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[Special EffectsColorTransformRGB-LAB

Description: 自己写的很实用的色彩空间转换程序: 在色彩空间的正向转换中(RGB----->Lab),用的是九级均匀分割建模 在色彩空间的反向转换中(Lab----->RGB),用的是多项式(20项)回归的方法! 二十项多项式: p(x,y,z)=a0+a1*x+a2*y+a3*z+a4*x*y+a5*y*z+a6*x*z+a7*x^2+a8*y^2+a9*z^2+a10*x*y*z+a11*x^3+a12*y^3-himself wrote a very practical color space conversion : the color space conversion positive (RGB
Platform: | Size: 124827 | Author: 思根 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopCypress_ax

Description: cpress usb 芯片Vender 处理固件。 The purpose of this software is to demonstrate how to implement vendor specific commands. The following vendor specific commands are implemented: A0 Firmware Upload/Download A2 EEProm Load A3 External Ram Load A4 Set I2C Addr A5 Get IIC Type (1 Byte or 2 Byte EEPROM) A6 Get Chip Rev A8 Renumerate
Platform: | Size: 25932 | Author: xw | Hits:

[Special EffectsColorTransformRGB-LAB

Description: 自己写的很实用的色彩空间转换程序: 在色彩空间的正向转换中(RGB----->Lab),用的是九级均匀分割建模 在色彩空间的反向转换中(Lab----->RGB),用的是多项式(20项)回归的方法! 二十项多项式: p(x,y,z)=a0+a1*x+a2*y+a3*z+a4*x*y+a5*y*z+a6*x*z+a7*x^2+a8*y^2+a9*z^2+a10*x*y*z+a11*x^3+a12*y^3-himself wrote a very practical color space conversion : the color space conversion positive (RGB
Platform: | Size: 124928 | Author: 思根 | Hits:

[Crack Hacka3a8

Description: SIM卡的A3A8加密算法,理解后可以通过随机碰撞来爆破SIM卡的KI。即可以复制SIM卡-SIM cards A3A8 encryption algorithm, can be understood through random after the collision to blast SIM cards KI. That can be replicated SIM cards
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: JackChen | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopCypress_ax

Description: cpress usb 芯片Vender 处理固件。 The purpose of this software is to demonstrate how to implement vendor specific commands. The following vendor specific commands are implemented: A0 Firmware Upload/Download A2 EEProm Load A3 External Ram Load A4 Set I2C Addr A5 Get IIC Type (1 Byte or 2 Byte EEPROM) A6 Get Chip Rev A8 Renumerate -Vender treatment cpress usb chip firmware. The purpose of this software is to demonstrate howto implement vendor specific commands.The following vendor specific commands are implemented: A0 Firmware Upload/DownloadA2 EEProm LoadA3 External Ram LoadA4 Set I2C AddrA5 Get IIC Type (1 Byte or 2 Byte EEPROM) A6 Get Chip RevA8 Renumerate
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: xw | Hits:


Description: This directory contains the 8051 firmware Vend_Ax source code for the Cypress EZ-USB chip. The purpose of this software is to demonstrate how to implement vendor specific commands. The following vendor specific commands are implemented: A0 Firmware Upload/Download A2 EEProm Load A3 External Ram Load A4 Set I2C Addr A5 Get IIC Type (1 Byte or 2 Byte EEPROM) A6 Get Chip Rev A8 Renumerate
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: Willson Yang | Hits:

[Software EngineeringK-means

Description: the whole source code for this example using the k=3 and the initial means are (2, 10) (5 ,8) and (1, 2) and the the following are the points. piont A1 (2, 10) A2 (2, 5) A3 (8, 4) A4 (5, 8) A5 (7, 5) A6 (6, 4) A7 (1, 2) A8 (4, 9) -the whole source code for this example using the k=3 and the initial means are (2, 10) (5 ,8) and (1, 2) and the the following are the points. piont A1 (2, 10) A2 (2, 5) A3 (8, 4) A4 (5, 8) A5 (7, 5) A6 (6, 4) A7 (1, 2) A8 (4, 9)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hammam | Hits:

[Data structsa3a8

Description: sim卡 comp128 a3/a8算法,里面有一些基本的介绍-sim card comp128 a3/a8 algorithm
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 鲁毅 | Hits:

[3G developA3A8

Description: 这是GSM入网认证加密算法A3-A8源码,这不错的。-This is the source GSM network authentication encryption algorithm A3-A8, which was good.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: hxl | Hits:

[Windows Developexp3

Description: 已知2条地铁线路,其中A为环线,B为东西向线路,线路都是双向的。经过的站点名分别如下,两条线交叉的换乘点用T1、T2表示。编写程序,任意输入两个站点名称,输出乘坐地铁最少需要经过的车站数量(含输入的起点和终点,换乘站点只计算一次)。 地铁线A(环线)经过车站:A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 T1 A10 A11 A12 A13 T2 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 地铁线B(直线)经过车站:B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 T1 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 T2 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 -Known two subway lines, where A is the ring, B is the east-west lines, lines are bidirectional. After the site name are as follows, two lines cross transfer points with T1, T2 represents. Programming, site name any input two output subway station requires a minimum number of passes (including the start and end input, transfer the site only once). Metro Line A (Link) through the station: A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 T1 A10 A11 A12 A13 T2 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 Metro Line B (straight) through the station: B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 T1 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 T2 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 丽丽 | Hits:


Description: 实现神经网络分类,适用于非侵入式电荷分解(Realization of neural network classification)
Platform: | Size: 32049152 | Author: wwxzxd | Hits:

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