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雷达轨迹分析系统绘制的飞机运动的轨迹。运用Simulink中的封装子系统、S函数运算等各种常见功能-Trajectory analysis radar system drawn track aircraft movement. The use of the package Simulink subsystem, S function computing a variety of common functions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : kenny2046

飞行器轨迹仿真算法的研究中的GPS程序1+2+3飞行器轨迹仿真算法的研究中的GPS程序-Aircraft trajectory simulation algorithm of GPS procedures 1 2 3 aircraft trajectory simulation algorithm in the GPS program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : tianxingjian

飞机飞行轨迹仿真系统的设计.rar飞机飞行轨迹仿真系统的设计.rar-Aircraft flight path simulation system design. Rar aircraft trajectory simulation system design. Rar
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 206kb Publisher : tianxingjian

对某飞行器的全空域飞行弹道进行了仿真研究.建立了飞行器空间运动的数学模型,应用“牛顿插值多项式法”对气动力参数进行了辨识,用C语言编制了仿真程序,并给出了仿真结果及分析。-Of a vehicle-wide airspace simulation trajectory. Established the aircraft mathematical model of space motion, application, Newton interpolation polynomial method on the aerodynamic parameters identification, use of C language compiled simulation program, and to out the simulation results and analysis.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 105kb Publisher : 李恒

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Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 402kb Publisher : jamil

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飞机轨迹发生器使用matlab写成的可用来模拟飞机飞行轨迹-The use of the aircraft trajectory generator can be written in matlab to simulate the aircraft flight path
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 433kb Publisher : 帅来帅去

vxWoks操作系统是风河公司设计开发的一种嵌入式实时操作系统,是嵌入式开发环境的关键组成部分。良好的持续发展能力、高性能的内核以及友好的用户开发环境,使vxWorks在嵌入式实时操作系统领域占据一席之地。它以其良好的可靠性和卓越的实时性被广泛地应用在通信、军事、航空和航天等高精尖技术及实时性要求极高的领域中,如卫星通信、军事演习、弹道制导和飞机导航等。-Wind River vxWoks operating system is designed to develop an embedded real-time operating systems, embedded development environment is a key component of the. The continued development of good capacity, high-performance kernel and user-friendly development environment for embedded real-time operating system vxWorks in the field of a place. With its good reliability and excellent real-time performance has been widely used in communications, military, aviation and space technology such as sophisticated and demanding real-time areas, such as satellite communications, military exercises and aircraft trajectory guidance navigation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.41mb Publisher : liujie

Trajectory and Attitude Plot This function plot in the same figure the center trajectory and attitude of an aircraft.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : blue11

基于飞行器中的轨迹研究及弹道系数的研究,-Based on the trajectory of aircraft and ballistic coefficient,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : weijun

用LabVIEW实现的“飞行姿态控制仿真”。内有vi:俯仰和滚转控制器、航向控制器、键按下增大、键盘操作、姿态角误差转换、阻尼器。还有9个显示vi和12个模型vi。 飞行控制的目的主要是通过控制飞行器的姿态和轨迹来完成飞行任务,然而飞行轨迹很大程度由飞行姿态决定。可见飞行器姿态控制,在整个飞行控制系统中处于重中之重的地位。飞行姿态控制的好坏直接关系到飞机能否安全、平稳、快速的地飞行。与其它控制系统一样,可用稳定性和动稳态性能来衡量控制效果。稳态时,要使飞行器姿态足够接近所需的飞行姿态,才能让飞机以一定的航迹航行。而姿态变化的过程,要求系统稳定,响应快,超调小,振荡少,即姿态能够快速平稳过渡。早期,可以通过优化飞机的气动布局来改良飞机的飞行性能,但随着飞行的速度与高度的增加,空气变得稀薄,阻尼随之减小,飞行的气动模型也发生了大的改变,已经难以通过外形设计来增强稳定性,而设计优良飞行姿态控制器是必由之路. -Using LabVIEW to achieve the "flight attitude control simulation." There vi: pitch and roll control, heading control, key press increases, keyboard operation, attitude angle error change, and the dampers. There are nine show vi and 12 model vi. The main purpose of the flight control is by controlling the aircraft attitude and flight trajectory to complete the task, but a large degree trajectory decision by the flight attitude. Spacecraft attitude control can be seen in the flight control system in the most important position. Flight attitude control has direct bearing on whether the aircraft safe, stable, fast to the ground. And other control systems, stability and dynamic steady-state performance can be measured in control performance. Steady state, make the aircraft attitude close enough to the required flight attitude, to allow the aircraft to a certain track navigation. The attitude change process, requiring system stability, fast response, small overshoot, small oscillations,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 415kb Publisher : zhou

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该程序包括了飞行器轨迹计算、陀螺和加速度计的采样输入、以及由四元素解算出的飞行器姿态、位置、速度-The program includes the aircraft trajectory calculation, the sampling gyro and accelerometer input, and the solution calculated by the four elements of aircraft attitude, position, velocity
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 苏钰

主要讲解的是一种飞行器虚拟航迹生成软件的设计与实现 -Mainly on the Design and Implementation of a virtual aircraft trajectory generation software
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 159kb Publisher : shitwdeng

kalman滤波的基本原理,在飞行器轨迹预测方面的应用,非常有用-The basic principle of the kalman filter in aircraft trajectory prediction application, is very useful
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : jiangjiaohua

无人机路径规划算法研究、飞行器航迹规划研究-UAV path planning algorithm research, the Aircraft Trajectory planning studies. . .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 40kb Publisher : 徐阳

本程序实现的是卫星观测定位中移动的卫星对飞行器的有效定位,为了画出飞行器的轨迹图,对原坐标进行插值处理-This program is the satellite observations mobile satellite positioning effective positioning of the aircraft, in order to draw the aircraft trajectory, the original coordinates interpolated
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20kb Publisher : zhaoxuejing

考虑了轰炸机水平轰炸时投弹方向与载机速度方向不一致的情况,研究了投射炸弹的运动轨迹并建立了一组弹道方程,最后通过MATLAB采用龙格-库塔法求解轰炸弹道。-Considered inconsistent with the carrier aircraft bomb direction speed horizontal direction bombers bombing case study projected trajectory of the bomb and the establishment of a set of ballistic equations, and finally through MATLAB Runge- Kutta method to solve the bombing trajectory.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 龙天

飞行器轨迹跟踪,对轨迹进行三维显示,采用vs2010,C#开发-Aircraft trajectory tracking, track three-dimensional display using vs2010, C# development
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 279kb Publisher :

该程序是对飞行器的航迹进行模拟。包括3个文件,主程序是fangzhen.m,可以反映出飞行器高度、速度、攻角等参数对飞行器航迹的有效-The program is a simulated aircraft track. Includes three files, the main program is fangzhen.m, can reflect the aircraft altitude, speed, angle of attack of the aircraft trajectory parameters are valid
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : 马飞

The use of the aircraft trajectory generator can be written
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 432kb Publisher : shayan_abdi

飞机 惯导定位 轨迹仿真 matlab 可直接使用(aircraft ins Trajectory simulation matlab Can be used directly)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 喵咩
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