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Description: 呼叫阻塞率的计算和仿真:在时间轴上考虑。无论阻塞与否,下一呼叫到达时刻为当前呼叫到达时刻加上服从参数为1/λ的指数分布的呼叫间隔时间。一个呼叫到达时只需要判断呼叫的到达时刻和各个信道服务完成时刻的先后:如果前者比后者中任意一个大,说明至少有一个信道服务完成时刻比此呼叫到达时刻早,即此信道空闲,此时呼叫成功,应该先把此信道下一个服务完成时刻置为当前呼叫到达时刻,再加上服从参数为μ的指数分布的服务时间;反之,如果前者比后者中全部都小,说明所有信道在此呼叫到达后才会结束服务,即当前忙,此呼叫被阻塞掉了-call blocking probability calculation and simulation : the time frame to consider. Whether or not blocked, the next call arrived at the present moment to call time arrived with a subordinate parameters / index distribution of the call interval. A call arrived only judgment call and the arrival time each channel service has completed a moment : If the former than the latter an arbitrary, and at least one channel is completed service calls than this moment arrived moments earlier, that this channel is idle, call this success, should first get here Channel a moment of complete services for the current call home arrival time, coupled with the parameters obey the exponential distribution services; Conversely, if the former than the latter, all small, with all the Channel call arrived only aft
Platform: | Size: 12349 | Author: 徐鹏 | Hits:

[Other resourceAFT-code

Description: Simon Hayin的\"Adpative Filter Theory\"-自适应滤波第4版的所有仿真代码matlab语言版。-Simon Hayin "Adpative Filter Theory" - Self section 4 should be filtering all the simulation version of the Matlab code language version.
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 尹浩 | Hits:

[Other resourceA.F.T.Engine

Description: aft传世引擎,目前最流行的引擎!!! aft传世引擎,目前最流行的引擎-aft engine, the most popular engine! ! ! Masterpieces aft engine, the most popular engine!
Platform: | Size: 854455 | Author: 王艳锋 | Hits:

[Other resourceAFT

Description: 传奇世界AFT全套源代码(包括注册机、攻击器、登陆器和Wool代码)
Platform: | Size: 65253371 | Author: fuaay | Hits:


Description: Simon Hayin的"Adpative Filter Theory"-自适应滤波第4版的所有仿真代码matlab语言版。-Simon Hayin "Adpative Filter Theory"- Self section 4 should be filtering all the simulation version of the Matlab code language version.
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 尹浩 | Hits:


Description: 此为《自适应滤波器原理》一书的原代码, 为matlab程序-this as "an adaptive filter Principle," a book of the original code, procedures for Matlab
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 许风 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringA.F.T.Engine

Description: 一个aft引擎,传世的服务端,测试基本可以用-An aft engine, handed down the service client to test the basic can be used
Platform: | Size: 1562624 | Author: dge533efde | Hits:

[source in ebookaft

Description: S. Haykin:自适应滤波器原理第四版的matlab代码-S. Haykin: Adaptive Filter principle of the fourth edition of the matlab code
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: li_dee | Hits:

[Game EngineAFT

Description: 传奇世界AFT全套源代码(包括注册机、攻击器、登陆器和Wool代码)-A full set of World of Legend AFT source code (including Zhuceji, attack, and landers and Wool Code)
Platform: | Size: 65253376 | Author: fuaay | Hits:

[source in ebookAFT

Description: 自适应滤波器 第四版 源程序 维纳估计最小方差LMS算法-Adaptive Filter fourth source estimated minimum variance Wiener LMS algorithm
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: wang minchao | Hits:

[2D GraphicAFTCODE

Description: AFT算法程序,是用C语言实现的,大家交流一下-AFT algorithm procedure is used C language and U.S. exchange
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李芳 | Hits:


Description: Simon haykin《自适应滤波器原理》的书中例子的matlab代码-Simon haykin " Adaptive Filter Theory," the book example matlab code
Platform: | Size: 908288 | Author: lin | Hits:

[Technology ManagementAFT

Description: 这是一篇硕士学位论文,算术傅立叶变换(AFT)的DSP实现-This is a master' s degree thesis, arithmetic Fourier transform (AFT) of the DSP implementation
Platform: | Size: 3256320 | Author: 赵磊 | Hits:

[Game EngineAFT

Description: AFT引擎源码,加工具,供大家学习学习之-AFT engine source code for learning
Platform: | Size: 2506752 | Author: shizainiu | Hits:

[Delphi VCLAFT1

Description: AFT第一代传世引擎源码 AFT第一代传世引擎源码-AFT generation
Platform: | Size: 2500608 | Author: 青年 | Hits:

[Game Engineaft

Description: 最新aft 1.985传奇世界私服引擎源码-PW engine aft eng handed down the latest source
Platform: | Size: 11343872 | Author: 秦勇 | Hits:

[Game Server SimulatorAFT

Description: 这是AFT的服务器,可以大家用来研究研究传世的私服技术-This is the AFT' s server, can all be used to study a technique handed down PW
Platform: | Size: 2227200 | Author: 独孤剑 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLAFT

Description: AFT阿凡提引擎源码,完整无缺!冰封工作室-AFT Affandi engine source code, intact! Frozen studio
Platform: | Size: 2567168 | Author: liuhuan | Hits:

[Game EngineAFT

Description: AFT.zip AFT引擎源码 DELPHI 需要的人拿去研究-AFT.zip AFT引擎源码 DELPHI 需要的人拿去研究
Platform: | Size: 3467264 | Author: 小石头 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLAFT

Description: AFT全套引擎。注册方法网上有-AFT full range of engines.
Platform: | Size: 6306816 | Author: caning | Hits:
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