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IMDCT优化算法的研究-IMDCT Optimization Study
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 440kb Publisher : 蝌蚪文

本书详细介绍了数据采集获取仪器设计中常用的滤波器的设计方法。-the book details the acquisition of Data Acquisition Instrument Design commonly used filter design methods.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 150kb Publisher : 李劲

DL : 0
MPEG-4音频编码 这是MPEG-4标准中采用的音频压缩技术之一:结构化音频压缩技术。 aacquant.h aacquant.c - 结构化音频量化 backpred.h backpred.c - 后向预测 channels.h channels.c - 音频信道 faac.h faac.c - 结构化音频压缩 fft.h fft.c - 快速Fourier变换 filtbank.h filtbank.c - 滤波器 frame.h frame.c - 音频帧定义 huffman.h huffman.c - Huffman编码 hufftab.h - Huffman编码码表 joint.h joint.c - 音频融合 ltp.h ltp.c - ltp加权因子 -MPEG-4 Audio Coding MPEG-4 This is the standard audio compression technology used in one of: the structure of audio compression technology. aacquant.h aacquant.c- structured audio quantization backpred.h backpred.c- after the prediction channels.h channels.c- audio channels faac.h faac.c- structured audio compression fft.h fft.c- Fast Fourier transform filtbank.h filtbank.c- Filter frame.h frame.c- definition of audio frames huffman.h huffman.c- Huffman coding hufftab.h- Huffman encoding code table joint.h joint.c- audio integration ltp.h ltp.c- ltp-weighted factor
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 68kb Publisher : lamching

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TnsFilter(intlength,double*spec,TNS_FILTER_DATA*Filter)函数,使用规定的滤波器系数,按指定的长度对频谱进行滤波. LevinsonDurbin迭代式算法模块,采用LevinsonDurbin代式算法根据给定的数据计算反射数据,并返回预测增益.-TnsFilter (intlength, double* spec, TNS_FILTER_DATA* Filter) function, the use of the provisions of the filter coefficients, according to the length of the spectrum designated for filtering. LevinsonDurbin iterative algorithm module, using LevinsonDurbin generation algorithm in accordance with the given data reflection data and return prediction gain.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 57kb Publisher : lamching

一个和aacdecoder配套的解析的过滤器-And supporting a aacdecoder analytical filter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 32kb Publisher : 罗生

MPEG-4音频编码 这是MPEG-4标准中采用的音频压缩技术之一:结构化音频压缩技术。 aacquant.h aacquant.c - 结构化音频量化 backpred.h backpred.c - 后向预测 channels.h channels.c - 音频信道 faac.h faac.c - 结构化音频压缩 fft.h fft.c - 快速Fourier变换 filtbank.h filtbank.c - 滤波器 frame.h frame.c - 音频帧定义 huffman.h huffman.c - Huffman编码 hufftab.h - Huffman编码码表 joint.h joint.c - 音频融合 ltp.h ltp.c - ltp加权因子-MPEG-4 Audio Coding MPEG-4 This is the standard audio compression technology used in one of: the structure of audio compression technology. aacquant.h aacquant.c- structured audio quantization backpred.h backpred.c- after the forecast channels.h channels.c- audio channels faac.h faac.c- structured audio compression fft.h fft.c- Fast Fourier transform filtbank.h filtbank.c- Filter frame.h frame.c- definition of audio frames huffman.h huffman.c- Huffman coding hufftab.h- Huffman encoding code table joint.h joint.c- audio integration ltp.h ltp.c- ltp-weighted factor
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 56kb Publisher : gzb

AAC 音频解码,DirectShow Filter-AAC audio codecs, DirectShow Filter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 64kb Publisher : denggenggen

FLV Mux Directshow Filter. Support H264, AAC, VP6, MP3 codecs
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : alex

Wince6下的AAC音频解码DShow filter源码,在SMDK6400BSP下验证通过,内含文档-AAC DShow filter source code for Windows Embedded CE 6.0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 140kb Publisher : 郑韬慧

Complete DirectShow solution for AAC decoder filter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.29mb Publisher : Padma

开发时候一些DirectShow Filter的参考工程,功能上没的说了,有些开源,有些商用-When the development of some DirectShow Filter reference works, functions not to say, and some open source, some commercial
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.9mb Publisher : 张思源

多媒體通訊期末報告, AAC 的全名為 Advanced Audio Coding,其意為高階音訊編碼,是 國際標準組織 (ISO)訂的音訊標準格式,也是 MPEG 規格的一部分。取樣 頻率選擇性更高,更接近 CD 音質;並採用了分辨率更高的濾波器組,達-Final report of multimedia communications, AAC' s full name is Advanced Audio Coding, it means high-end audio encoding, is the International Standards Organization (ISO) set the standard audio format, is also part of MPEG specifications. Higher sampling frequency selective closer to CD quality sound and adopted the higher resolution of the filter, up to
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 616kb Publisher : liuhongfu

解析器在DirectShow解码解开的AAC(Windows媒体播放器,媒体播放器经典,RadLight,ZoomPlayer...)兼容播放流 -AAC解码器需要一个过滤器(CoreAAC或3ivX的) - 由汤姆贾德- v的1.1.0-Parser for decoding unwrapped AAC streams in DirectShow compatible players (Windows Media Player, Media Player Classic, RadLight, ZoomPlayer...)- requires an AAC decoder filter (CoreAAC or 3ivX s)- by Tom Judd- v 1.1.0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : cuiyong

AAC 编解码器,可用于音频压缩,directshow-AAC filter decoder
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 410kb Publisher : amero

VidCoder视频转码 v1.3.4源码 源码描述: VidCoder视频转码 v1.3.4源码 源码描述: 开发环境:vs2010 VidCoder是一个开源免费的DVD/蓝光视频抓取和转码软件。 使用HandBrake做为编码引擎。比Handbrake拥有更友好的用户界面。 工具的特性: Multi-threaded MP4,MKV容器 h .编码与x264,世界上最好的视频编码器 完全集成的编码管道:一切都是在一个流程,没有巨大的中间临时文件 mpeg - 4,mpeg - 2,Theora视频 AAC、MP3、Vorbis,AC3,FLAC音频编码和AAC / AC3 / MP3 / DTS / DTS hd转移 目标比特率、大小和质量的视频 2-pass编码 Decomb,detelecine,反交错过滤器 批处理编码 即时源预览 创建小编码的预览剪辑 停顿,resume编码 -The video transcoding v1.3.4 VidCoder source Source description: the v1.3.4 source source of VidCoder video transcoding Description: Development environment: vs2010 VidCoder is a free open source DVD/Blu-ray video capture and transcoding software. HandBrake as the encoding engine. Handbrake has a more friendly user interface. Tool features: Multi-threaded MP4, MKV container h. Fully integrated encoding with x264, the world' s best video encoder encoding pipeline: everything is a process, not a huge staging file mpeg- 4, mpeg- Theora video AAC, MP3, Vorbis, AC3, FLAC audio encoding and AAC/AC3 ​ ​ / MP3/DTS/DTS hd transfer target bit rate, the size and quality of video 2-pass encoding Decomb detelecine deinterlace filter batch encoding immediate source preview create small encoded preview clips pause, resume coding
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16.63mb Publisher : bi

another sample of aac directshow filter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 80kb Publisher : teamol

UMPlayer是一款出色的开源免费媒体播放器。,优化了相关设置,,使用MPlayer做为后端引擎。凭借先进的内置解码器,它能够轻松的播放任何媒体格式,包括音频CD/DVD/(S)VCD,在线流媒体以及TV卡输出,甚至还能播放不完整的媒体文件。 UMPlayer的界面简单直观,支持多国语言(含简体中文)。它还拥有众多的鲜明特性,例如:支持Windows、Linux、Mac等系统,有免安装便携版,可更换皮肤的界面,内置字幕搜索引擎,音频/字幕同步处理,增强的渲染过滤器和YouTube录播。 拥有超过270个内置的音、视频编、解码器,UMPlayer可以支持几乎所有的。包括AAC, AC3, ASF, AVI, DIVX, FLV, H.263, Matroska, MOV, MP3, MP4, MPEG, OGG, QT, RealMedia, VOB, Vorbis, WAV, WMA, WMV, XVID等等。-UMPlayer is an excellent free open source media player. Optimize the settings ,, use MPlayer as backend engine. With advanced built-in decoder, it can easily play any media formats, including audio CD/DVD/(S) VCD, online streaming and TV card output, and even play media files incomplete. UMPlayer simple and intuitive interface, support for multiple languages ​ ​ (including Simplified Chinese). It also has many distinctive features, such as: support for Windows, Linux, Mac and other systems, there is a portable version of the free installation, skinnable interface, built-in subtitle search engine, audio/subtitles sync, enhanced filter rendering and YouTube record broadcast. Has more than 270 built-in audio and video encoder and decoder, UMPlayer can support almost all. Including AAC, AC3, ASF, AVI, DIVX, FLV, H.263, Matroska, MOV, MP3, MP4, MPEG, OGG, QT, RealMedia, VOB, Vorbis, WAV, WMA, WMV, XVID, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.12mb Publisher : 黄远文
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