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ACE reference 相关页面.是学习windows,linux网络编程 的好资料.-ACE reference relevant pages. Learning windows, Linux Network Programming good information.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.46mb Publisher : 郑和

Doxygen的词根来源于Document(文档)和Oxygen(氧气),它是一个功能强大、使用方便且支持各种操作系统和编程语言的代码文档生成系统。Doxygen由荷兰人Dimitri van Heesch.开发,并且在GNU公共许可证(GPL)下发布,目前已经成为各主要的Linux发行版的附带组件。众多重量级的软件项目(如KDE,Qt、ACE库等)都选用Doxygen作为其编档工具生成项目文档。 Doxygen最初在Linux下开发,但已经被移植到多个操作系统平台下,包括Unix的各发行版本、MS Windows和Mac OS。Doxygen目前最新的版本是1.3.6,支持的编程语言包括 C++,C,Java,IDL(CORBA和MS风格),对Objective-C, PHP, C#和D语言也有部分支持。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.45mb Publisher : 毕胜

一个开源的网络开发库ACE,推荐下载--A network development library ACE which has opened source code,recommend
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11.15mb Publisher : 站长

ACE reference 相关页面.是学习windows,linux网络编程 的好资料.-ACE reference relevant pages. Learning windows, Linux Network Programming good information.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8.46mb Publisher : 郑和

Doxygen的词根来源于Document(文档)和Oxygen(氧气),它是一个功能强大、使用方便且支持各种操作系统和编程语言的代码文档生成系统。Doxygen由荷兰人Dimitri van Heesch.开发,并且在GNU公共许可证(GPL)下发布,目前已经成为各主要的Linux发行版的附带组件。众多重量级的软件项目(如KDE,Qt、ACE库等)都选用Doxygen作为其编档工具生成项目文档。 Doxygen最初在Linux下开发,但已经被移植到多个操作系统平台下,包括Unix的各发行版本、MS Windows和Mac OS。Doxygen目前最新的版本是1.3.6,支持的编程语言包括 C++,C,Java,IDL(CORBA和MS风格),对Objective-C, PHP, C#和D语言也有部分支持。
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.45mb Publisher : 毕胜

ACE v5.5 类库文档,chm格式,英文源版。 对使用ACE开发提供不少的帮助。-ACE v5.5 class library documentation, chm format, English version of the source. On the use of ACE to develop a lot of input.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 17.23mb Publisher : zuiwengoo

DL : 0
洗发牌模拟程序: 一副扑克牌有54张,为简单起见,这里撇去大小王不计,剩下52张扑克共4种花色:红桃(Heart),方块(Diamond),梅花(Club),黑桃(Spade),其ASCII码分别为3,4,5,6,扑克牌的面值则有十三种:A(Ace),两点(Deuce),三点(Three),四点(Four),五点(Five),六点(Six),七点(Seven),八点(Eight),九点(Nine),十点(Ten),丁钩(Jack),皇后(Queen)与老K(king)。 发牌过程要求随即以体现玩牌过程的公正性。发牌之前要先洗牌(Shuffle),以打乱扑克牌的顺序,增强随机性。 洗牌和发牌过程的程序模拟方式为:用一个4*13的整型二维数组deck表示一副牌,值为0表示没有牌,1~52之间的数代表扑克牌的发牌顺序。行与花色相对,0~3分别代表红桃,方块,梅花和黑桃;列于面值对应,即0~9列分别表示数字A~10,10~12代表J,Q,和K。综合起来若deck[1][9]的值为27,表示扑克牌方块10为当前一手牌的第27张。发牌的逻辑可利用循环结构将二维数组所对应的各扑克牌的花色与面值显示出来 -shuffle and deck
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 学习生

USACO 1.1.1 美国信息学奥林匹克竞赛第一题题解。 问题描述 科学家们在研究彗星后惊讶地发现,在每一个彗星后面都有一个不明飞行物UFO。 这些不明飞行物时常来带走来自地球上的一些支持者。不幸地,他们的空间在每次旅行只能带上一群支持者。 他们要做的是用一种聪明的方案让某个支持彗星UFO的团体都被彗星带走。他们为每个彗星起了一个名字,通过这些名字来决定一个团体是不是特定的彗星带走。 那个相配方案的细节是这样的: 所有团体的名字和彗星的名字都以下列各项方式转换成一个数字: 这个最后的数字代表名字中所有字母的信息,"A" 是 1 和 "Z" 是 26。 举例来说,团体 "USACO" 会是 21*19*1*3*15=17955 。 如果团体的数字 mod 47 等于慧星的数字 mod 47,那么你要告诉这个团体:准备好行李,走吧 ! 现在,你要写一个程序来通过团体的名字和彗星的名字来决定一个组是否应该与在那一颗彗星后面的不明飞行物搭配。 写一个程序读入彗星的名字和团体的名字,如果搭配打印"GO"否者打印"STAY" 团体的名字和彗星的名字将会是没有空格或标点的一串大写字母(不超过6个字母)。 -Your Ride Is Here It is a well-known fact that behind every good comet is a UFO. These UFOs often come to collect loyal supporters from here on Earth. Unfortunately, they only have room to pick up one group of followers on each trip. They do, however, let the groups know ahead of time which will be picked up for each comet by a clever scheme: they pick a name for the comet which, along with the name of the group, can be used to determine if it is a particular group s turn to go (who do you think names the comets?). The details of the matching scheme are given below your job is to write a program which takes the names of a group and a comet and then determines whether the group should go with the UFO behind that comet. Both the name of the group and the name of the comet are converted into a number in the following manner: the final number is just the product of all the letters in the name, where "A" is 1 and "Z" is 26. For instance, the group "USACO" would be 21* 19* 1* 3* 15
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 42kb Publisher : 沉睡的青龙

ACE最新的源代码库,包含了头文件及一些例子,在VC++上运行编译-ACE latest source code library that contains the header files and some examples to run in VC++ compiler
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19.56mb Publisher : sky

linux 解压 带界面 Cross-platform file and archive manager. Features volume spanning, compression, authenticated encryption. Supports 7Z, 7-Zip sfx, ACE, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, GZ, ISO, JAR, LHA/LZH, NSIS, OOo, PAQ/LPAQ, PEA, QUAD, RAR, RPM, split, TAR, Z, ZIP.-linux RAR ZIP 。。。
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.34mb Publisher : hujiacheng

德州扑克游戏,点击方片或者梅花、红桃等,可以自动在gui上生成-The scoring is done as follows. Each row and column of 3 cards is considered a ‘hand’. Each hand may achieve a score under the three categories described below. Category 1: Ace Flush (1000 points): Three cards of the same suit including at least one Ace, e.g. A- 2- 5 or 6- A- 4. Cateogry 2: Flush (500 points): Any three cards of the same suit, e.g. 3- 2-- 5 or 2- 4- 6 Category 3: Pair (100 points): A hand with two cards of equal face value and any other card, e.g. 6-6-4 or 5-5-A. Add code such that clicking on the last grid button would initiate the calculating of scores. Then display the following in a pop-up message box: 1. Total score 2. No. of hands achieved under each category.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : yalyka

DL : 0
ACE_TAOB0下载,使用该版本能用VC++6.0进行编译(如 果使用其他版本请先弄清楚不同ACE+TAO版本对应VC的不同版本)。 将ACE发布文件解压缩到某个目录中,在其中将会创建含有所有文件的 ACE_wrappers目录。在下面的步骤中,ACE_wrappers目录将以 ACE_ROOT为名来指称-ACE_TAOB0 download, use the version can VC++6.0 compile (If you are using other versions please clarify the different ACE+TAO version corresponding to different VC version). Unzip the ACE publish files to a directory containing all the files will be created in which ACE_wrappers directory. , ACE_wrappers directory will ACE_ROOT the following steps to refer to in the name of
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 889kb Publisher : 代劳

ace Detection Program for MATLAB 2013a using Gabor Feature Extraction and Neural Networks ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1- copy all files and directories to the MATLAB s work folder * In order to run the program you must have Image Processing and Neural Networks Toolboxes 2- (Important) Navigate to the root folder which contains "main.m". 3- Type "main" or "run main" in the command window 4. Only fort the first time, the program creates Gabor filters and stores them in ./data/gabor.mat Training set dataset and stores it in ./data/imgdb.mat Neural Network and stores it in ./data/net.mat 5- imgdb is short for "image data base". 6- When the program menu appears click on "Train Network" and wait until the program is done with the training-ace Detection Program for MATLAB 2013a using Gabor Feature Extraction and Neural Networks ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1- copy all files and directories to the MATLAB s work folder * In order to run the program you must have Image Processing and Neural Networks Toolboxes 2- (Important) Navigate to the root folder which contains "main.m". 3- Type "main" or "run main" in the command window 4. Only fort the first time, the program creates Gabor filters and stores them in ./data/gabor.mat Training set dataset and stores it in ./data/imgdb.mat Neural Network and stores it in ./data/net.mat 5- imgdb is short for "image data base". 6- When the program menu appears click on "Train Network" and wait until the program is done with the training
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 176kb Publisher : manu
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