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his project was built and tested with WinAVR-20060125. Make sure the MCU target define in the Makefiles corresponds to the AVR you are using!! To build the code, just install WinAVR and run \"make\" from the console in echomaster and echoslave subdirs. \"make program\" will program the device if you have a AVRISP attached. Remember to set the AVR device to at least 8MHz. The AVR may use the programmable clock from MC1319x, just remember to check if the MC1319x and SPI communication is working FIRST! Otherwise you wont get any clock signal to the AVR and then you can t program it or reset the fuses! The MC1319x has default clock output of 32kHz so you will have to set your programmer to a very low frequency (<=32kHz/4) to be able to program it while it is running on that!-his project was built and tested with WinAV R-20060125. Make sure the MCU target define in t he Makefiles corresponds to the AVR you are usin g! ! To build the code, WinAVR just install and run "make" from the cons Morning in echomaster and echoslave subdirs. "make program "will program the device if you have a AV RISP attached. Remember to set the device to AVR at least 8MHz. The AVR may use the programmable c lock from MC1319x. just remember to check if the MC1319x and SPI com munication is working FIRST! Otherwise you will t get any clock signal to the AVR and then you can not program it or reset the fuses! The MC1319x has de fault clock output of 32kHz so you will have to se not your programmer to a very low frequency (
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 24.62kb Publisher : chezhen

AVR单片机入门及C语言高效设计实践(六) ATMEAG16L的定时/计数器 ATMEAG16L有两个8位定时/计数器(T/C0、T,C2)和一个16位定时/计数器T/C1)。每一个计数器都支持PWM(脉冲宽度调制)输出功能。PWM输出在电机控制、开关电源、信号发生等领域有着广泛的应用。[第一段]-AVR C language portal and efficient design practice (6) ATMEAG16L the timer / counter All ATMEAG16L two 8 timer / counter (T/C0, T, C2) and a 16 timer / counter T/C1). Each counter support for a PWM (pulse width modulation) output function. PWM output in motor control, switching power supply, signal and other fields has wide application. [Paragraph]
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 177.15kb Publisher : liming

avr mega8 使用计算机键盘的源程序-avr mega8 use of a computer keyboard source
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : 智峰

DL : 0
avr的程序,spi通信的程序,还有好多其他的-avr procedures, 20 communications procedures, there is still much to the other
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 693kb Publisher : huhc

his project was built and tested with WinAVR-20060125. Make sure the MCU target define in the Makefiles corresponds to the AVR you are using!! To build the code, just install WinAVR and run "make" from the console in echomaster and echoslave subdirs. "make program" will program the device if you have a AVRISP attached. Remember to set the AVR device to at least 8MHz. The AVR may use the programmable clock from MC1319x, just remember to check if the MC1319x and SPI communication is working FIRST! Otherwise you wont get any clock signal to the AVR and then you can t program it or reset the fuses! The MC1319x has default clock output of 32kHz so you will have to set your programmer to a very low frequency (<=32kHz/4) to be able to program it while it is running on that!-his project was built and tested with WinAV R-20060125. Make sure the MCU target define in t he Makefiles corresponds to the AVR you are usin g! ! To build the code, WinAVR just install and run "make" from the cons Morning in echomaster and echoslave subdirs. "make program "will program the device if you have a AV RISP attached. Remember to set the device to AVR at least 8MHz. The AVR may use the programmable c lock from MC1319x. just remember to check if the MC1319x and SPI com munication is working FIRST! Otherwise you will t get any clock signal to the AVR and then you can not program it or reset the fuses! The MC1319x has de fault clock output of 32kHz so you will have to se not your programmer to a very low frequency (
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24kb Publisher : chezhen

DL : 0
avr单片机的twi(i2c)驱动程序,具有多级缓冲-avr SCM twi (i2c) driver, a multi-level buffer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 汉武帝

DL : 0
AVR单片机GCC程序设计实践教程,对有一定基础的学习者很有借鉴意义,好书,实践性很强-AVR GCC program design practice and guidance on a basis of a very useful reference learners significance books of practice
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 967kb Publisher : george

DL : 0
AVR单片机入门及C语言高效设计实践(六) ATMEAG16L的定时/计数器 ATMEAG16L有两个8位定时/计数器(T/C0、T,C2)和一个16位定时/计数器T/C1)。每一个计数器都支持PWM(脉冲宽度调制)输出功能。PWM输出在电机控制、开关电源、信号发生等领域有着广泛的应用。[第一段]-AVR C language portal and efficient design practice (6) ATMEAG16L the timer/counter All ATMEAG16L two 8 timer/counter (T/C0, T, C2) and a 16 timer/counter T/C1). Each counter support for a PWM (pulse width modulation) output function. PWM output in motor control, switching power supply, signal and other fields has wide application. [Paragraph]
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 177kb Publisher : liming

DL : 0

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 125kb Publisher : zyy017

DL : 0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 小尹

一个基于ATMEGA128的TWI(I2C)EEPROM-24c01的程序-The ATmega128-based TWI (I2C) EEPROM-24c01 procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : 乔爱民

DL : 0
C语言实现的基于AVR 8位单片机的TWI通讯! 通过中断服务程序中的状态机,与TWI硬件状态机相配合,实现快速准确的数据交换!-C language based on the AVR 8-bit MCU s TWI communication! Through the interrupt service routine of the state machine, with the TWI hardware state machine matched the achievement of rapid and accurate data exchange!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 陈松

DL : 0
AVR学习资料,适合于新手,很不错的一个资料,-AVR study information, suitable for novice, a very good information,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.06mb Publisher :

DL : 0
采样率为sr,多选择II导联作为心电分析数据,该分析要用到的数据记录至少为1分钟的心电波形数据-void main() (E3BGX[ { const int N=15420 //N=sr*time M./3@A const int n=(int)sr*0.04,yanshi=(int)sr*0.2,back=(int)sr*0.04 //n=sr*0.04,yanshi=sr*0.2?,back=sr*0.04 PDl=!>u const int M=N //负斜率找寻阵维数M=N-n "q"$bY9<3 const int R=200 UUFW=m` int Q=(int)sr*1.2 T/- VpU # const int RR1=1.2*sr,RR4=(int)sr*1.6 //RR1=1.2*sr,RR2=1.5*sr,RR3=0.5*sr,RR4=1.6*sr tU {1.&D float data[N][13],time,I,II,III,avr,avl,avf,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6 { ft(y.#C= const int F=2 ^qH|x>Z int i=0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 轩零

ATTINY15 单片机D类功放电路及源码 Last change: TF 8 Sep 99 8:18 pm *************************************************************************** * A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E F O R T H E A V R F A M I L Y * * Number : AVR000 * File Name : * Title : Register/Bit Definitions for the ATtiny15 * Date : 1999.09.08 * Version : 1.00 * Support E-Mail : * Target MCU : ATtiny15-Last change: TF 8 Sep 99 8:18 pm *************************************************************************** * A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E F O R T H E A V R F A M I L Y * * Number : AVR000 * File Name : * Title : Register/Bit Definitions for the ATtiny15 * Date : 1999.09.08 * Version : 1.00 * Support E-Mail : * Target MCU : ATtiny15
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 57kb Publisher : 李生
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