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我自己写的在ARM 44B0上能跑通的LCD display 程序-I wrote it myself in the ARM-44B0 able to run on the LCD display procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 568kb Publisher : 王梅芳

本文是我学习ARM开发以来的一些经验总结,以自己设计的S3C44B0X板为例,给出我调试开发ARM开发板的一些最基础知识。我只是在自己的开发板调试过并且经验有限,有些知识只能做为参考,不一定准确,就算给大家一个“例程”吧,如果大家有不同意见,希望多多指正!-ARM since learning some lessons learned, in their own design S3C44B0X an example, I presented the development and debugging of the ARM development board some of the most basic knowledge. I was only in their own development boards tuned and limited experience, some knowledge only as a reference, not necessarily accurate, even if everyone with a "routine" for the country, if we have different opinions, many correct!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 张勇

有空的话自己做一个计算器吧,我为你提供源代码。这个源程序是用ARM_SDT2.51开发的嵌入在ARM里。-the time to do so themselves a calculator before, I give you the source code. This source is ARM_SDT2.51 embedded in the development of the ARM Lane.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 393kb Publisher : 王一

诺基亚的手机上都有这个游戏,现在我把它移到ARM上来的,没有手机照样能玩。用ARM_SDT2.51开发的嵌入在ARM里.-Nokia mobile phones have this game and now I moved it onto the ARM, no phone can still play. ARM_SDT2.51 used in the development of embedded ARM Lane.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 439kb Publisher : 王一

基于ARMs3c44b0的键盘输入输出i/o的在 led上显示出来的程序--Show the output based from ARMs3c44b0 keyboard on led.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 欧阳纯风

摘要:本文分别以GPI0口直接连接、串行转换连接、CPLD分部连接三种方法阐述了无外部总线的Philips ARM微控制器LPC210X与点阵图形液晶显示器的接口设计,并给出硬件电路框图和主要程序。 -Abstract : GPI0 I were to directly connect a serial link, connecting CPLD Division three methods described without external bus Philips LPC210X ARM microcontroller and graphics dot-matrix LCD interface design, hardware and circuit diagram is given and the main proceedings.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 小陈

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Arm Operate iic for ads 1.2 IDE
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 84kb Publisher : 徐先生

arm下读取flash原代码,希望大家能得到点东西!-arm flash under the original code reader, I hope you will be something to! Gateway
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 兆彬

三星arm cpu开发资料,资料详尽,供开发者参考!-Samsung arm cpu development information, detailed information for the development of reference materials.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 苏可

我上传的文件开发环境都是ADS 1.2 ARM网络开发程序包,内有pdf说明文件。 ZLG/IP提供实现 Internet 网络上 IP接点的功能,是个高性能的嵌入式 TCP/IP 协议栈软件。它使用μC/OS-II 实时操作系统的信号机制来实现一个多任务并行并可重入的协议栈,完全使用 ANSI C 进行编写,可以象μC/OS-II 那样支持多种 CPU。ZLG/IP还具有层次清晰,易于升级和修改等特点-I upload a document development environment is the development of ADS 1.2ARM network package with a pdf documentation. ZLG/IP to provide Internet network to achieve the functions of IP-contact is a high-performance embedded TCP/IP protocol stack software. It uses μC/OS-II real-time operating system mechanisms to signal the realization of a parallel multi-tasking and re-entry of the protocol stack, fully prepared to use ANSI C, can be as μC/OS-II as support multiple CPU. ZLG/IP also has the level of clear, easy to upgrade and modify the characteristics of
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 298kb Publisher : 杨芸健

uCOS在ARM(LPC2220)上的移植代码 共四个文件:IRQ.INC OS_CPU.H Os_cpu_c.c Os_cpu_a.s-for uCOS on ARM (LPC2220), a total of four transplant code documents : IRQ.INC OS_CPU.H Os_cpu_c.c Os_cpu_a.s
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 杨芸健

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这个是ARM的I2C源代码,对学习ARM很有帮助,好东西大家一起分享哈-This is the ARM I2C source code, to learn ARM helpful, good things to share with everyone Kazakhstan
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 78kb Publisher :

一步 教你搭建ARM-LINUX交叉编译环境,本人一边做一边写的,每一步都没问题.-step by step teach you structures ARM-Linux cross-compiler environment, I do writing side, each step no problem.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 150kb Publisher : wangxiao

wiggler-jtag的protel原理图和PCB图,这个是已经经过实践检验证明能用的了,大家放心去做就是了。 我就是用这个jtag,配合Banyan一起调试arm的,感觉还不错。-wiggler- jtag the Protel schematic and PCB map This has been proved through practice to test a usable, we assure to the grindstone. I used the jtag, Banyan together with the commissioning arm, I feel pretty good.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 78kb Publisher : xiao

笔者使用的是华恒公司提供的基于at91rm9200的开发板,公司提供的开发环境使用Linux内核是2.4, 交叉编译环境也比较老,由于笔者用到的驱动对2.4内核支持不好(尤其在arm上)。笔者决定自己移植2.6内核到该款开发板上,目前工作已经基本完成。本部分主要介绍了jffs2文件系统的建立过程。-author used the huaheng company based at91rm9200 development boards, provide development environment is the use of Linux kernel 2.4, cross-compiler environment is also a veteran, As I drive right to use the 2.4 kernel support well (especially in the arm.). I decided to transplant themselves to the 2.6 kernel development board which, at present the work has been basically completed. The main part of jffs2 file system building process.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 76kb Publisher : shixi

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自己移植的NXP ARM IAP程序,其部分基本函数源于周立功程序,本人加了详细的注释与移植说明,还有更改编译器环境与启动代码部分说明,按照说明初次使用者便可一试成功-their transplant NXP ARM IAP procedures, and some of its basic functions from Zhou, who procedures, I added a detailed note Notes and transplantation, there are changes in the environment and compiler bootcode explains, follow the instructions to the initial users will be a test success
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 刘国兵

针对ARM优化过的FFT算法。其中20点,64点,80点的FFT算法。笔者试着加入了256点的FFT -for ARM optimized FFT algorithm off. 20 points, 64 points, 80 points of the FFT algorithm. I tried to join the 256-point FFT
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : yinaichang

P7 基于ARM-Linux的IP Camera解决方案,是我在网上找的,版权归原作者所有.-P7 based on ARM-Linux solutions for the IP Camera is that I find online, and belongs to original author.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 675kb Publisher : 光哥

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ARM学习的ppt。希望对大家有用哦!谢谢啦-ARM learning ppt. Oh I hope useful for everyone! Thank you
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 680kb Publisher :

华清远见 嵌入式实验箱 S5PV210 ARM体系结构与接口技术部分 源代码(s5pv210 code,ARM I/O section 1 FS)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.17mb Publisher : tiger28
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