 1108 10. 如果您想通过软件仿真,请将 PLL.C 中的第 51 行屏蔽, 怎样就可以看到任务逐个切换,最后将进入空闲任务. 11. 此次移植将许多 uC/OS-II 的功能函数都关闭了,请查看 OS_CFG.H 文件.-on Phone/OS-II in the MCU on the note a transplant. All the code in degenerate. 2 compiler debugging. 2. You can change to the RO BASE 0x0000 0000, This code can be written into the flash run. 5. all code using ARM instructions. 6. uC/OS- II Version V2.52. 7. When you suspend the procedures, if the timer drive, then the timer will not be suspended need to 8. Vectors.S document of the startup procedures for entrance. 9. The following was compiled to disregard the warning. Warning : C2871W : static OS_InitTaskStat declared but not used O S_CORE.C line 1108 10. If you want to use software simulation, I would be grateful if PLL.C the first 51 firms shielding, you can see how each task switching, Finally, enter idle task. 11. This transplant of many embedded/OS-II functional functions are c
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 241kb Publisher : 百度哥2010

DL : 0
AT89C52单片机为核心,通过驱动芯片MAX7219和片外E2PROM AT24C64等串行接口芯片扩展外围接口设计而成多功能体育比赛电子计分器-AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer as the core, through the driver chip and MAX7219 chip E2PROM AT24C64 serial interface chip, such as the expansion peripheral interface designed multi-purpose sports electronic scoreboard device
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 张品

DL : 0
网络上唯一的ucos 2.52 visual 2008 编译版,真正和第二版书对应,只为方便大家学习;附带5个例子,工程打开默认为example1,编译其他4个例子手动将各example下的内容拷贝到test下即可-Network only ucos 2.52 visual 2008 compiler version, the real and corresponds to the second edition of the book, only to facilitate the U.S. study incidental five examples, works to open the default for example1, the other four examples compiled manually the contents of the example under can be copied to the test under
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.05mb Publisher : gaoping

DL : 0
单片机控制K9F5608的读写程序。程序已通过调试。可供大家借鉴。-SCM reader K9F5608 control procedures. The procedure has been adopted debugging. For everybody s reference. -SCM K9F5608 reading and writing process. Procedures have been through the debugging. Can learn from everyone.-SCM reader K9F5608 control procedures. The procedure has been adopted debugging. For everybody s reference.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.94mb Publisher : 郑郑

用52控制大名鼎鼎的rtl8019as的电路图,PDF格式-This is a sch, it shows how to link ethernet by mcu 8052 and rtl8019as,in PDF format
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 111kb Publisher : pc_based

DL : 0

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 979kb Publisher : NIU Yuezhong

  httpd是Apache超文本传输协议(HTTP)服务器的主程序。被设计为一个独立运行的后台进程,它会建立一个处理请求的子进程或线程的池。 -httpd is the Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server' s main program. Is designed as a stand-alone background process, it will process the request to create a child process or thread pool.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.29mb Publisher : sfx

周立功的TinyM0配套源码。【2011.1.24】TinyM0模板及例程更新 1、TinyM0配套基本外设例程的编写是基于TinyM0核心板+我司的EasyCortex-M3 1300的开发板(相关介绍连接:外设完成,因此用户需要自行购买或设计相关的外设器件Demo板;其中的CAN例程是基于TinyM0-CAN开发板进行编写的。 2、TinyM0更新模板及例程采用CMSIS标准架构进行编写组织; 3、使用uCOS-II模板时,请在工程的uCOSII文件夹下添加V2.52的源码;关于uCOS-II V2.52的开源源码请在网络上或者在uCOS-II的官方网站上获得。 4、关于中断的使用,请确认用户编写的外设中断服务函数与Startup_LPC11xx.s文件中的中断服务函数名称一致; 5、若用户需要调整的程序堆栈空间大小,可修改Startup_LPC11xx.s文件中Stack_Size和Heap_Size的定义; 6、用户编程调试程序时,默认使用DebugInFlash调试模式 若选择使用ReleaseInFlash模式,下载完程序后芯片将采用CRP2级加密,下一次进行程序下载或调试时,需要先用K-Flash或FlashMagic对芯片进行擦除;-ZLG TinyM0 supporting source.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.41mb Publisher : andreas

DL : 0
uCOS u C / O S 是一种免费公开源代码、结构小巧、具有可剥夺实时内核的实时操作系统。 -uCOS u C/OS is a free open source, compact, can be deprived of real-time kernel with real-time operating system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : 应丽

C#高级编程(第7版),内格尔(Christian Nagel)、埃夫琴(Bill Evjen)、Jay Glynn、 等,52章代码-Advanced Programming C# (version 7), Nagel (Christian Nagel), Evry piano (Bill Evjen), Jay Glynn, and so on, 52 s code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 188kb Publisher : zrz

服务器程序员开发最关心的其实只有3件事情,新连接到达,数据到达,连接断开。 mdk就是基于以上3个主要业务,为服务器设计了OnConnect() OnMsg() OnClose()3个主要回调方法,用户的主要的工作就是实现这3个方法,所以我将这种开发模式命名为面向业务的开发。 用户不再关心底层各种繁杂的处理,比如线程模型,各种同步,内部对象生命周期,各种缓冲只要专心写业务就好 整个框架代码大约5000行,希望不会给大家造成阅读负担, 希望这款服务器能给大家带来更多便利。-Server programmers to develop the most concerned about, in fact, only three things, the new connection arrives, data arrive is disconnected. mdk is based on three main business is designed for the server the the OnConnect () the OnMsg () OnClose () the three main callback method, the user' s main work is to achieve three, so I will this development model named business-oriented development. Users no longer care about the underlying various complicated processing, such as threading model, various synchronization the internal object life cycle, various buffer concentrate on writing the business like the whole framework code is about 5000 lines, hope it will not cause reading burden to everyone, hope this server we can bring more convenience.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 149kb Publisher : 零点

对uCosII源码做详细的解释说明,句句都有注释,是学习ucosii的好资料。(translation of uCosii's kernel source code.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.73mb Publisher : macrom

STM32的ENC28J60网络模块程序。内有详细的注释和文档。很好的学习资料。(STM32's ENC28J60 network module program. There are detailed notes and documentation. Good study materials.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : zhaoxin5005
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