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Description: 嵌入式web服务器源码,硬件采用是arm7处理器,可pc机来访问服务器内容。-embedded web server source code, the hardware used is ARM7 processor, PCs to access server-based content.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 陈小平 | Hits:

[Web Serverboa-0.94.13

Description: 这是移植在9200上面的一个BOA服务器,采用2.95.3的arm-linux编译器,可以直接使用-transplant in 9200 above a BOA servers, the use of 2.95.3 arm- linux compiler can be used directly
Platform: | Size: 679936 | Author: 傅飞驴 | Hits:


Description: 开源的嵌入式WEB服务器,运行于RAM处理器,占用的系统资源极少-revenue embedded Web server running on the processor RAM and occupies very little system resources
Platform: | Size: 713728 | Author: lao | Hits:


Description: EASYARM2200开发板上,一个微型嵌入式web服务器-源代码。基于uIP6.0协议栈。(ADS).内有具体说明。-EASYARM2200 development board, a micro-embedded web server-source code. Based on uIP6.0 protocol stack. (ADS). Within specified.
Platform: | Size: 212992 | Author: wangwen | Hits:


Description: 在ARM开发平台实现一个简单WEB服务器的HTTP测试程序-ARM development platform in the realization of a simple WEB server HTTP test procedures
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 曹鹏 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxboa

Description: 在ARM2410下建立的web服务器的源代码,保证可以使用,是学习嵌入式web的好代码-ARM2410 established in the web server source code, to ensure that you can use, is to learn from the good code embedded web
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: liyu | Hits:


Description: 嵌入式系统设计与实例开发实验教材二源码 多线程应用程序设计 串行端口程序设计 AD接口实验 CAN总线通信实验 GPS通信实验 Linux内核移植与编译实验 IC卡读写实验 SD驱动使用实验 GPRS通信实验 音频驱动及应用实验 嵌入式Web服务器实验 IDE—CF卡模块读写实验 PS2键盘鼠标驱动实验 -Examples of embedded systems design and development of experimental teaching materials Second source multi-threaded application design program design AD serial port CAN bus communication interface experiment experiment experiment GPS communications Linux kernel compiled Experimental Transplantation and Experimental IC card reader SD driver to use experimental GPRS communication experiment audio driver and application experiments embedded Web server experiment IDE-CF card module to read and write experimental PS2 keyboard and mouse-driven experiment
Platform: | Size: 18955264 | Author: lisuwei | Hits:

[Software Engineeringweb

Description: 介绍了一种嵌入式WEB服务器的设计与实现,实现了以太网与CAN总线网络的直接互连,使用户可以 使用PC机通过Internet进行远程访问和控制Web服务器,从而能够将工业现场测控层监测设备得到的数据 方便快捷地送到异地的管理监控层-Introduce a kind of embedded WEB server design and implementation to achieve the Ethernet and CAN bus direct interconnection network so that users can use the PC machine through Internet remote access and control of Web servers, enabling monitoring and control of industrial site layer monitoring equipment data quickly and easily to remote monitoring of the management layer
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: ff8zgs | Hits:

[Web Serverboa.tar

Description: 嵌入式系统中使用的WEB Server,可以直接在ARM, FRV, JZ等平台上编译运行-Embedded systems used in WEB Server, can be directly in the ARM, FRV, JZ and other platforms running the compiler
Platform: | Size: 203776 | Author: 叶贤 | Hits:


Description: Web based binary image upload for ARM LPC2366 controller. Toolchain is Keil Realview MDK ARM ver 3.2 with RL ARM Real time Lib 3.40. RAR file contains webiap2.cgi file and HTTP_cgi file. HTTP_cgi file is modified in cgi_process_data to upload binary image of application using HTTP protcol. File upload is using HTML syntax method=\"post\" ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: kashinath | Hits:


Description: 在完成视频编解码的嵌入式设备(arm-linux环境)上开发的轻型Web服务程序,可支持浏览器访问嵌入式设备,查询状态、设置参数,并可远程在线升级。-Complete video codec in embedded devices (arm-linux environment) to develop procedures for light Web services can support the browser embedded devices, query status, set parameters, and remote online upgrade.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 张维 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopUCOSII-RTC-LED

Description: 基于LPC2103结合μC/OS-II操作系统的实时时钟系统设计,能够实现年月日时分秒的位闪动修改与掉电保持功能,是本人学习ARM与μC/OS的终极之作,为感谢联合程序员开发网上各位程序员所提供的源码,特此奉上-LPC2103 based on combination of μC/OS-II real-time clock operating system design, to achieve accurate date when the modified bit flashing and down to maintain function, learning my ARM and μC/OS for the ultimate, to thank the Joint programmers to develop Web provided that the source programmers, and would like to offer. .
Platform: | Size: 273408 | Author: 聂美军 | Hits:


Description: ARM单片机LPC17xx 上的webserver 源码-uip_webserver_src_lpc1700.zip
Platform: | Size: 151552 | Author: j2k | Hits:

[Web ServerWEB

Description: 开发环境IAR arm 4.40 功能:模拟局域网远程控制web服务器,。 硬件平台LPC2129+CS89-Development environment, IAR arm 4.40 function: Analog LAN remote control web server. Hardware platform LPC2129+ CS8900
Platform: | Size: 248832 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Easy Web on LPC1700 for running the Ethernet MAC / EasyWEB example from the LPC1700 Code Bundle from NXP (for KeilMDK-ARM)-Easy Web on LPC1700 for running the Ethernet MAC / EasyWEB example from the LPC1700 Code Bundle from NXP (for KeilMDK-ARM)
Platform: | Size: 311296 | Author: ammamon | Hits:

[Industry researchARM

Description: Mining association rules for web access case adaptation, very good code for web acce-Mining association rules for web access case adaptation, very good code for web access
Platform: | Size: 279552 | Author: asad2001 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxarm

Description: web的远程监控系统,对于智能家居之类 有很大帮助,-web remote monitoring system, like the intelligent home of great help,
Platform: | Size: 332800 | Author: 史磊 | Hits:

[Remote ControlARM-LINUX-Network-Monitoring-System

Description: 基于web服务器的远程视频监控系统,包括在ARM9开发板上移植WEB服务器的源码,以及cgi程序的源码和html监控界面的源码-Web server-based remote video monitoring system, including the ARM9 development board transplantation source WEB server, and cgi program source code and html source code control interface
Platform: | Size: 1105920 | Author: luengyuan | Hits:

[Software EngineeringWeb

Description: 硕士学位论文基于arm的嵌入式远程监控系统设计-Master' s degree thesis on the arm of the Embedded Remote Monitoring System
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: wb | Hits:

[Other移植多款轻量级 Web服务器到ARM-Linux系统

Description: 移植轻量WEB服务器程序,用于小系统,简单好用(Porting lightweight WEB server programs)
Platform: | Size: 664576 | Author: ddvzxd | Hits:
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