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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.42kb Publisher : wangke

Update : 2011-05-10 Size : 1.46kb Publisher :

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八路电压表程序(使用AT89C52单片机,12MHZ晶振,P0口读入AD值,P2口作AD控制,用共阳LED数码管)-the Eighth Route Army voltage meter (use AT89C52, 12MHZ crystal, P0 I read into the AD values for AD P2 mouth control, with a total of Shenyang digital LED)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : yangtalent1206

基于MCS-51单片机的数字钟设计 [摘要] III [ABSTRACT] IV 引言 1 1绪论 2 1.1 集成电路 2 1.2 主要技术的背景 2 1.2.1 发展历史 2 1.2.2 现状 3 1.2.3 发展趋势 3 2器件简介 4 2.1 LED显示器 4 2.1.1 LED显示器的结构 4 2.1.2 LED的接线形式 5 2.2 AT89C52简介 5 2.2.1 AT89C52主要性能参数: 5 2.2.2 AT89C52单片机的功能特性概述: 6 2.3 DS1302芯片 9 2.3.1 DS1302的性能特性: 9 2.3.2 DS1302数据操作原理 10 2.4 74LS164-八位移位寄存器 14 2.4.1 74LS64简介 14 2.4.2 74LS164逻辑介绍: 15 3硬件电路 17 3.1 线路的设计 17 3.1.1 电源转换模块 18 3.1.2 主控制模块 18 3.1.3 显示模块 19 3.1.4 键盘接口设计 20 3.2 电路图的绘制 20 3.3 电路板的焊接 20 3.4 打开电源前应注意的问题 20 4软件设计部分 21 4.1 阳历程序的设计 21 4.2 时间调整程序设计 21 4.3 阴历程序设计 23 5调试 28 6小结 29 7致谢 30 8参考文献 31 9附录 32 -based on MCS-51 microcontroller design of the digital clock III [Abstract] [ABSTRACT] IV INTRODUCTION Introduction 2 1 1 2 1.2 1.1 IC main technical background history 1.2.1 2 2 1.2. 1.2.3 Situation 2 3 3 2 trends Device Profile 4 2.1 4 LED Displays 2.1.1 LED Display The structure of the four 2.1.2 Connection form LED 5 2.2 5 2.2.1 Introduction AT89C52 AT8 9C52 main performance parameters : 5 2.2.2 AT89C52 outlined in the functional properties : 6 2.3 9 2.3.1 Chip DS1302 DS1302 performance characteristics : 9 2.3.2 DS1302 data operation principle 10 2.4 74LS164-8 shift register 14 74LS64 14 2.4.1 Introduction 2.4.2 74LS164 logic presentations : 15 3 17 3.1 hardware circuit design lines 17 Power Conversion Module 3.1.1 3.1.2 Main Control 18 Module Module 18 3.1.3 3.1.4 keyboard interface 19
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 223kb Publisher : 李爱春

利用AT89C52及DS12C887制作的日历时钟电路,结构简单,功能强大-AT89C52 and DS12C887 calendar produced by the clock circuit, simple, powerful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王启才

[SCM] 5
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八路电压表C程序, 使用keil C51 使用AT89C52单片机,12MHZ晶振,P0口读入AD值,P2口作AD控制,用共阳LED数码管-Eight-way voltage meter C program, use keil C51 using AT89C52 single-chip, 12MHZ crystal, P0 I read into the AD value, P2 I make AD control, with a total of Yang LED digital tube
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : liang

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采用8*8LED动态显示文字演示程序,使用AT89C52单片机,12MHZ晶振,P0口输出一行数据,P2口作行扫描,用共阳LED管 P1口接三个按键,用于逐字显示、向上滚动显示文字、暂停备用。-The use of 8* 8LED dynamic display text demo program, the use of AT89C52 single-chip, 12MHZ crystal, P0 port output data line, P2 mouth for line scan, with a total of P1 Yang LED tube I received three keys for verbatim show that Scroll up to display text, suspended backup.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : dyxcc

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秒表/时钟计时器的设计采用AT89C52单片机,最小化应用设计;采用共阳七段LED显示器,P0口输出段码数据,P2.0-P2.5口作列扫描输出,P1.0、P1.1、P1.2口接三个按钮开关,用以调时及功能设置。为了提供共阳LED数码管的驱动电压,用三极管8550作电源驱动输出。-Stopwatch/Clock timer AT89C52 single-chip design, the smallest of the application of design the use of a total of Seven-Segment LED display Yang, P0 paragraph code output data, P2.0-P2.5 I make out scanning output, P1.0, P1.1, P1.2 I take three buttons switch to tune and when the feature set. In order to provide a total of Yang LED digital tube of driving voltage, using 8550 as the power transistor output driver.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : 陈巍巍

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基于DS1302的数码管时钟电路设计LED数码管时钟电路采用24h计时方式,时、分、秒用六位数码管显示,其中小时、分、秒之间用小数点分开。该电路采用AT89C52单片机和DS1302实时时钟芯片,使用5V电源进行供电,使用两个按键进行调时,调整过程中被调节的分钟或时钟将进入闪亮状态,看上去非常直观,另外,本设计还具有快速调时功能,当按键一直被按下时,便进入快速调时状态。[第一段] -DS1302 based digital control clock circuit design LED digital tube clock circuit 24h time mode, hour, minute, second with six digital tube display, including hours, minutes and seconds between the use of the decimal point separately. The circuit used AT89C52 MCU and DS1302 real time clock chip, the use of 5V power for electricity, the use of two buttons to tune, the adjustment process by regulating the minutes or the clock will be flashing, and looks very intuitive, In addition, The design also features fast transfer time, when the button has been pressed, they enter a state of rapid adjusting the time. [The first paragraph]
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 160kb Publisher : yangjiong

本设计应用AT89C52单片机对高亮度LED显示屏进行控制,可以实现汉字的翻转功能,显示的汉字通过RS232接口从计算机输入。-Design and Application of the AT89C52 single-chip for high-brightness LED display control can be achieved turnover of Chinese characters function, display of Chinese characters through the RS232 interface from a computer input.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 120kb Publisher : 混合

使用AT89C52驱动LED点阵,包涵源程序及PROTUES制作的原理图,内容完整-AT89C52-driven use of LED dot matrix, includes source code and schematics PROTUES production, content integrity
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 100kb Publisher : 郑卫青

BH1415F调频台控制C程序 使用AT89C52单片机,12MHZ晶振,用共阳四位LED数码管-FM BH1415F control C program uses AT89C52 single-chip, 12MHZ crystal, with a total of four positive LED digital tube
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24kb Publisher : xian

DS1302的1602时钟电路设计LED数码管时钟电路采用24h计时方式,时、分、秒用六位数码管显示,其中小时、分、秒之间用小数点分开。该电路采用AT89C52单片机和DS1302实时时钟芯片,使用5V电源进行供电,使用3个按键进行调时,调整过程中被调节的分钟或时钟将进入闪亮状态,看上去非常直观,另外,本设计还具有快速调时功能,当按键一直被按下时,便进入快速调时状态。[-DS1302 circuit design of the 1602 clock LED digital tube clock circuit 24h time mode, hour, minute, second with six digital tube display, including hours, minutes and seconds between the use of the decimal point separately. The circuit used AT89C52 MCU and DS1302 real time clock chip, the use of 5V power for electricity, the use of three buttons for transfer, the adjustment process by regulating the minutes or the clock will be flashing, and looks very intuitive, In addition, The design also features fast transfer time, when the button has been pressed, they enter a state of rapid adjusting the time. [
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 73kb Publisher : luchanggui

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该LED点阵显示模块采用AT89C52控制。可显示汉字、图形、动画及英文字符等;显示方式有静态、横向滚动、垂直滚动和翻页显示等。单块模块控制驱动12块(最多可控制24块)8X8点阵,共16X48点阵(或32X48点阵),是单块MAX7219(或PS7219、HD7279、ZLG7289及8279等类似LED显示驱动模块)的12倍(或24倍)!可采用“级联”的方式组成任意点阵大显示屏。显示效果好,功耗小,且比采用MAX7219电路的成本更低。能帮助你更好的学习单片机。-The LED dot matrix display module using AT89C52 control. Can display Chinese characters, graphics, animation and English characters, etc. display has a static, horizontal scrolling, vertical scrolling and page display. Single module control block 12 drives (up to 24 can be controlled) 8X8 dot matrix, a total of 16X48 dot matrix (or 32X48 dot matrix), is a single block MAX7219 (or PS7219, HD7279, ZLG7289 and 8279 and similar LED display driver module) of 12 times (or 24 times)! Can " cascade" approach the composition of arbitrary large dot matrix display. Show the effective power of small, and the MAX7219 circuit than lower cost. Can help you better learning Singlechip.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.31mb Publisher : kd911

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有一个点阵的资料 该LED点阵显示模块采用AT89C52控制。可显示汉字、图形、动画及英文字符等;显示方式有静态、横向滚动、垂直滚动和翻页显示等。单块模块控制驱动12块(最多可控制24块)8X8点阵,共16X48点阵(或32X48点阵),是单块MAX7219(或PS7219、HD7279、ZLG7289及8279等类似LED显示驱动模块)的12倍(或24倍)!可采用“级联”的方式组成任意点阵大显示屏。显示效果好,功耗小,且比采用MAX7219电路的成本更低。-Have a dot-matrix information of the LED dot matrix display module using AT89C52 control. Can display Chinese characters, graphics, animation and English characters, etc. display has a static, horizontal scrolling, vertical scrolling and page display. Single module control block 12 drives (up to 24 can be controlled) 8X8 dot matrix, a total of 16X48 dot matrix (or 32X48 dot matrix), is a single block MAX7219 (or PS7219, HD7279, ZLG7289 and 8279 and similar LED display driver module) of 12 times (or 24 times)! Can " cascade" approach the composition of arbitrary large dot matrix display. Show the effective power of small, and the MAX7219 circuit than lower cost.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : kd911

,本设计采用2片AT89C52单片机构成主从式的控制系统。红外遥控部分采用遥控车模专用编、解码芯片TX-2/RX-2,提高控制的可靠性。采用红外传感器进行里程检测;超声波传感器进行障碍识别;感光电阻辅以步进电机控制的转动机构进行光源方向的检测,并能用软件控制小车行驶到光源附近。采用步进电机对小车的转向进行精确的控制。此外,采用四位LED数码管和若干LED发光二极管显示时间、行进的里程以及小车的各种状态;采用AT24C08串行EEPROM记录小车的行驶轨迹,并能按照所记录的轨迹自动行驶。 本次设计基于完备的软硬件系统,很好的实现了小车语音遥控、任意曲线行驶、路线记录与重放、自动查找光源、自动避障,里程统计并发出指示信息等功能。 -my design needs to adopt two AT89C52 to form a control system of principal and subordinate. The communication between the two MCU is to adopt the serial port. Meanwhile, launch end join with insult male genital 61 sound recognition system that board make remotely, can finish the remote control function of the pronunciation, and it adopts the infrared sensor to measure the mileage The ultrasonic sensor carries on the obstacle to discern Sensitization resistance complement in order to walk into whom electrical machinery control rotate organization carry on measuring, direction of the light source, The small car can go to the adjacent place of the light source with the software .The design adopts serial EEPROM of AT24C08 to write down the orbit of the car , and can repeat the route automatically which has been recorded. The Design is on the basis of the complete software and hardware system, and the small car has the function of sound remote control, following any curve, recording the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 188kb Publisher : bing

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采用MSC-51系列单片机AT89C52作为中央处理器,以AT24XX系列芯片为存储卡。键盘采用4x4行列式键盘,显示模块采用LED七段数码显示管。选择51单片机来控制整个电路,单片机和IC卡、按键、显示管连接。用单片机来读取IC卡信息,单片机一直在扫描按键,若有按键单片机则感应到并对IC卡的内容进行查询或者修改,单片机此时也通过显示电路来显示IC卡正在修改的信息或是查询的信息。-The use of MSC-51 Series MCU AT89C52 as a central processing unit to AT24XX series of chips for the memory card. 4x4 determinant using keyboard keyboard, Seven-Segment LED display module using a digital display tube. 51 single-chip microcomputer to control the selection of the circuit, single-chip and IC card, button, display tube connection. MCU to read the IC card information, microcontroller has been scanning button, if keys are single-chip sensor and the IC card to query or modify the content, single-chip at this time through the display circuit to display the IC card in the process of amending the information or query information.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 张宝琳

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采用AT89C52单片机洗衣机进行智能控制.通过7 4LSl38译码器、水位检机构、LED数码显示、键盘等硬件的设计.可以实现洗衣机工作过程的自动化。-Washing machine using AT89C52 microcontroller for intelligent control. Through 7 4LSl38 decoder, the water level inspection institutions, LED digital display, keyboard and other hardware design. Washing machine can achieve the automation of work processes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 281kb Publisher : yanghong

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AT89c52单片机LED点阵显示模块编程-AT89c52 LED
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 刘振

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AT89C52发光二极管控制——基于Proteus的AT89C52、AT89S52单片机仿真 -AT89C52 LED control- AT89C52/AT89S52 Simulation Based on Proteus
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 293kb Publisher : 吴佳格
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