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[File OperateAXPUnpack

Description: 最近研究了一下*狐的天龙**的打包文件axp格式,其实网上也有一些同学的分析,不过不是很完整。 过程: 1、OD加载游戏,通过对文件I/O的API下断点,定位游戏加载的打包文件 2、对程序读入的文件数据缓冲区下内存断点,定位索引和偏移的计算算法 3、通过IDA提取文件偏移和hash计算的代码,通过内嵌汇编测试程序 4、将代码还原成c代码 整个过程没有太大的技巧,关键是耐心和细心的考验,文件头和索引头还有一些字段无法确定其作用,许多地方是都是猜测,无法保证正确性。后还原时代码果如暴雪的mpq文件的hash算法几乎一样。具体文件格式和hash算法代码可以参考程序中的结构体的定义和代码。 收获:对汇编语言的符号扩展和c中有符号、无符号的处理和理解,这里调bug耽误很多时间:D:
Platform: | Size: 69897 | Author: jamesma | Hits:

[Windows Developaxppack

Description: 天龙八部AXP资源提取 源代码-Dragon AXP resource extraction source code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 哇哈哈 | Hits:


Description: 天龙八部GridInfo读取源码-AXP资源提取-Tian Long Ba Bu GridInfo read the source-AXP resource extraction
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lidong | Hits:

[Game Hook Crack2010122513167553

Description: 天龙八部axp解压源码 资源类别: VC源码¦游戏 -Tian Long Ba Bu axp extract source resource categories: VC Source ¦ Games
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: dickmoon | Hits:

[File OperateAXPPacker_20100703

Description: 这个是解密天龙八部axp资源文件的代码。-This is Tian Long Ba Bu axp resource file decryption code.
Platform: | Size: 773120 | Author: liuweijiang | Hits:


Description: 根据网上的提示写的查看AXP文件的小工具源代码,能显示图片和听声音-According to the online tips to write a small tool to view AXP source code files that can display pictures and listen to the sound
Platform: | Size: 2265088 | Author: Leo | Hits:


Description: xbenchmarks: Contained in this distribution are Alpha AXP X-windows binaries that run on the SimpleScalar/Alpha simulators. All programs were built with the DEC C compiler- Contained in this distribution are Alpha AXP X-windows binaries that run on the SimpleScalar/Alpha simulators. All programs were built with the DEC C compiler
Platform: | Size: 21071872 | Author: shanyu | Hits:


Description: LinuxKernel核心中文手册,总共十五章的讲解,包括Hardware Basic,Software Basic,Memory Management ,Processes,Interprocess Communication Mechanisms ,PCI ,Interrupts and Interrupt Handling,Device Drivers, The File System ,Networks,Kernel Mechanisms ,Modules,The Linux Kernel Sources ,linux Data Structures ,The Alpha AXP Processor 这些内容-LinuxKernel core Chinese manual
Platform: | Size: 551936 | Author: aa | Hits:


Description: 天龙八部的axp资源提取和打包-Dragon of the axp resources extracted and packaged
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: maomao | Hits:


Description: This file is used for creating a compressed BOOTP file for the Linux AXP kernel.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: wengqaneng | Hits:


Description: AXP Models System Programmer s Manual for Linux v2.13.6.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: serrenran | Hits:


Description: This file is used for creating a bootp file for the Linux AXP kernel.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: pengxuehun | Hits:

[Special Effectsbootpz

Description: This file is used for creating a compressed BOOTP file for the Linux AXP kernel.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: sgpobnrwrpr | Hits:


Description: Derived heavily Linus s Alpha AXP ASN code.. -Derived heavily Linus s Alpha AXP ASN code..
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: bdtiemb | Hits:


Description: This file is used for creating a compressed BOOTP file for the Linux AXP kernel.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: qnvannl | Hits:


Description: Hint for AXP: Use -accel false -vyres -1 when changing resolution.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: hingjtwr | Hits:


Description: This file is used for creating a bootp file for the Linux AXP kernel.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: znqnfv | Hits:


Description: DEC 3000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 AXP Models System Programmer s Manual .
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zousyss | Hits:

[Game ProgramAXPPacker

Description: 提取AXP文件内容 添加 修改等应用 方便加密文件 解压 压缩 修改 等应用 常用于网络游戏中(Extract AXP files, add content, modify, and other applications, easy encryption, file decompression, compression, modification and other applications, commonly used in online games)
Platform: | Size: 773120 | Author: 杀手卡 | Hits:


Description: 可以解密从天龙八部axp提取出来的lua文件,和 登录配置信息文件(decrypt lua file from tlbb)
Platform: | Size: 848896 | Author: zhangfei12345 | Hits:
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