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用Java实现的一个端口扫描器,能扫描出开放的端口-use of a Java port scanners can scan the opening of ports
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.93kb Publisher : 王素文

一个高效的tcp端口扫描器- A highly effective tcp port scanner
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 129kb Publisher : 站长

用Java实现的一个端口扫描器,能扫描出开放的端口-use of a Java port scanners can scan the opening of ports
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 王素文

优秀的内网子机及端口嗅探器(附java代码).JMap is a Java network port scanner, a security tool to identify open ports on any host or network subnet. -excellent machine within the network and port sniffer (java code). JMap is a Java ne twork port scanner. a security tool to identify open ports on any hos t or network subnet.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 31kb Publisher : Alvin

一个精典的国外,端口扫描器的源代码。不知道有没有人上传了。-A classical foreign, port scanner
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 63kb Publisher : 宋志广

java编写 端口扫描器,可扫描指定的端口范围,可多线程扫描,保存结果。-prepared java port scanner can scan a specified port range, can be multi-threaded scanning, save the results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15kb Publisher : 王晓亮

DL : 0
基于JAVA的简单扫描器,可以多线程扫描,指定网段的IP,及指定IP的端口。 -JAVA based on a simple scanner, can be multi-threaded scanning, designated segment of the IP, and IP port specified.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 27kb Publisher : liuyi

端口扫描器。 本扫描器实现了:TCP Connect 扫描,TCP SYN扫描,TCP Fin扫描,TCP ACK扫描及UDP端口扫描,这些扫描能够实现扫描特定IP地址范围内端口和扫描某IP地址范围内全部主机特定端口两种模式,并且SYN扫描能够区分端口开放、端口关闭和被防火墙过滤三种状态。-Port scanner. The scanner realized: TCP Connect Scan, TCP SYN Scan, TCP Fin Scan, TCP ACK scan and UDP port scan, the scan can scan a specific IP address range of ports and scanning a range of IP addresses all host two specific ports mode, and can distinguish SYN scan open ports, port closed and the three states firewall filters.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 323kb Publisher : 鲁晓明

VB快速端口扫描器的源代码,能快速扫描计算机或局域网中所有存在安全隐患的端口。程序中附带特洛伊和后门程序信息的数据库,主要特色是扫描速度快,扫描32,000个端口仅仅需要一分钟不到。你可以更新数据库中的特洛伊和后门程序信息以便进行比对和查找可疑打开的端口。程序代码还有一些比较好的IP转换为域名以及互相转换的函数,对VB网络编程的朋友有一定参考价值。-Fast port scanner VB source code, can quickly scan your computer or local area network security risks exist in all the ports. Proceedings incidental to backdoor Trojan and information database, the main features of the scanning speed, scan 32,000 ports only need less than a minute. You can update the database of Troy and the back door in order to process the information to compare and find suspicious open ports. Some code is converted to a better domain name and IP conversion function with each other on network programming VB friends have a certain reference value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 144kb Publisher : Rhode

This a port scanner program, that scans your computer ports between two ranges whether it s blocked or open.-This is a port scanner program, that scans your computer ports between two ranges whether it s blocked or open.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 36kb Publisher : Gabriel

port scanner:Keep an eye on the open ports in your local pc. A java written port scanner which looks for the open ports in the given server and logs a report of them.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : deepakrathore

A simple port scanner,can detect which port is open,and using multithread.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.52mb Publisher : jiangge

是基于端口的漏洞扫描,能进行各种的漏洞扫描-Is a port-based vulnerability scanning
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.94mb Publisher : 杨阳

VC++数据库编程100例一书中的第一章实例10 c++端口扫描程序源码-VC++ database programming 100 cases of the first chapter of a book instance 10 c++ source port scanner
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 55kb Publisher : 许燕燕

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使用JAVA语言编写的一款端口扫描程序。-JAVA languages ​ ​ using a port scanner.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 林飞

VC++ 端口扫描器Scan源码,用winsock编写的端口扫描器,支持多线程和两种扫描方式SYN和ping,可以多段IP扫描以及多个端口扫描,内附有详细文档-Scan VC++ source port scanner, port scanner written with the winsock, and two multi-threaded scanning SYN and ping, you can scan multiple IP segments, and multiple port scanning, a document containing a detailed
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 675kb Publisher :

这是一个端口扫描器,用java语言所写,可以扫描自己正在实用的端口,也可以任何一个ip的端口……里面包括所有源文件-This is a port scanner, written with java language, you can scan your ports are useful can also be any of the ip port ... ... which includes all source files ... ...
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 29kb Publisher : tsin

一个用MFC实现的端口扫描器。选择要扫描机器的ip地址,并设定端口范围,可以扫描机器开放的端口。-Using VC++ to achieve a port scanner, the machine can scan for open ports.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : wufan

端口扫描器,能实现主机地址上单个端口或多个端口的扫描-Port scanner, host address to achieve a single port or multiple ports on the Scan
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.24mb Publisher : 千之

多线程端口扫描器是实现计算机的端口的扫描,只要在在前台设置好所要扫描的IP、起始端口、结束端口以及所要用到的线程数,点击扫描,就可以扫描到所输入IP地址主机的开放端口,并显示在主窗体中;点击退出,则可以退出该程序。IP设置应为所在主机的IP地址,起始端口和结束端口应为0~65535之间的一个数,且起始端口应小于结束端口的大小。线程数为0~200之间的一个数。点击开始后就会运行,直到扫描完毕显示出开放端口,如果没有开放端口,则只显示扫描完毕。-Threaded port scanner is a computer port scanning, as long as in at the front desk set to scan IP, start, end port port as well as to the number of threads, click Scan, you can scan the input IP address host open ports, and displayed in the main form click to exit, then can exit the program. IP settings for the IP address of the host, the starting port and end port shall be 0 ~65535 between a starting port number, and should be less than the end port size. Thread number 0 ~200 between a number of. Click the start will run until finishing the scan, showing open port, if there is no open ports, only the display scan.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 390kb Publisher : xp
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