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一个简单的秒表,可帮助了解全屏,字体等UI方面的知识.(供初学者参考)-a simple stopwatch, may help understand the full screen, such as UI font of knowledge. (Reference for beginners)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30.99kb Publisher : wzs

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一个简单的秒表,可帮助了解全屏,字体等UI方面的知识.(供初学者参考)-a simple stopwatch, may help understand the full screen, such as UI font of knowledge. (Reference for beginners)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 31kb Publisher : wzs

1.ImButton: 动态效果的按钮控件,可设置各种外观风格,鼠标感应变色,可插入位图, 并且可支持图像动画效果,也有自画事件可自己处理外观。 2.ValidateEdit: 可限制输入内容的输入框, BCB 自带的 TMaskEdit 有很多不方便的地方 我仍然怀念没有 Builder 之前的 Borland C++ 中的 ValidateEdit, 可限制输入整数、 浮点数、或者自己任意规定输入限制,比如数字、字符、汉字、符号等。 3.UrlLabel: 可实现超级链接的标签控件,只要填好属性就可以了,支持鼠标感应变色。 4.YbUpDownEdit: 有上下箭头可以调整数值大小的输入框 可限制调整范围, 最大调整范围:-9223372036854775808 ~ +9223372036854775807 5.YbBackImage: 背景位图,可以加入一个小位图平铺显示,也可以拉伸放缩等 6.VictorPanel: 透明效果的 Panel、可以设置背景,支持平铺、拉伸缩放、居中等 7.YbRichEdit: 测试版的控件,可以改变外观效果 (边框和滚条)-1.ImButton : Dynamic effects of button controls, can be set to various exterior style, mouse sensors change color bitmap can be inserted, and will support image animation effects, but also a self-portrait incidents themselves appearance. 2.ValidateEdit : to limit the importation of content input box, BCB's own TMaskEdit many inconvenient places, I still miss not Builder before the Borland C ValidateEdit, to limit the importation of integers, floats, or importing their own arbitrary restrictions, such as the number of characters in Chinese characters, such symbols. 3.UrlLabel : hyperlinks can be realized labeling controls, as long as the property can be completed, the support of the mouse sensors change color. 4.YbUpDownEdit : The next arrow Numerical size can be adjusted to the input b
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 40kb Publisher : 毕胜

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魔兽世界的API UI 用于编辑有自己个性的UI,也用于编辑脚本以便于操作人物的移动、任务的完成等-World of Warcraft UI API for editing has its own personality UI, but also for editing the script to figure in the mobile operations, such as the completion of the task
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 403kb Publisher :

WTL之父Nenad Stefanovic撰写的wtl教程, 原名叫WTL Makes UI Programming a Joy, 分两部分,配有源代码,Part 1: The Basics-WTL father Nenad Stefanovic written by the Windows Template Library Directory formerly known as WTL Makes a UI Programming Joy, in two parts, service active code, Part 1 : The Basics
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 780kb Publisher : 小何

WTL之父Nenad Stefanovic撰写的wtl教程, 原名叫WTL Makes UI Programming a Joy, 分两部分,配有源代码,Part 2: The Bells and Whistles-WTL father Nenad Stefanovic written by the Windows Template Library Directory formerly known as WTL Makes a UI Programming Joy, in two parts, service active code, Part 2 : The Bells and Whistles
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 193kb Publisher : 小何

学习WEB UI 开发的很好的资料.可以作为对自己开发WEB 技术的一个省查,看自己的功力如何?-learning Web UI development of good information. As for its own development of a Web provincial investigation, their ability to see how
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21kb Publisher : 王永

一个通用的Ajax Tree实现 1, 其中src.rar为java源文件, ui.tree包中为主要的实现类 2, test.jsp为示例代码.-a common Ajax achieve a Tree, which src.rar of java source files, ui.tree package as a major achievement category 2, for example test.jsp code.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 40kb Publisher : 周环

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UI制作入门,非常好的游戏界面制作教程。-UI production portal, very good game interface produced Directory.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : 张原

Symbian界面设计的C++源代码例子:Designing and building portable UIs for Symbian OS: Using a controller as a portable UI component.-Symbian interface design C++ Source code examples: Designing and building portable UIs for Symbian OS: Using a controller as a portable UI component.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14kb Publisher : 薛中行

Web UI for ASP.NET 将您的ASP.NET应用程序中最需要用到的用户界面控件集成为一个控件包,其中包括:Menu、TreeView、NavBar、TabStrip、MultiPage、SiteMap、Rotator等ASP.NET控件。 -Web UI for ASP.NET to your ASP.NET application, the most pressing need for the user interface control integrated into a control package, including: Menu, TreeView, NavBar, TabStrip, MultiPage, SiteMap, Rotator, such as ASP.NET Controls .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 785kb Publisher : ljh

Flash4UI 可以让普通的C++应用程序使用flash作为UI,从而使UI开发变的极其轻松。 通过flash的超炫效果,可以使软件提升几个档次。使用Flash制作UI可以一劳永逸,摇身一变可以成为网页应用符合大势所趋,也可以在linux,Mac等PC平台,也可以在很多手机平台上使用。做到可以看Flash的地方就可以用Flash UI。 多年来UI开发一直是程序开发者相当头疼的部分,烦扰复杂的消息传递,凌乱琐碎的图片更换...... Flash4UI给C++应用程序的UI开发带来了革命性的转变,让我们一起翻开这一页历史新篇章...... Flash4UI典型应用:桌面程序界面库,网络flash收集器,桌面宠物等等。-Use Flash as UI in C++ programme
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 976kb Publisher : flash4ui

jQuery UI 是一套 jQuery 的页面 UI 插件,包含很多种常用的页面空间,例如 Tabs(如本站首页右上角部分) 、拉帘效果(本站首页左上角)、对话框、拖放效果、日期选择、颜色选择、数据排序、窗体大小调整等等非常多的内容。-jQuery jQuery UI is a UI plug-in page, the page contains a variety of common space, such as Tabs (upper right part, such as Home), pull-curtain effect (this site top left corner), the dialog box, drag and drop effects, the date selection, color selection, data sorting, form resizing and so a lot of content.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : yjjun

修改手机recovery的图片,动态图。以及recovery的架构介绍(Modify the phone recovery picture, dynamic map. As well as the introduction of recovery architecture)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21kb Publisher : DSP菜鸟

Win10-UI是一款win10风格的后台UI框架,它使用了丰富的Win10桌面元素,包括桌面图标、窗口化子页面管理、开始菜单、动态小磁贴等组件,兼容主流现代浏览器及移动端的屏幕尺寸,适合快速开发后台管理系统的前端界面。(Win10 - UI is a UI framework Win10 style of the background, it USES the rich Win10 desktop elements, including desktop ICONS, window, anti-fuzzy management page, the start menu, dynamic small magnet components, such as compatibility to the mainstream of modern browsers and mobile screen sizes, suitable for rapid development of the background management system of the front-end interface.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.4mb Publisher : 中国解放

这个版本最大的特色就是采用了全新的样式皮肤,使组件的组合效果更佳。此外,还添加了不少新特性和改进,如omGrid支持多行表头,新的omItemSelector 、omScrollbar组件等。(The biggest feature of this release is the use of a new type of skin, so that the combination of components is better. In addition, a number of new features and improvements are added, such as omGrid support for multiline headers, new omItemSelector, omScrollbar components, and so on.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.33mb Publisher : xmcs001

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作为独立模块包导入即可,需要在应用根模块中引用和配置(As an independent module package import, you need to refer and configure in the application root module)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19kb Publisher : 没有蛀牙1988

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扁平化设计(Flat Design), 奉行的是极简设计理念,抛弃任何三维特效(如阴影、渐变、文理等), 回归最简单的应用元素和排版。扁平化设计理念起源于Google,但兴起于Apple,最负盛名的代表就是iOS系统了。本文整理了一些扁平化设计UI,方便Web设计。(Flat design (Flat Design) pursues the minimalist design concept, abandoning any three-dimensional effects, such as shadow, gradient, and arts, etc., and returns to the simplest application elements and typesetting. The concept of flat design originated from Google, but rose in Apple, and the most prestigious representative is the iOS system. This paper has arranged some flat design UI, which is convenient for the design of Web.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.25mb Publisher : aaronboo

E语言实现的UI界面登录器源码 可以作为模板使用 喜欢的可以拿去研究(The UI interface logger source code of the E language can be used as a template to study)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.18mb Publisher : KimH

H+是一个完全响应式,基于Bootstrap3.3.6最新版本开发的扁平化主题,她采用了主流的左右两栏式布局,使用了Html5+CSS3等现代技术,她提供了诸多的强大的可以重新组合的UI组件,并集成了最新的jQuery版本(v2.1.4),当然,也集成了很多功能强大,用途广泛的jQuery插件,她可以用于所有的Web应用程序,如网站管理后台,网站会员中心,CMS,CRM,OA等等,当然,您也可以对她进行深度定制,以做出更强系统。 当前版本:v4.1.0(H+ is a complete response, the latest version of Bootstrap3.3.6 development based on the theme of her flat, with the mainstream two column layout, the use of Html5+CSS3 and other modern technology, she offers many powerful UI components can be rearranged, and the integration of the latest version of jQuery (v2.1.4), of course also, integration of a number of powerful and versatile jQuery plugin, she can be used for all Web applications, such as web site management background, member center, CMS, CRM, OA and so on, of course, you can also make the depth of customization for her, in order to make the system more.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.26mb Publisher : 爱上了附件
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