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[Develop Toolsopenssl-0.9.6h.tar

Description: OpenSSL-0.9.6h完整安装包,里面有很多密码算法的源代码,RSA,DSA,MD4,MD5,应有尽有-OpenSSL - 0.9.6h complete installation package, there are many cipher algorithm source code RSA, DSA, MD4 and MD5, everything
Platform: | Size: 2178314 | Author: 赖晖 | Hits:


Description: 包含md4/md5算法的一套好用工具,里面有好多算法,对于搞安全的人来说非常有用-md4/md5 algorithm includes a set of useful tools, there are many algorithms, for those who engage in security is very useful
Platform: | Size: 2178314 | Author: michael | Hits:

[Multimedia programvlc-0.8.6h.tar

Description: vlc播放器最新版本的源码,支持linux、win32等多平台,支持多种格式文件播放和流媒体分发及播放,内含win32平台下ocx部分的代码,实际编译通过!下载后将扩展名gz改成bz2。
Platform: | Size: 11435408 | Author: 奥也夫 | Hits:


Description: OpenSSL-0.9.6h完整安装包,里面有很多密码算法的源代码,RSA,DSA,MD4,MD5,应有尽有-OpenSSL- 0.9.6h complete installation package, there are many cipher algorithm source code RSA, DSA, MD4 and MD5, everything
Platform: | Size: 2178048 | Author: 赖晖 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 2178048 | Author: michael | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesbackhoe

Description: 这个游戏是我自己改的别人的 在里面加入了 DX技术-this is my own game changed in the others inside to the DX technology
Platform: | Size: 57208832 | Author: 刘林 | Hits:

[Multimedia Developvlc-0.8.6h.tar

Description: vlc播放器最新版本的源码,支持linux、win32等多平台,支持多种格式文件播放和流媒体分发及播放,内含win32平台下ocx部分的代码,实际编译通过!下载后将扩展名gz改成bz2。-vlc player, the latest version of the source code to support linux, win32, such as multi-platform, support multiple format playback and streaming media distribution and playback, including win32 platform ocx part of the code, the actual compiler through! Gz extension after downloading into bz2.
Platform: | Size: 11435008 | Author: 奥也夫 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCFileDialog

Description: 一个定制CFileDialog对话框的实例,是用VC实现的,欢迎大家下载-A custom CFileDialog dialog example is the use of VC to achieve, welcome you to download
Platform: | Size: 915456 | Author: | Hits:

[Game Programwinkawaks-v1.6H

Description: 一款好用的游戏模拟器,带有作弊文件,挺怀念的。-A nice game simulator, with a cheat file, quite memorable.
Platform: | Size: 1316864 | Author: 肖水明 | Hits:


Description: Modeling of a 6H-SiC MESFET for high-power and high-gain applications
Platform: | Size: 158720 | Author: Rouzbeh | Hits:


Description: 分析晶体的TEM衍射斑点与对应的晶面,能快速准确的获得TEM分析结果。-The TEM analysis of crystal diffraction spot with the corresponding crystal plane, and can rapidly and accurately obtain the TEM analysis results.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wh | Hits:


Description: 基于SQL+PHP的单一功能的6h彩网站,仅用于学习g-Based on SQL+ PHP 6h single function color site, only for learnin
Platform: | Size: 1130496 | Author: czg | Hits:


Description: 6H彩 网上投注原码,分一二级代理,自动开奖,自动开盘自动封盘,陪率可调,可按码热度自动掉水~!-6H彩 网上投注原码,分一二级代理,自动开奖,自动开盘自动封盘,陪率可调,可按码热度自动掉水~!
Platform: | Size: 5669888 | Author: 黄现威 | Hits:

[WEB Codeweb

Description: 6h投注网代码参考,引用另人的。没有技术支持,纯属参考-6h betting network code reference
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: tangyu | Hits:


Description: httphelper 1.6h ttphelper 1.6-httphelper 1.6httphelper 1.6httphelper 1.6
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: cyes | Hits:


Description: 图库采集,每期自动更新, 简单免费 ……(Gallery collection, automatic updating each phase)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 忆思 | Hits:

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