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VTK是三维图形可视化的工具箱,本源码是里面用键盘p键实现拾取的例程-VTK is a toolkit for 3D graphic visualization.Our code is an example program about a picker using key P at keyboard.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 69.01kb Publisher : 扬帆


Update : 2009-02-06 Size : 32.68kb Publisher : CnXiaowei

DL : 1


Update : 2009-02-13 Size : 581.72kb Publisher : 123092267

窗口杀手 在使用win2000/xp的时候发现,老是出现n个输入法的窗口,不能关掉,又总在最上面,看着很不爽,就写了这个小程序来把他们关掉。 方法很简单,就是FindWindow()在PostMessage(WM_CLOSE,...),没有技术含量,仅仅图实用而已。-window Win2000/xp killer in the use of the time found that there always n input window, we can not switch off, the total at the top, watching very quickly wrote a small procedure to them to switch off. It is very simple, FindWindow () PostMessage (WM_CLOSE etc. no technical content, it only practical plan.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : DoItFreely

一个P2P软件,本软件可在任何一个标准配置的主机上运行。运行本软件的主机既可作为客户端,也作为服务器端运行,是一个典型的多线程程序;首先作为服务器端,有一个服务器线程始终监听指定的端口,如果网络上有其他主机要求需要建立连接,互相交换共享文件信息,双方就可以互相下载对方共享的文件。-a peer-to-peer software, the software may at any one standard configuration running on the mainframe. Running the software as a mainframe client can also run as a server, is a typical multi-threaded; As the first server, a server thread always listening designated ports, if the network is required by other hosts to connect and exchange information sharing files and on the other side the other download files shared.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 63kb Publisher : 叶志勇

gsm模块AT指令代码-gsm AT command module code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : 苏明然

Learn advanced .NET programming techniques by getting an insiders look at a complete application!
The developers who created SharpDevelop give you an inside track on application development with a guided tour of the source code for SharpDevelop. They will show you the most important code features and explain how you can use these techniques in your own projects. You will gain valuable experience of building an application on this scale, learning from the decisions, mistakes, problems and solutions that lead to the current version on SharpDevelop.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.18mb Publisher : 周叶林

flow of ic design是一个很好的关于如何去设计ASIC的的教程,虽然是英文的,但是很容易看明白。是每一个想在EDA领域有作为的人都应看的教程!-flow of IC design is a good design on how the ASIC Guide, in English, but can easily understand this. Every one of the EDA to the field as a person should look at the handbook!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 485kb Publisher : 森林

这是一本进销存的说明文件,希望一些有ERP方面需要的人员可以看看本书一定对你有不少启发和帮助!-This is a Invoicing note that some have ERP needs of staff can look at some of the book you have a lot of inspiration and help!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 129kb Publisher : 一叶方舟

C语言:陷阱和缺陷 PDF格式 原著:Andrew Koenig - AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey 07094 C语言及其典型实现被设计为能被专家们容易地使用。这门语言简洁并附有表达力。但有一些限制可以保护那些浮躁的人。一个浮躁的人可以从这些条款中获得一些帮助。-C Language : pitfalls and shortcomings in PDF format works : Andrew Koenig-ATT Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey 07094 C language and its typical realization was designed to be easy for the experts to use. This language accompanied by a concise expression of power. But there are some restrictions to protect those impetuous person. An impetuous people can access these articles help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 258kb Publisher : 李白

VTK是三维图形可视化的工具箱,本源码是里面用键盘p键实现拾取的例程-VTK is a toolkit for 3D graphic visualization.Our code is an example program about a picker using key P at keyboard.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 88kb Publisher : 扬帆

p-持续CSMA协议下,一个用户在发送之前,先侦听信道,若是空闲,就以概率p发送出去,而以q =1-p的概率推迟到下一帧时。如果下一帧时仍是空闲,便再次以概率p发送而以q推迟到再下一帧时。直到发送成功或另外一用户开始发送时为止。若一开始就侦听到信道忙,它就等到下一帧时,然后再开始上述过程。若发生冲突,这等待一随机时间后重新开始。本实验中取q值为0.5。求的是0.5-持续CSMA。 -p-persistent CSMA agreement, a user before sending the first interception channel, if idle, with probability p sent, and to q = 1-p probability postponed to the next frames. If the next frame was still idle, they again sent with probability p and q to further postponed to the next frames. Until this a success or other users at the beginning of this date. If an interception at the start of the busy channel, it will wait till the next frames, and then begin the process. If conflict breaks out, waiting for a random period of time after the re-start. The experiments take q value of 0.5. For the 0.5-sustained CSMA.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : fang

DL : 0
PL/0语言是Pascal语言的一个子集,我们这里分析的PL/0的编译程序包括了对PL/0语言源程序进行分析处理、编译生成类PCODE代码,并在虚拟机上解释运行生成的类PCODE代码的功能。   PL/0语言编译程序采用以语法分析为核心、一遍扫描的编译方法。词法分析和代码生成作为独立的子程序供语法分析程序调用。语法分析的同时,提供了出错报告和出错恢复的功能。在源程序没有错误编译通过的情况下,调用类PCODE解释程序解释执行生成的类PCODE代码。以下源程序是以清华大学出版社《编译原理》中的源代码为基础作了少量改动而成。 程序在Turbo Pascal 7.0上编译运行通过。 -PL/0 language Pascal language is a subset of, we have here the analysis of PL/0 compilers including the right PL/0 language source analysis, category PCODE compiler code generation and the virtual machine running on to explain the formation PCODE category code functions. PL/0 language compiler to use syntax analysis of the core, the compiler again scanning methods. Lexical analysis, and code generation as an independent for the subroutine call syntax analysis procedures. Grammatical analysis at the same time, provided a report errors and error recovery functions. The source did not compile the wrong circumstances, PCODE category called to explain the interpretation and implementation of procedures generated PCODE category code. Following is the source Qinghua University Press, &quo
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 姚紫欣

功能非常齐全的一个机房管理系统,针对学校机房的特点,实现了强大的上机安排功能、课程表一次性录入,数据库导入导出功能、自动识别多个收费安排的功能、交费管理与系统分离等数十项强大而实用的功能。采用非接触式的ID卡为终端输入,不易被人仿造冒充,方便、安全、快捷。-very functional subset of a Computer Lab Management System, targeted school room at the characteristics and realizing a powerful functional arrangements on the plane, a one-time curriculum logging, database import export capabilities, automatic identification of a number of functions of the charges, management fees and system separation dozens powerful and practical function . The use of non-contact ID cards for terminal input, not pretending to be fake, convenient and safe, fast.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25.81mb Publisher : 张强

功能非常强大的进度条控件,详情请看DEMO。 可以设置进度条颜色,样式,形状等。-very powerful function of the progress of controls, details Look at DEMO. The setting up of the progress of color, pattern and shape.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 141kb Publisher : Mark

c#实现的聊天室,代码很简单,功能很齐全,大家可以看看阿!-chat rooms, code is very simple, functional very complete, we can look at the A!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 231kb Publisher : 张恒元

一给还不错的网站 是考试系统 大家-also to a great site is that the examination system we look at
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.67mb Publisher : 鹏鹏

用JAVA寫的網路五子棋遊戲,支援多人連線對戰,還有聊天的功能,大家可以試-use the Internet to write Java 331 games, and keep the innocent people support, chat functions, we can take a look at
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 陳俊宇

GPRS模块资料,很有帮助!有需要的就下载来看看吧-GPRS module information helpful! There is a need to look at and see on the download
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.24mb Publisher : 黄涛

DL : 0
AT指令发送PDU模式短信详细设计流程,设计笔记。-SMS PDU mode AT command to send the detailed design process, design notes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 陈晓东
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