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Description: 四元数法在AUV六自由度仿真中的应用,不错的-Quaternion method in six degrees of freedom AUV simulation, good
Platform: | Size: 710656 | Author: dishikun | Hits:


Description: 水下航行器的一种基于UKF的导航仿真程序-AUV navigation based simulation program UKF
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Michael | Hits:


Description: 一个水下无人自主航行器(AUV)的MATLAB/simulink仿真程序,写得很详细,有附带的s函数和m文件供参考学习。看资源里水下无人航行器的仿真程序比较少,特上传来与大家分享。-An underwater autonomous Vehicle (AUV) in the MATLAB/simulink simulation program, written very detailed, with the s functions and m files for reference study. To see resources in unmanned underwater vehicle simulation program relatively small, special upload to share with you.
Platform: | Size: 415744 | Author: 小方 | Hits:


Description: 水下无人航行器(AUV)simulink仿真工具箱,安装后即可用里面给出的各种AUV模型进行仿真,是挪威科技大学的学生做的,很不错。-Unmanned underwater vehicle (AUV) simulink simulation toolbox, which can be used after installation of various AUV model given simulation, the Norwegian University of Technology, students do very well.
Platform: | Size: 6421504 | Author: 小方 | Hits:


Description: 考虑智能水下机器人在水下行走,受二维海流的影响程度-An improved self-organizing map-based approach is proposed for multiple autonomous underwater vehicle (multi-AUV) system to complete the allocation of targets and path planning in the paper. Each target is to be visited by one and only one AUV, and a shortest path between a starting point and the destination for each AUV in the presence of the variable current environment is to be found. Firstly, the SOM neuron network is developed to assign a team of AUVs to achieve multiple target locations in 2-D ocean environment. Then, the velocity synthesis approach is applied to plan a shortest path for each AUV to visit the corresponding target in dynamic environment subject to the ocean current being variable. Lastly, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, simulation results are given in this paper.
Platform: | Size: 226304 | Author: 张逵 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsxy7z.ZIP

Description: 多自由度实验台架的AUV避障模拟研究Multi degree of freedom experimental bench AUV obstacle avoidance simulation study-Multi degree of freedom experimental bench AUV obstacle avoidance simulation study
Platform: | Size: 976896 | Author: | Hits:


Description: A new autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) called H160 is described in this article. The first prototype of this AUV has been realized through collaboration between two partners, which are the Laboratory of Data processing, Robotics and Micro electronic of Montpellier (LIRMM) and the ECA‑ HYTEC (specialist in the de‑ sign and manufacture of remote controlled systems in “hostile” environments). Thispaper shows a general presentation of the vehicle, its hardware and software architecture including the process modeling and the control law used. Simulation results presented are based onthe AUV mathematical model.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: Ruchit | Hits:


Description: This report describes analytical and numerical methods that may be used to trim a non-linear, six degree-of-freedom simulation model describing the dynamics of a REMUS 100 AUV.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: joejaidee | Hits:


Description: 针对自治水下机器人(AUV)的路径规划问题进行了研究,依据模糊控制规则,提出了一种基于粒子群优化(PSO)的模糊路径规划算法.首先建立水下水平面内路径规划的模糊规则,并应用A/B模型进行静态和动态障碍物的避障.同时考虑到模糊边界的选择具有很大的随意性,所生成的路径并非最优,利用PSO算法进行模糊集合的优化,使得最终生成的路径最优.应用设计的粒子群优化模糊(PSO-fuzzy)算法针对动静态障碍物进行了避障路径规划,仿真结果验证了所设计的方法的有效性.-The study was conducted with the aim of solving the path planning problem of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), and a fuzzy path planning algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) was presented according to fuzzy logic control theories.First,a fuzzy rule for the path planning was set up in the underwater horizontal plane. Then,an accelerate/brake(A/B)model was applied to dealing with static and dynamic avoidance.Considering that the fuzzy boundary choice is of great arbitrariness,and the formation of the path is not optimal,the PSO algorithm was applied to optimization of the fuzzy boundary for making the final generated path most optimal.the designed PSO—fuzzy algorithm Was intended to do statics and dynamic obstacle avoidance path planning.the simulation results verified the effectiveness of the proposed design method.
Platform: | Size: 2371584 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 无人自主水下航行器(AUV)的模型搭建以及PID控制仿真程序。(Unmanned underwater vehicle (AUV) model construction and PID control simulation program.)
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 6235541 | Hits:


Description: AUV仿真模型范围如果二等功个埃尔文一个区 微推广3期 耳朵软听歌(AUV simulation model)
Platform: | Size: 444416 | Author: ShockingZhou | Hits:


Description: 自抗扰控制在水下无人艇纵倾角方面的应用,同时做了有关Simulink的仿真(The application of disturbance rejection control to the tilt angle of Underwater Unmanned Airship and the simulation of Simulink)
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: qingfengnuli | Hits:

[simulation modelingshark

Description: 一个水下无人自主航行器(AUV)的MATLAB/simulink仿真程序,写得很详细,有附带的s函数和m文件供参考学习。(A MATLAB / Simulink simulation program for Unmanned Unmanned Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (AUV) is written in great detail, with s functions and M files attached for reference.)
Platform: | Size: 415744 | Author: Ccc_J罗 | Hits:


Description: First and High Order Sliding Mode-Multimodel Stabilizing Control Synthesis using Single and Several Sliding Surfaces for Nonlinear Systems: Simulation on an Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)
Platform: | Size: 374784 | Author: upnd | Hits:


Description: AUV控制仿真,滑模控制,模糊控制,对于水下无人平台仿真有挺大的参考意义(AUV control simulation, Sliding mode control, It has great reference significance for the simulation of underwater unmanned platform)
Platform: | Size: 828416 | Author: 小灰狼_58 | Hits:


Description: matlab三维回旋仿真 使用了S函数,仿真时间300s,对于初学者有一定帮助(Matlab 3D gyration simulation uses s function)
Platform: | Size: 228352 | Author: kanye_yang | Hits:


Description: uuv运动控制模型仿真,包括滑模控制的实现,有一定借鉴意义(The simulation of UUV motion control model, including the realization of sliding mode control, has certain reference significance)
Platform: | Size: 5221376 | Author: kanye_yang | Hits:


Description: UUV模型和仿真,可靠运行。。。。。。。(UUV model and simulation, reliable operation.)
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: Frank周 | Hits:

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