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Description: 8051单片机以太网驱动程序
Platform: | Size: 9293 | Author: o0pingu0o | Hits:

[Other Embeded program8051 多工掃描顯示 0000~9999

Description: 8051 多工掃描顯示 0000~9999
Platform: | Size: 11178 | Author: whiteet | Hits:


Description: 8051用文字型LCD顯示簡單的"NICE TO MEET YOU"
Platform: | Size: 382 | Author: littleguay | Hits:

[SourceCode基于8051 的 AM2301(DHT21)温湿度检测工程

Description: 使用8051+AM2301做的LCD1602显示之温湿度监测,附上软件工程及实物照片.
Platform: | Size: 1410320 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:


Description: 使用 8051 控制的 GB2312 之汉字语音系统,用了常用一级汉字的多音处理发声,内附上 keil C51 软件工程.
Platform: | Size: 140529 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:


Description: 使用STC90C52(8051)配合C3-370C的GPS模块做成的GPS定位及轨迹记录仪系统,内附有8051源码及GPS轨迹记录PC端的程序.
Platform: | Size: 63694 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:

[SCM8051+ENC28J60 可连网路的功能

Description: 8051+ENC28J60 可连网路的功能,使用了 uIP 的机制,内附源代码及 Keil C51 工程等文件.
Platform: | Size: 278859 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:


Description: 8051跑馬燈
Platform: | Size: 246 | Author: mtmkid | Hits:

[SCM8051 + FAT (长档名)

Description: 于 8051 执行 FAT,支持长文件名称,附源代码.
Platform: | Size: 1136673 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:


Description: 本文档介绍了单片机8051的基本知识和一些应用,希望对初学单片机的朋友能有些帮助。
Platform: | Size: 7724026 | Author: slsdsb@126.com | Hits:

[Books8051单片机c51编程 徐爱卿著.rar

Description: 8051单片机c51编程 徐爱卿著.rar
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: WANGYQ891@126.COM | Hits:

[assembly language8051實例

Description: 8051
Platform: | Size: 232542 | Author: w_gor2001 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop基于8051嵌入式系统的GPRS终端实现

Description: 基于8051嵌入式系统的GPRS终端实现.-8051 embedded systems based on the GPRS Terminal.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 8051单片机c语言彻底应用-8051 c thoroughly Application Language
Platform: | Size: 5321728 | Author: 张雨生 | Hits:


Description: 很多8051的例子,对初学者而言,很有用!-many examples of 8051, for beginners, very useful!
Platform: | Size: 826368 | Author: 谢秋思 | Hits:

[SCMGenerate I2C Using 8051 IO port

Description: Generate I2C Using 8051 IO port
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 高威 | Hits:

[SCMInterface 8051 to Coolrunner CPLD(Xilinx App)

Description: Interface 8051 to Coolrunner CPLD(Xilinx App)
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 高威 | Hits:

[SCMInterface PC KEYBOARD using 8051 INT pin

Description: Interface PC KEYBOARD using 8051 INT pin
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 高威 | Hits:

[SCMInterface DS1307 RTC IC with 8051

Description: Interface DS1307 RTC IC with 8051
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 高威 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopInterface 4x4 matrix keypad with 8051 IO

Description: Interface 4x4 matrix keypad with 8051 IO
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 高威 | Hits:
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