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Platform: | Size: 347095 | Author: jiawei8197 | Hits:

[JSP/Javaant search food simulate

Description: 蚁群觅食模拟,java版-ant foraging simulation, java version
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: 波尔 | Hits:

[Documentsant algorithm

Description: 关于蚂蚁算法方面的一些文章,这次一定要通过哦。-on the Ant Algorithm some articles that must pass oh.
Platform: | Size: 167936 | Author: 宁黎华 | Hits:


Description: java ant daquan
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 白云 | Hits:

[JSPApaceh Ant Manual-chm

Description: ant工具的使用说明,chm格式的文件便于检索-ant tool use, chm files accessible
Platform: | Size: 3372032 | Author: 谷天一 | Hits:


Description: 蚂蚁算法解TSP问题 为华中科技大学硕士毕业论文原代码。-Ant Algorithm for TSP to Huazhong University of Science and Master's theses original code.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 舒服 | Hits:


Description: 蚁群算法仿真模拟程序,用c的图形界面,直观的展示了蚁群算法的仿生学过程。为读者了解改算法有直接的指导意义-ant colony algorithm simulation program, c graphical interface, and visual display of the ant colony algorithm Bionics process. For readers to understand the algorithm change is directly guiding significance
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: zy | Hits:


Description: 蚁群算法的C++程序,转载于下面网站 http://fashionxu.bokee.com/4673640.html-ant colony algorithm C program, reproduced in the following website http :// fashionxu.bokee.com/4673640.html
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 罗佳 | Hits:


Description: ant使用指南,大小:414k.pdf格式电子书-ant use of the guidelines, size : 414k.pdf format e-books
Platform: | Size: 347136 | Author: 肖潇 | Hits:


Description: 蚁群算法求解tsp问题后去交叉.数据为att48,48个城市的tsp -Ant Algorithm tsp problems to cross. Att48 data, the 48 cities tsp
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: xuqs | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsant-system-algorithm

Description: C语言版本的蚁群系统算法,详细介绍了蚁群算法的步骤-C language version of the ant system algorithm, introduced in detail the steps Ant Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 葛荣雨 | Hits:


Description: 用于解决TSP问题的蚁群算法,里面有详细注释-TSP solution for the ant algorithm, which detailed Notes
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 葛荣雨 | Hits:


Description: 在这里可以下载到,精神恍惚了一个星期,终于写完了,真是高兴啊,挺好玩的, http://www.0635jj.com/蚁群算法MFC版演示程序. ... 多个线程读到的内容大体都相同,怎么能让每个线程有一个独立的数据源来产生随机数呢,,,,大家在用程序的时候,-here can be downloaded to a trance, a week, finally finished, really pleased ah, very good play. http :// www.0635jj.com/ ant algorithm MFC version Demonstration Program. read ... the various threads generally have the same content, how each thread can have an independent source of data to generate random numbers?,, we use procedures,
Platform: | Size: 150528 | Author: 龙晓波 | Hits:


Description: 机器人路径规划中的蚁群算法小程序自己编程的-robot path planning algorithm for the small ant own programming procedures. .
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 雷亮 | Hits:

[File FormatC++--ant

Description: C++中蚁群优化算法的实现(主程序)-C ant colony optimization algorithm to achieve (Edit)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 蚂蚁算法.这是人工智能中的蚂蚁算法,用applet实现。 -Ant algorithm. This is the artificial intelligence of the ant algorithm, using applet realize.
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 何铎 | Hits:


Description: 简单实现蚁群算法的程序 vc++调试通过-Realize a simple ant colony algorithm procedures vc++ Debugging through
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 王晔 | Hits:

[assembly languageant

Description: 蚁群算法( ant colony algorithm) 是由意大利学者 Dorigo 等人[1 ,2 ] 于20 世纪90 年代初期通过模拟自然界 中蚂蚁集体寻径的行为而提出的一种基于种群的启发 式仿生进化系统。蚁群算法包含两个基本阶段:适应阶 段和协作阶段。在适应阶段,各候选解根据积累的信息 不断调整自身结构。在协作阶段,候选解之间通过信息 交流,以期望产生性能更好的解,这类似于学习自动机 的学习机制。蚁群算法最早成功应用于解决著名的旅 行商问题(t raveling salesman problem , TSP) ,该算法采 用了分布式正反馈并行计算机制,易于与其他方法结 合,而且具有较强的鲁棒性[325 ] 。 蚁群算法创立十多年来,无论在算法理论还是在算 法应用方面都取得了很多突破性研究进展。
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: jay chou | Hits:


Description: 蚁群聚类算法及其源码 蚁群聚类算法及其源码-Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm and its source and its source code ant colony clustering algorithm
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 用蚁群算法实现路径规划, 能够自己创建地图-Ant colony algorithm using the path planning, can create your own map
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: Can | Hits:
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