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The enclosed VB project includes a VB class that implements the Rijndael AES block encryption algorithm. The form in the project runs some test data through the class.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.58kb Publisher : 云海

The enclosed VB project includes a VB class that implements the Rijndael AES block encryption algorithm. The form in the project runs some test data through the class.

The rijndael.asp file is a VBScript ASP file that can be used as a server side include for encryption using the Rijndael AES block cipher algorithm. The rijndaeltest.asp shows how the encryption routine can be called by running some test data through the algorithm.


Update : 2008-11-24 Size : 13.14kb Publisher : yusy2000

The enclosed VB project includes a VB class that implements the Rijndael AES block encryption algorithm. The form in the project runs some test data through the class.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 云海

《共享软件加密算法库》专业版是一款针对个人、企业开发共享软件的加密工具,支持Windows平台下各类开发工具: VC、VB、BCB、Delphi、PB、VFP、C#、ASP等,算法库中包含了获取计算机硬盘物理序列号、主板序列号功能及多种高强度对称、非对称算法。获取的硬盘序列号不随硬盘分区及格式化改变,支持IDE、SCSI接口硬盘,获取主板序列号的功能支持各类BIOS芯片,这两个功能可方便的用来实现一机一码的注册方式。算法库集成的算法有:BlowFish,MD5,Secret16,AES、SHA、CRC32、RSA、DES、字符串加/解密、文件加/解密等多种功能强大的算法,可以满足软件开发的各类需求,加密算法库附有详细的函数说明及各类软件调用示例。-"sharing software encryption algorithm for" professional version is the one individual, development of shared enterprise software encryption tools support Windows platforms in various types of development tools : VC, VB, BCB, Delphi, PowerBuilder, Visual FoxPro, C#, ASP, algorithm library includes access to the computer hard disk physical sequence, sequence, function of the Main Board and various high-intensity symmetric, asymmetric algorithms. Access to the hard disk, not with the sequence partitions and formatting changes, support IDE, SCSI hard disk interface, access to the Main Board, the sequence function and support a variety of BIOS chips, These two functions can be used to facilitate the realization of a machine a code of registration. Integration Algorithm for the algor
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 372kb Publisher : yangrui

这是一套完整的AES加密解密程序,用VB编写,调试可用.-This is a complete set of AES encryption and decryption procedures, using VB, debugging available.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : James

共享软件加密算法库,一款针对个人、企业开发共享软件的加密工具,支持Windows平台下各类开发工具:VC、VB、Delphi、PB、VFP等,算法库集成的算法有:BlowFish、MD5、Secret16、AES、SHA、CRC32、RSA、DES、字符串加/解密、文件加/解密等多种功能强大的算法。其提供了DLL文件-Reg.dll,可以通过复用它来实现数据加密与解密。 -sharing software encryption algorithm library, one individual, enterprise development sharing software encryption tools, support Windows platforms in various types of development tools : Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, PowerBuilder, Visual FoxPro. Integration Algorithm for the algorithm are : BlowFish, MD5, Secret16, AES, SHA, CRC32-, RSA, DES, string encryption/decryption, document encryption/decryption and other powerful algorithms. Provide a DLL files-Reg.dll, through reuse it to achieve data encryption and decryption.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 664kb Publisher : 沐柏

标准算法模块是集DES、3DES、AES、RSA、MD5、BlowFish、TEA、RC6等标准算法为一体的算法包,同时在模块中使用了Anti-Debug和程序自校验功能(涉及到软件的加壳和CRC32)、软件使用次数限制,更好的保护您的软件。在模块中作者给出了每种算法详细调用方法,使用者可以根据自己的需要来进行选择。现暂时给出在VB、VC、Delphi三种开发语言中的调用方法,其他语言的调用方法可与我们联系获得,具体可以参看例子程序;现更新DLL可能被破解者替换的漏洞,并对DLL进行了加壳,增加了CRC校验功能,For Delphi还增加了对DeDe的Anti代码,在代码中给出了在NT/2000/XP下关闭计算机的函。在本站提供了几款壳下载,需要的可以到“加壳技术”模块去下载,在校验的时候用得到,具体的方法在调用模块里面有。-standard algorithm module combines DES, 3DES, AES, RSA, MD5, BlowFish, TEA, RC6 algorithm standards for the integration of the algorithm package, At the same time the use of the module Anti-Debug and procedures since the checksum function (related to the shell and software CRC 32), software usage restrictions and better protect your software. The module is the author of the algorithm in detail each call, users can meet their own needs to choose. Is temporarily given in VB, VC, Delphi development of the three languages of the call, other languages can call methods and access to our contacts, can see examples of specific procedures; Update DLL is likely to be those who break the replacement of the loopholes, and the shell DLL, an increase of CRC function, For Delphi also added to the Anti De
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 272kb Publisher : 小强

DL : 0
一个类化的完整的AES实现方案.包含128Bit 256 Bit.不同的加密强度的完整的AES算法.同时也是一个成型的程序.可以用来直接加密需要保护的文件.-A class of a complete program of AES realize. Contains 128Bit 256 Bit. Different encryption strength of a complete AES algorithm. It is also a molding process. Can be used to directly encrypt the need to protect documents.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 106kb Publisher : gbcgbc

DL : 0
同过VB来实现的,AES加密算法的实现,这个算法中涵盖了AES的精髓-VB had come with the implementation, AES encryption algorithm implementation, this algorithm covers the essence of AES
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 吕虎猛

AES加密算法的VB实现,对字符串和文件都能加密。-AES encryption algorithm of the VB implementation, both the string and file encryption.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 30kb Publisher : Ares

DL : 1
AES加密算法 AES加密算法-AES,VB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : zhaojie

DL : 0
AES加密是一个高效快捷用于军事加密等级的类模块,可以在任何工程中使用。AES(128位字区大小,使用128、192或者256位密钥长度)是用在美国政府进行保护机密(使用192或者256位密钥)和绝密文件的算法。不同于其他区段加密算法,AES是在VB中是最有效率的,因为加密一个区段能被使用唯一的CopyMemory,异或操作和一些位掩码。这个类模块可以支持所有的密钥和字区大小。并且难能可贵的是支持中英文混合加密。-AES encryption is a fast and efficient level of class for military encryption module can be used in any project. AES (128-bit words zone size, use 256-bit key length, or 128,192) is confidential to protect the U.S. government (using 192 or 256-bit keys), and top secret documents algorithms. Unlike other sections encryption algorithm, AES is in the VB is the most efficient, because the encryption of a section can be used only CopyMemory, XOR and some bit mask. This class module can support all of the key and the word zone size. And the valuable support of mixed encryption.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 30kb Publisher : dick

AES加密算法类程序示例Vb源代码AES encryption algorithm class program sample source code for Vb-AES encryption algorithm class program sample source code for Vb
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : liqing

 AES加密算法VB源码演示程序,涉及加密算法以及文件加密、解密,在多种场合中都可应用,本加密程序可以加密字符和加密文件,当然也可解密,对学习AES算法当然是挺有参考意义的-VB source AES encryption algorithm demo program, involving encryption algorithm and file encryption, decryption, can be applied in a variety of occasions, the encryption program can encrypt files encrypt character and, of course, can decrypt, AES algorithm for learning is of course winter ridge Reference significance
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 62kb Publisher : 方亚东

DL : 0
VB采用AES加密的一个小程序, 需要用到加密控件-A small program in VB AES encryption, encryption controls needed
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : mazhizhong

VB编写的AES加密类模块,可自选加密等级。-VB prepared by the AES encryption module
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : yangks

DL : 0
VB的AES加密解密模块,请尊重原作者,不要删除备注信息。-VB s AES encryption and decryption modules, please respect the author and do not delete the note information.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 94kb Publisher : dess

DL : 0
vb AES 加密解密的小程序~-vb AES encryption and decryption applet ~! ! ! ! ! !
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24kb Publisher : suhanqing

AES加密解密算法vb6的源代码,带测试用例。-AES Encode Demo
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 69kb Publisher : feilai

DL : 0
aes + vb 6 顶级的加密源码,VB6 亲测可用-aes+ vb 6
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 62kb Publisher : yejian
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