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uc/os-ii for 8051 This package provides the sources required to use the uC/OS-II v2.00 real time kernel on the 8051 processor. To use this package you will need the TASKING C Compiler toolset v6.0r1 or higher. For info on TASKING products you can contact our Web-site at: Unzip the zipfile in the root of the drive where you also installed the uC/OS-II general sources. The following directories will be added: \\SOFTWARE\\UCOS-II\\8051 This directory contains the microprocessor specific source code \\SOFTWARE\\UCOS-II\\ex1_8051r This directory contains the project files for the first example \\SOFTWARE\\UCOS-II\\ex2_8051r This directory contains the project files for the second example-uc/os-ii for 8051 This package provides the sources required to use the uC/OS-II v2.00 real time kernel on the 8051 processor. To use this package you will need the TASKING C Compiler toolset v6.0r1 or higher. For info on TASKING products you can contact our Web-site at: Unzip the zipfile in the root of the drive where you also installed the uC/OS-II general sources. The following directories will be added: \\SOFTWARE\\UCOS-II\\8051 This directory contains the microprocessor specific source code \\SOFTWARE\\UCOS-II\\ex1_8051r This directory contains the project files for the first example \\SOFTWARE\\UCOS-II\\ex2_8051r This directory contains the project files for the second example
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 18.44kb Publisher : ping

8051编译器 dos下 很小-8051 compiler under small dos
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 47.04kb Publisher : 高华东

最好的8051系列单片机反编译软件,很实用,能很容易的得到源代码。-best 8051 anti-compiler software, very pragmatic, very easy to get the source code.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 229.21kb Publisher : 刘文剑

DL : 0
8051编译器 dos下 很小-8051 compiler under small dos
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 47kb Publisher : 高华东

DL : 0
基于8051单片机的模拟PS/2键盘的驱动程序,使用keil c51编译。-based on the simulation of 8051 PS/2 keyboard-driven procedures, the use of c51 Keil compiler.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李姚

DL : 0
本书以Keil 公司最新版本的C51 编译器为核心,阐述了在Windows 环境下采用单片 机高级语言C51 进行应用系统程序设计的基本原理和方法,详细介绍了Keil C51 的 Windows 集成开发环境Vision 51 和软件仿真器dScope51 的强大功能和具体使用方法。在 Windows 集成开发环境pVision 51 中,可以完成从源程序编写、编译、连接定位到目标文件 的仿真调试等的全部工作。dScope 51 是一种基于Windows 的多窗口软件仿真器,它可以在 完全没有8051 单片机硬件的情况下模拟调试各种应用程序,即使对单片机内部特殊集成功 能的编程,也可以找到对应的模拟窗口。 本书对最新版本C51 编译器新增加的控制命令作了全面介绍;给出了最新C51 运行库 函数及其应用范例;对Keil C51 的各种应用工具,如BL51 连接定位器、A51 宏汇编器、 LIB51 库管理程序以及OH51 符号转换程序等都作了详细介绍;还介绍了单片机实时多任务 操作系统RTX51 及其子集RTX51 TINY 的具体功能与应用方法。 本书强调先进性和实用性。全书各章列举了大量程序实例,并附赠一张配套光盘。因此 本书既适合广大从事单片机应用系统开发研制的工程技术人员的阅读,也可以作为高等工科 院校相应专业大学生或研究生的教学用书。-Keil book to the latest version of the C51 compiler at the core, described in the Windows environment using high-level language C51 microcontroller applications procedures for the basic design principles and methods introduced in detail Keil C51 integrated development environment for Windows 51 and Vision software simulator dScope51 the power and the specific use. Windows integrated development environment pVision 51, from source to be completed to prepare, compile, link positioning of the target file Simulation of the entire work. DScope 51 is a Windows-based multi-windows software emulation, it can no 8051 under the hardware simulation debugging various applications, even for special internal microcontroller integrated functional programming, can find the corresponding emulation window.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 31.45mb Publisher : 高山流水

DL : 0
用8051做的WEB SERVER,用KEIL_C編譯,可以遠端控制其IO腳。-do with the 8051 WEB SERVER, with KEIL_C compiler, remote control of its IO feet.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 134kb Publisher : 李文昌

DL : 0
uc/os-ii for 8051 This package provides the sources required to use the uC/OS-II v2.00 real time kernel on the 8051 processor. To use this package you will need the TASKING C Compiler toolset v6.0r1 or higher. For info on TASKING products you can contact our Web-site at: Unzip the zipfile in the root of the drive where you also installed the uC/OS-II general sources. The following directories will be added: \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\8051 This directory contains the microprocessor specific source code \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\ex1_8051r This directory contains the project files for the first example \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\ex2_8051r This directory contains the project files for the second example-uc/os-ii for 8051 This package provides the sources required to use the uC/OS-II v2.00 real time kernel on the 8051 processor. To use this package you will need the TASKING C Compiler toolset v6.0r1 or higher. For info on TASKING products you can contact our Web-site at: Unzip the zipfile in the root of the drive where you also installed the uC/OS-II general sources. The following directories will be added: \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\8051 This directory contains the microprocessor specific source code \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\ex1_8051r This directory contains the project files for the first example \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\ex2_8051r This directory contains the project files for the second example
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18kb Publisher : ping

DL : 0
单片机控制的彩灯控制器,具有较好的编译效果-SCM control of the lanterns controller, the compiler has good results
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 101kb Publisher : jeffrey

usb_D12+8051的固件源码. Keil_C51环境下编译-usb_D12 8051 firmware source. Keil_C51 environment compiler
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 83kb Publisher : liangpeng

用I/O口实现串口通信,通过8051实现,编译环境 keil C51。-using I/O Serial Communication mouth, through 8051 realization keil C51 compiler environment.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 曾亮

DL : 0
用8051实现电子时钟,C语言实现,编译通过-with 8,051 electronic clock, C language, compiler through
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26kb Publisher : 杨迪

本手册讲述8051 的目标环境,如何使用 C51 优化 C 编译器编译 C 程序。C51 编译器包可以用在所有的 8051 系列处理器上,可以在 WINDOWS 32 位命令行中执行。本手册假定你熟悉 WINDOWS 操作系统。知道如何编程 8051 处理器,并会用 C 语言编程。-the manual on the 8051 environmental goals, how to optimize the use of C51 C Compiler Compiler C program. C51 compiler package can be used in all 8051 processors, in Windows 32 command-line implementation. The manual assume you familiar with the Windows operating system. Know how to program the 8051 processor, and will use the C programming language.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : zhaokc

这是一本关于Intel 80C51 以及广大的51 系列单片机的书这本书介绍给读者一些 新的技术使你的8051 工程和开发过程变得简单请注意这本书的目的可不是教你各种 8051 嵌入式系统的解决方法 为使问题讨论更加清晰在适当的地方给出了程序代码我们以讨论项目的方法来说 明每章碰到的问题所有的代码都可在附带的光盘上找到你必须熟系C 和8051 汇编因 为本书不是一本C 和汇编的指导书你可以买到不少关于ANSI C 的书最佳选择当然是Intel 的数据书可从你的芯片供应商处免费索取和随编译工具附送的手册-This is one of Intel 80C51, and the large number of the 51 book series microcontroller this book about readers some new technology to make your 8051 projects and the development process becomes simple Please note that the purpose of the book that not teach you 8051 Embedded System various solutions to the problems discussed more clearly in the right place is the code I have to discuss the method of each chapter to illustrate the problems we encounter all the code can be attached to the CD you need to find a familiar line 8051 Series C and because the book is not a compilation of C and guide books you can buy a lot of books ANSI C Of course the best option is the Intel data is available from your chip suppliers to obtain free compiler and tools attached with the hands List
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 938kb Publisher : lens

DL : 0
ucos操作系统源码,新学习的朋友可以下载工具编译测试的-uCOS-source operating system, the new learning tools can be downloaded Friend compiler testing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18kb Publisher : jacky

DL : 0
林伸茂的8051单片机彻底研究系列基础篇的随书光盘,很全的哦-Lin Mao-shen a thorough study of the 8051 series of articles based on the CD-ROM with the book, it is the oh-wide
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.29mb Publisher : 林海

This IR (Infra-Red) learn module for home automation system. It can learn IR codes from different IR remotes, and then execute any assigned actions controlled by learned IR remote. This project was developed using Keil 8051 compiler. Processor - Atmel AT89C51 Frequency - 22.1184 Mhz (described as OSC_FREQ in "timer.h") Timer 0 - system timer (used for timeouts and delays) Also, look in folder /doc for additional information about IR codes formats and codes from different manufacturers. -This is IR (Infra-Red) learn module for home automation system. It can learn IR codes from different IR remotes, and then execute any assigned actions controlled by learned IR remote. This project was developed using Keil 8051 compiler. Processor- Atmel AT89C51 Frequency- 22.1184 Mhz (described as OSC_FREQ in "timer.h") Timer 0- system timer (used for timeouts and delays) Also, look in folder /doc for additional information about IR codes formats and codes from different manufacturers.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 516kb Publisher : Gulf

Real Time Clock over Serial Bit Bang. Target Processor: 8051. Compiler: SD-Real Time Clock over Serial Bit Bang. Target Processor: 8051. Compiler: SDCC
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : manoel

这个是8051单片机的编译器,多用于汇编环境,全中文界面。-This is the 8051 compiler, used for compilation of the environment, all Chinese language interface.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 134kb Publisher : zhang

8051 Asm code compiler
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : Mehmet GULTEKIN
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