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使用硬件SPI接口与74HC595连接,控制74HC595驱动8个LED流水灯显示。-use of hardware and Bit SPI interface connectivity, control Bit-eight LED lights indicate water.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : 伤坠人

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This small C code if for driving a SPI 74HC595 shift register with a PIC/AVR MCU .The code is written in MikroC.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Florin

TMS320X2812 spi显示驱动程序,及显示部分原理图。开发环境为CCS3.1.2812SPI和74hc595通讯,驱动5位LED 数码管。一般做工程都需要有显示部分。这个可以做为公用代码,可以显示小数。已经通过测试。-TMS320X2812 spi display driver, and display portions of the schematic. Development environment for CCS3.1.2812SPI and 74hc595 communications, driving five LED digital tube. Generally carry out engineering work needs to have indicated that some of. This can serve as a common code, you can display a decimal. Has been tested.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 519kb Publisher : Mr.cheng

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AVR单片机来驱动8位数码管,用74HC595来做驱动段和位的驱动芯片-AVR 74HC595 LEDAVR 74HC595 LEDAVR 74HC595 LEDAVR 74HC595 -ok ,i am a student,please help me.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 159kb Publisher : 肖桂华

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本例子是用硬件SPI接口循环发送一个变量到74HC595,并且在数据发送完毕后通过单片机的另外一个IO接口PB2输出一个“锁存”脉冲 ,使74HC595把移位寄存器的数据输出到锁存寄存器,并驱动8个LED输出,实现来回流水的效果。-This example is using the hardware SPI interface to send a variable to the loop 74HC595, and after the data is sent through the microcontroller interface to another IO PB2 output a " latch" pulse, the 74HC595 shift register to latch the data output to the register, and drive 8 LED outputs, to achieve the effect of water back and forth.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 张玉坤

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用STC的MCU的SPI方式控制74HC595驱动8位数码管。 用户可以修改宏来选择时钟频率, 可以修改寄存器定义是STC12C5A60S2系列 还是 STC12C5628AD STC12C5410AD STC12C4052AD系列. 用户可以在显示函数里修改成共阴或共阳.推荐尽量使用共阴数码管. 显示效果为: 8个数码管循环显示0,1,2...,A,B..F,消隐.-STC MCU SPI control 74HC595 to drive eight digital tube. User can modify the macro to select the clock frequency, you can modify the register definitions STC12C5A60S2 series or STC12C5628AD STC12C5410AD STC12C4052AD series. Display function, the user can modify the common cathode or common anode. Recommended to make use of a common cathode digital tube display: 8 The digital control loop to display 0, 1, 2 ..., A, B. F, blanking.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 67kb Publisher :

ATmega48/88/168的PB5是SPI时钟输出,接74HC595/74HC165的移位时钟输入端;PB4是SPI的MISO数据输人,接74HC165的数据输出;PB3是SPI的MOSI数据输出,接74HC595的串行数据输入端SER;PB2接74HC595/74HC165的锁存时钟输入端。-PB5 The ATmega48/88/168 SPI clock output connected to the input end of a 74HC595/74HC165 the shift clock PB4 SPI MISO data input, then 74HC165 data output PB3 SPI MOSI data output, then 74HC595 string The line data input terminal SER PB2 a latch clock input terminal connected 74HC595/74HC165.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 吳忠憲

STM32硬件SPI驱动74HC595,一位数码管显示0-F的数字,了解 74HC595(串入并出)基本原理和使用 ,熟悉用STM32硬件SPI的配置及其控制-STM32 hardware SPI driver 74HC595, a digital display 0-F numbers, understand 74HC595 (string into and out of) the basic principles and use, familiar with the STM32 configuration and control hardware SPI
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.18mb Publisher : LKLLK

3.A/D程序设计与电路仿真 通过AD对外部电压进行AD采样,然后利用SPI接口对采样回来的数据进行显示,并将转换结果通过UART发给上位机进行显示。 首先设置需要显示的数组,使用PINSEL0、PINSEL1寄存器设置串口0的连接端口,使用IO0DIR设置74HC595的控制口,初始化串口0,使用U0LCR、U0DLM、U0DLL、U0LCR寄存器设置波特率,初始化SPI接口,设置SPI的时钟分频、接口模式。 其次对ADC模块进行设置,通过移位设置寄存器ADCR选择通道0,设置转换时钟,利用软件进行转换操作,使用时钟转换,工作模式为非掉电转换模式、非测试模式、直接启动ADC转换,使用引脚下降沿触发ADC转换,读取ADC结果,并清除DONE标志位,切换通道并进行第一次转换,等待转换结束,然后再次启动转换,读取ADC的结果,从串口中输出结果,分别输出个位、十位、百位、千位数据。 -3. A/D circuit simulation program design and the external voltage through the AD AD sampling, and then come back using the SPI interface of the sampling data show, and the conversion results sent to the host computer via the UART for display. First set the array needs to be displayed, use PINSEL0, PINSEL1 register set the serial port 0, use the control port IO0DIR set 74HC595, initialize the serial port 0, use U0LCR, U0DLM, U0DLL, U0LCR register set the baud rate, initializing the SPI interface, set SPI clock frequency, interface mode. Second, the ADC module settings, through the shift register ADCR select channel 0 setting, set the conversion clock, use software to convert, use the clock conversion, down conversion mode for non-operating mode, non-test mode, direct start ADC conversion, the use of pin falling edge trigger ADC conversion, read the ADC result and clears the DONE flag, switch channels and make the first conversion, waiting for the end of conversion, and then start the co
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 126kb Publisher : 宋喜佳

5. SPI程序设计与电路仿真 SPI是全双工的同步串行接口,一根SPI总线可以连接多个主机和多个从机,但是在同一时刻只允许有一个主机操作总线。在数据传输过程中,主机总是向从机发送一个字节的数据,而从机也是总是向主机发送1个字节数据(主机通过MISO接收数据)。 定义74HC595片选端口,通过PINSEL0、PINSEL1寄存器设置SPI引脚接口,通过设置IO0DIR驱动74HC595的接口,初始化SPI接口,发送显示数据,片选清零寄存器,等待SPIF置位,等待数据发送完毕。使用while循环,发送数据显示数据,运用延时程序使显示更加稳定易用。 -5. SPI program design and circuit simulation SPI is a full duplex synchronous serial interface, an SPI bus can connect multiple hosts and multiple slaves, but at the same time allowing only one host operating bus. During data transfer, the master to the slave always sends a byte of data, but also the slave always sends a byte to the host data (host via MISO receives data). Definition 74HC595 chip select port via PINSEL0, PINSEL1 register setting SPI pin interface, driven by setting IO0DIR 74HC595 interface to initialize the SPI interface to send display data, chip select register is cleared, waiting for SPIF bit waiting for data transmission is completed. Use a while loop to send data display data, using delay routine makes the display more stable and easy to use.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 107kb Publisher : 宋喜佳

DL : 0
MSP430通用的spi驱动数码管的程序,需要结合74hc595使用-MSP430 generic spi-driven digital control of the program, you need to use a combination 74hc595
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 吴俊柯

给力者74HC595应用例程,给力者视频与例程值得推荐大家学习-Is a 74 hc595 are needed to force application routines, to video and routines to recommend everybody to learn
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : 刘强
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