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Description: C2000软件开发基础.doc 例1、SCI寄存器的宏定义 例2、采用宏定义方法访问SCI寄存器 例3、SCI寄存器文件结构定义 例4、SCI寄存器文件结构变量 例5、将变量分配到数据段 例6、将数据段映射到寄存器对应的存储空间 例7、通信控制器和控制寄存器1的位定义 例8、通信控制器和控制寄存器1的共同体定义 例9、使用共同体定义寄存器文件结构体 例10、在C/C++中使用位区操作寄存器 例11、TMS320X280x PCLKCR0位区定义 例12、产生的位区访问汇编代码 例13、使用.all共同体成员优化代码 例14、使用Shadow寄存器优化代码 例15、IQ Math应用举例 -C2000 software development foundation. Doc Cases 1, SCI register macro definition of Example 2, using the definition of method Acer register SCI patients 3, SCI register file structure of the definition of cases 4, SCI register file structure variables Example 5, the variable assigned to the data segment cases 6, the data segment is mapped to the register corresponding to 7 cases of storage space, communications controller and the control register 1, bit 8 of the definition of cases, communication controllers and control register 1 of the Community definition of 9 cases, the use of the Community definition of the structure of register file structure 10 in C/C++ DC operation using register cases of 11, TMS320X280x PCLKCR0 the definition of cases of DC 12, DC generated assembly code to visit 13 patients, the use of. all members of the Community of 14 cases of optimized code, use the Shadow Register optimized code cases of 15, IQ Math Applications
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: haoz | Hits:

[Other Embeded programbomb

Description: source code for microchip 8 bit architecture microcontroller, created for a general pourpose timer/clock with 7 segment display, it use 2 internal timer interrupts. Build with CCS C compiler.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: stefano | Hits:


Description: 程序描述:这个范例说明如何使用8051,以及汇编语言的程序连结, 当我们按下向上数的按钮之后,程序就会把0到9的共 阳7段显示器字型码存入AT93C46;如果我们按下向下 数的按钮之后,程序就会把9到0的共阳7段显示器字 型码存入AT93C46。 程序每一次重新开始执行时(Power on 或是Reset),8051 会先从AT93C46当中读出最前面的10个位组,然后 就反复地将这10个位组的数据经由PORT 1送到1个 共阳七段显示器。*/-Procedure Description: This example shows how to use the 8051, as well as links to assembly language programs, when we pressed up a few of the button, the program will bring a total of 0-9 yang seven segment display font yards into AT93C46 if we press Next down the number button, the program will bring a total of 9-0 Yang seven segment display font code into AT93C46. Process to begin again each time when the (Power on or Reset), 8051 will start with AT93C46 were read out in front, 10-bit groups, and then repeated these 10-bit groups of data via the PORT 1 sent to a A total of seven-segment display Yang.* /
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: luheshan | Hits:

[Windows Develop7_segment

Description: Code for 7-segment diplay
Platform: | Size: 146432 | Author: Raisul | Hits:


Description: 7 segment code for C#
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: gamchan | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxtemp

Description: This a C code for the begineers who want to program their avr using 7 segment.-This is a C code for the begineers who want to program their avr using 7 segment.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: krunal | Hits:


Description: 74LS49 是一个BCD码——7段LED显示译码器,它具有四位二进制输入信号bi(3)到bi(0)和熄灭信号b1_n,以及7段LED驱动信号a,b,c,d,e,f,g-74LS49 is a BCD code- 7 segment LED display decoder, it has four binary input signal bi (3) bi (0) and extinguished signal b1_n, and 7-segment LED drive signals a, b, c, d e, f, g
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: smith | Hits:

[Other Embeded programled_display_code

Description: 生成LED数码管的字型码,分共阴和共阳两种数码管,含源程序.-Generating the 7-Segment LED s display code with common anode and cathode type, including C++builder source.
Platform: | Size: 543744 | Author: wang | Hits:


Description: 超级经典的单片机C语言程序源码,涉及到了矩阵键盘,7段数码管显示,已经和PC的串口通讯,初学者必看,注释很详细,很容易懂- Super classic single-chip C language source code, related to the matrix keyboard, 7-segment LED display, and PC serial communication has been, beginners Watchable very detailed notes, it is easy to understand
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: YuLei | Hits:

[Special Effectstemp

Description: This a C code for the begineers who want to program their avr using 7 segment.-This is a C code for the begineers who want to program their avr using 7 segment.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: w6437375zhemen | Hits:


Description: 7 segment display interface c code ans simulation.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: parshotam rozara | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxCyclone V HPP demonstration

Description: C source code that exemplifies the use of the Cyclone V FPGA on a development board. Function exemplified: - the communication between the HPP and the FPGA - using the audio output - using LEDs - using switches - using 7 segment display
Platform: | Size: 12241 | Author: serby2000 | Hits:

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