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Description: tftp source code s3c4510 for ads1.2
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 徐晓东 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programan107_esd

Description: ADS1.2 samples
Platform: | Size: 286720 | Author: hjy | Hits:


Description: ARM ADS1.2例子,学习用很好!-ARM ADS1.2 examples to learn from good!
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 小罗 | Hits:


Description: A57C32在ADS1.2下的demo程序。-A57C32 ADS1.2 in the demo process.
Platform: | Size: 977920 | Author: 王海滨 | Hits:


Description: 用ADS1.2做的S3C44B0源程序。-ADS1.2 do with the S3C44B0 source.
Platform: | Size: 1071104 | Author: 王海滨 | Hits:


Description: 基于samsung s3c44b0x 的mp3播放程序源代码,编译环境:windows + ads1.2,具有很高的参考价值-based on the MP3 player source code, compile environment : windows ads1.2 with very high reference value
Platform: | Size: 220160 | Author: 布莱克 | Hits:


Description: s3c2410 测试代码;主要有AD DA IIS IIC URITR RTC NAND SDRAM 可用ADS1.2调试。-s3c2410 testing the code; Major AD DA IIS IIC URITR RTC NAND SDRAM available ADS1.2 debugging.
Platform: | Size: 4564992 | Author: nhy | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSARM anywhereII开发板DEMO程序(ADS1.2)

Description: 在arm ADS1.2下调调试通过的,可以用来检测你的arm7tdmi系列嵌入式开发办工作是否正常地DEMO程序,是很好的嵌入式开发者初学示例。-ADS1.2 downturn in the arm through the debugger can be used to test your family of embedded ARM7TDMI Office for the Development of the normal work procedures to DEMO, is a good beginner embedded developers example.
Platform: | Size: 178176 | Author: 孙彦景 | Hits:

[uCOSuCOSwithFS(ram drive)

Description: UCOS-II v2.76 + FS + RAM driver running on S3C2410.(ADS1.2)-UCOS-II v2.76+ FS+ RAM driver running on S3C2410.(ADS1.2)
Platform: | Size: 739328 | Author: Zebra King | Hits:

[Embeded Linux嵌入式触摸屏实验

Description: 嵌入式系统Lcd触摸屏实验,u-cs系统,ads1.2下编写调试-Embedded System Lcd Touchscreen experiment, u-cs, ads1.2 prepared Debugging
Platform: | Size: 3371008 | Author: 谢博杰 | Hits:


Description: 1. beep -- PWM测试 为 ADS1.2 下编译的项目, 在sdt2.51的ADW里调试,该程序运行后在57600的超级终端里按PC机键盘的“+”“-” 按键,可以听到BUZZ增大减小的声音。 2. key -- 按键测试 为 SDT2.51 下编译的项目, 在sdt2.51的ADW里调试,该程序运行后按FS44B0X上的按键key1 key2 key3 key4 相应的发光二极管亮 3 keyint -- 按键中断测试 该项目在SDT2.51下编译调试。主程序是while空循环,中断服务程序对应四个按键做相应的处理,key1 按键点亮D1灯,并在串口打印信息,因为没有加按键去抖动程序,所以,一次按键,产生几次中断。 -1. Beep-- PWM ADS1.2 testing for the project under the Build, in the ADW sdt2.51 Lane debugging, after running the 57,600 in the Super Terminal Lane by PC keyboard "" "-" buttons, Buzz can be increased to reduce heard voices. 2. Key-- SDT2.51 key test for the project under the Build, in the ADW sdt2.51 Lane debugging, after running the program on the button FS44B0X key1 key2 key3 key4 corresponding LED top-three keyint-- interrupted test button in the project under the Build SDT2.51 debugging. While space is the main program cycle, interrupt service routine correspondence four keys handled accordingly. key1 D1 lights lit keys, and Serial Print information, because no buttons to increase jitter, and therefore, a button. several have interrupted.
Platform: | Size: 506880 | Author: 张淼林 | Hits:


Description: 基于ads1.2环境下lpc2114的uart程序 -ads1.2 environment based on the UART procedures lpc2114
Platform: | Size: 146432 | Author: 小保 | Hits:


Description: SAMSUNG官方发布的S3C2410开发板的最完整测试程序。本人用ADS1.2对其进行了优化和改进,并已完全调通。把这个程序完全搞懂,开发板上所有的东西你就都掌握了。-official release of the Samsung S3C2410 development board the most complete testing procedures. I used ADS1.2 its optimized and improved, and had fully transferred Qualcomm. This procedure completely to understand the development board all the things you have mastered.
Platform: | Size: 2989056 | Author: 李伟 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopOs_cpu_c

Description: μCOS-II在LPC210x上的移植代码CPU配置部分,用ADS1.2编译- COS-II in the transplant LPC210x CPU configuration code, compile with ADS1.2
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesgba

Description: GBA工程开发模板,可在ADS1.2下使用,用playboy的模拟器看运行结果.-GBA Project templates can be used in ADS1.2 with playboy look at the simulator operating results.
Platform: | Size: 538624 | Author: st | Hits:


Description: uC/OS-II操作系统在ADS-ARMulator上的移植。uC/OS-II就不用我介绍了,想必很多人都很感兴趣。但没有硬件平台调试,而skyeye初学者又很难上手怎么办?该移植可以运行在ADS的AXD调试器的ARM模拟器上,相对而言容易配置,大大方便初学者的上手,使更多的人容易进入嵌入式开发殿堂。在ADS1.2环境下编译运行。-uC/OS-II operating system ADS-ARMulator the transplant. UC/OS-II would not have introduced me, I see many people are very interested. But no debugging hardware platform, and it is very difficult to skyeye beginners how to get started? The transplant can run in the ADS AXD debugger for ARM simulator, relatively easy configuration, It greatly facilitates the beginners to get started, to enable more people to access embedded development house. In ADS1.2 environment compiler running.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: ioncannon | Hits:

[Other Embeded programLPC21XXForADS1.2

Description: LPC21XX工程模板 For ADS1.2 供ARM初学者参考-LPC21XX For ADS1.2 project templates for beginners reference ARM
Platform: | Size: 169984 | Author: 张明利 | Hits:


Description: AT91SAM7X系ARM系统开发功能测试程序,如果你着手用AT91SAM来进行系统开发,这是确实是个很好的资料,有了他,会助你一臂之力.本源码是ADS1.2下的源码,用于AIC功能测试-ARM System Development Department AT91SAM7X functional test procedures, if you proceed with AT91SAM for systems development, this is indeed a very good information, with him will help you. ADS1.2 of the source code is under source code for AIC function test
Platform: | Size: 616448 | Author: 龙觊峰 | Hits:


Description: ADS1.2基于ARM,适合初学者,提供一个虚拟仿真环境-ADS1.2
Platform: | Size: 3124224 | Author: jack | Hits:

[Other Embeded programADS1.2-MDK3

Description: 从ADS1.2工程移植到Keil 4工程,详细讲解,附带实例程序-From migration to Keil 4 ADS1.2 engineering projects, detailed explanations, with examples of procedures
Platform: | Size: 952320 | Author: 杨少栋 | Hits:
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