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8051的测控问题分析,有A/D、D/A、开关量接口-8051 Analysis of the telemetry, A / D, D / A, Switch Interface
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.14mb Publisher : 陈超

8051 a/d 2500 ,lcd 128x64 demo program-8051 a / d 2500, lcd 128x64 demo program
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.27kb Publisher : 盧耀鴻

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.55kb Publisher : 逍遥

Update : 2010-12-04 Size : 300.41kb Publisher :

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8051的测控问题分析,有A/D、D/A、开关量接口-8051 Analysis of the telemetry, A/D, D/A, Switch Interface
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.14mb Publisher : 陈超

8051 a/d 2500 ,lcd 128x64 demo program-8051 a/d 2500, lcd 128x64 demo program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 盧耀鴻

c8051f020的A/D转换的应用事例-C8051f020 A/D conversion application examples
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : celine

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8051F02X系列单片机的A/D转换子程序-8051F02X Series MCU A/D conversion subroutine
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 110kb Publisher : lee

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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : whm

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C8051F340 A/D转换程序, C8051F340 A/D转换程序-C8051F340 A/D conversion process, C8051F340 A/D conversion process
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : fanliqiang

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本文结合开发项目“基于C8051F040 单片机的嵌入式系统开发”,在深入研究嵌入式系统技术的基础上,提出了小型PLC 设计的系统方案。硬件结构以高性能的8 位嵌入式处理器C8051F040 为核心,充分利用其丰富的片上资源,扩展系统的输入输出功能。软件以开发的PLC 内核为核心,开发系统所需要的应用,将嵌入式PLC内核扩展为完整、实用的PLC 系统。-In this paper, the development project C8051F040 MCU-based embedded system development in-depth study of embedded system technology, based on a small PLC systems designed programs. Hardware structures to eight high-performance embedded processor C8051F040 as the core, take full advantage of its rich on-chip resources, the expansion of the system input and output functions. Software to develop the kernel at the core of the PLC to develop systems for applications, will be expanded core embedded PLC integrity, practical PLC system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 514kb Publisher : liujingyuan

《8051单片机基础教程》首先介绍了8051单片机的硬件、汇编语言、程序测试方法、基本I/O控制、中断控制、计时计数器控制、串行接口控制、A/D与D/A转换等土要内容,然后重点介绍了三个制作课题:LCD串行接口监视器、单片机电子钟、倒数计器。- Essentials 8051 First introduced 8051 hardware, assembly language, program testing methods, and basic I/O control, interrupt control, timer counter control and serial interface control, A/D and D/A conversion, such as soil content, and then focuses on the production of three issues: LCD serial interface monitors, single-chip electronic clock, countdown keiki.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 159kb Publisher : wang

《uC/os-II 内核分析.移植与驱动程序开发》随书光盘中的全部源代码,全部通过调试。书中介绍μC/OS-Ⅱ的内核分析、移植过程和驱动程序开发方法。书中首先以μC/OS-Ⅱ在8051系列单片机上的移植为例子,详细剖析μC/OS-Ⅱ的内核和移植过程;然后以串口通信为例,介绍如何为μC/OS-Ⅱ实时内核添加设备的驱动程序;最后介绍μC/OS-Ⅱ在数字信号处理器[DSP]上的移植,以使读者进一步加深对μC/OS-Ⅱ的理解。 -" UC/os-II core analysis. Transplantation and Driver Development" book with CD-ROM of all the source code, all through the debugger. Introduce the book μC/OS- Ⅱ core analysis, the transplanting process and driver development methodology. ΜC/OS- Ⅱ first book in the 8051 Series single-chip on the transplant as an example, a detailed analysis of μC/OS- Ⅱ core and transplantation process then to serial communication as an example, how to introduce μC/OS- Ⅱ Add real-time kernel device driver introduction Finally μC/OS- Ⅱ in the digital signal processor [DSP] on the transplant, in order to enable the reader to further deepen the understanding of μC/OS- Ⅱ.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.2mb Publisher : iceyfire

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本程序是一个RS232转网口的。是一个透明传输的模块,主控芯片是51的单片机。-This procedure is a RS232 port to switch to other networks. Is a transparent transmission module, the master microcontroller chip 51.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.09mb Publisher : 张高旺

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8051实现直流电机PMW调速系统 本文所述的直流电机闭环调速系统是以低价位的单片微机8051为核心的,而通过单片机来实现电机调整又有多种途径,相对于其他用硬件或者硬件与软件相结合的方法实现对电机进行调整,采用PWM软件方法来实现的调速过程具有更大的灵活性和更低的成本,它能够充分发挥单片机的效能,对于简易速度控制系统的实现提供了一种有效的途径。而在软件方面,采用PLD算法来确定闭环控制的补偿量也是由数字电路组成的直流电机闭环调速系统所不能及的。曾经也试过用单片机直接产生PWM波形,但其最终效果并不理想,在使用了少量的硬件后,单片机的压力大大减小,程序中有充足的时间进行闭环控制的测控和计算,使得软件的运行更为合理可靠。-This article mainly introduces the method to generate the PWM signal by using MCS-51 single-chip computer to control the speed of a D.C. motor. It also clarifies the principles of PWM and the way to adjust the duty cycle of PWM signal. In addition, IR2110 has been used as an actuating device of the power amplifier circuit which controls the speed of rotation of D.C. motor. What’s more, tachogenerator is used in this system to measure the speed of D.C. motor. The result of the measurement is sent to A/D converter after passing the filtering circuit, and finally the feedback single is stored in the single-chip computer and participates in a PI calculation. As for the software, this article introduces in detail the idea of the programming and how to make it. Key words: PWM signal tachogenerator PI calculation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 陈与

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STC12C5A60S2/AD/PWM 系列单片机是宏晶科技生产的单时钟/ 机器周期(1T)的单片机,是高速/ 低功耗/ 超强抗干扰的新一代8051 单片机,指令代码完全兼容传统8051,但速度快8-12 倍。内部集成MAX810 专用 复位电路,2 路PWM,8 路高速10 位A/D 转换(250K/S),针对电机控制,强干扰场合。-STC12C5A60S2/AD/PWM Series MCU is a macro technological production of single-crystal clock/machine cycle (1T) of the microcontroller, high-speed/low power/8051 a new generation of powerful anti-jamming, instruction code is completely is compatible with the traditional 8051, but 8-12 times faster. Dedicated internal integration MAX810 reset circuit, 2-way PWM, 8-Channel High Speed 10-bit A/D converter (250K/S), for motor control, strong interference occasions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.12mb Publisher : 张永辉

MSC1210中文资料--内核兼容8051的MSC1210单片机,具有高性能ADC、片内存储器以及Flash编程应用等功能。实际应用系统往往需要进行高精度的测量,同时还必须进行实时快速控制,提高其开发效率。为此人们常采用高精度A/D芯片加带ISP开发功能的单片机系统来实现。德州仪器(TI)的MSC1210单片机解决了上述问题。它集成了一个增强型8051内核、高达33 MHz的时钟周期、8路24位高精度∑-△A/D转换器、Flash存储器等-MSC1210 Chinese data- 8051 MSC1210 microcontroller core compatible with high-performance ADC, on-chip Flash program memory and application functions. Practical applications often require high-precision measurements, but also the need for real-time fast control, to improve their development efficiency. To do this people often use high-precision A/D chip increases with ISP microcontroller system development function to achieve. Texas Instruments (TI) of the MSC1210 microcontroller to solve the above problems. It integrates an enhanced 8051 core, up to 33 MHz clock cycle, 8-channel 24-bit high-precision Σ-△ A/D converter, Flash memory, and so on ... ...
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 615kb Publisher : 小孙

基于单片机的多路数据采集系统的设计方案,采用的是AD0809和51单片机,及LED液晶显示-To ADC0809 and 8051 as the core of the system, including three parts: data collection, data processing and display, the terminal receiver. Including its control, display, A/D converter, power conversion interface, personal computers. Design using ADC0809 data for 8 samples, using MCS-51 microcontroller serial port to send and receive data. Shown in part by the LED digital display 8155,75452,7407 and composition. Application of electronic design automation hardware design tools, software design modular programming method, based on KEIL C compiler platform
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 368kb Publisher : 张超

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8051连接A/D转换器0804实现简单的数字电压表-8051 Connect A/D converter 0804 to achieve a simple digital voltmeter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 倪申

本專題是對於溫度、CO2設備來偵測,溫度、CO2經由熱敏電阻及MG811轉成電壓後,利用A/D 轉換電路將其訊號傳入8051,並顯示溫度、CO2濃度及設定值在LCD上,使其量測的溫度、CO2濃度數值大小能判斷目前狀態是理想,進而對其做加熱、冷卻及排氣的動作。-This topic is for temperature, CO2 equipment to detect temperature, CO2 via a thermistor and MG811 turn into a voltage, the use of A/D converter circuit to signal incoming 8051 and displays temperature, CO2 concentration and the set value in the LCD On to the measurement of temperature, CO2 concentration can determine the current status of the numerical size is ideal, and then do their heating, cooling and exhaust action.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : wong ngai lung
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