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[Other resourceAccess to Sql

Description: Access to Sql 脚本编写器-Access to the script prepared for Sql
Platform: | Size: 484251 | Author: 宏博 | Hits:


Description: 掌握access开发- Grasps access to develop
Platform: | Size: 5976064 | Author: 周到 | Hits:

[Windows Developdirectrw

Description: 这个应用程序演示了如何直接地访问物理驱动-读取/编写扇区/簇,可和MBR, FAT,根目录等一块运行。包括了一个函数,能用来搜索坏了的簇,例如磁盘检查工具。它的局限性是它只能和FAT驱动一块运行(FAT12, FAT16,和FAT32),且不支持大的驱动器。-the application demonstrated how direct access to physical drive-reading/preparation Sector/cluster, and the MBR, FAT, such as a root directory operations. Includes a function can be used to search out of the cluster, such as disk diagnostic tools. Its limitations is that it can only run a FAT drive (FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32), which did not support the drive.
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: | Hits:


Description: ASP+Access的安全隐患及对策-ASP+ Access to the security risks and countermeasures
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Developvc编写的利用ado访问access数据库

Description: 这是一个利用ado访问数据库的程序,对初学者有一定的借鉴作用-ado access to the database using the procedures for beginners a certain reference
Platform: | Size: 155648 | Author: 董反 | Hits:

[SQL Serverin VC use DB-Library access SQL Server in VC

Description: 在VC中用DB-Library快速访问SQL Server数据库技术-in VC DB-Library quick access to SQL Server database technology
Platform: | Size: 162816 | Author: yahooyeah | Hits:

[SQL ServerAccess to Sql

Description: Access to Sql 脚本编写器-Access to the script prepared for Sql
Platform: | Size: 484352 | Author: 宏博 | Hits:

[OtherPW_Access(See Access Pwd)

Description: 通过此程序获取Access2000的数据库密码,对于破解一个软件数据库设计非常有用,对这可以根据程序的原理,自行编写获取其他版本Access数据库密码。 -Access2000 access to the database password, crack a database design software very useful in this process can be the principle, the preparation of access to other versions Access database password.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 范树学 | Hits:


Description: Csharp语言编写的关于access数据库的各类操作-Csharp language on access to the database of various operations
Platform: | Size: 203776 | Author: 云中云 | Hits:


Description: DWMX+ACCESS打造企业新闻系统源代码没有密码大家随便下-DWMX ACCESS to build enterprise information system source code is not under the password you casually
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: 刘劲松 | Hits:

[Shop supermarket software systemtxm-access

Description: 众星小超市管理系统-条型码方式管理 用的access库,(也有sql版本的qq3885652) -star small supermarket management system-of-code management with access to the library, (There are also versions of sql qq3885652)
Platform: | Size: 2331648 | Author: 朱栉 | Hits:

[Other Databasesaccess-to-execl

Description: access转换为execl,方便打印报表-access into execl facilitate print statements, etc.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 李慎丹 | Hits:


Description: 数据转移从access到oracle,读一个access的文件,把记录导入到oracle数据库中-data transfer from access to the oracle, a Reading access to the documents, record into the oracle database
Platform: | Size: 2731008 | Author: 张雷 | Hits:


Description: jsp+Access 做的留言板!!!!一起学习进步吧-jsp+ Access to do the message board! ! ! ! To learn and progress bar
Platform: | Size: 138240 | Author: 柳明 | Hits:

[Windows Developvb+access

Description: vb+access编写的库存管理系统.功能还可以,给大家可以改一改-vb+ access to prepare the inventory management system. functional can also be, to the U.S. can simply
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: liuchongguang | Hits:

[WEB Codeaccess

Description: 用ASP直接存取ACCESS数据库实例,包含数据库,虽然很简单,初学者可以看一下。-ACCESS using ASP direct access to the database instance, including databases, although very simple, a beginner can look at.
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: strseu | Hits:

[Delphi VCLvb+access

Description: 本系统是以Delphi7.0为前台开发工具,以Access为后台数据库,开发的一套完整的基于C/S(Client/Server)结构的管理信息...在初始化结束后按班级对学籍卡进行增加、删除、修改等操作,并可根据需要对学生进行转班操作。-The system is based on Delphi7.0 for future development of tools to Access to the background database, developed based on a complete set of C/S (Client/Server) structure of management information ... after the end of the initialization of the school by Class cards to add, delete, modify, such as operation and in accordance with the need for students to switch classes to operate.
Platform: | Size: 1214464 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 这是一个用jsp+Access开发的网络随行秘书系统!-This is a used jsp+ Access to develop a network system accompanied by the Secretary!
Platform: | Size: 2722816 | Author: 小飞 | Hits:


Description: 本系统说明 1、本系统根据不同的用户可分不同的功能。有管理员,班主任,教师,学生等不同的人进入有不同的功能。 2、本系统有很多的错误,主要只是供人参考,由于本人不是很倾向学习ASP,也没有时间对自己的错误做修改。主要是 班主任和教师的Session变量没有传到转向的页面中。 -Description of the system 1, the system according to different users can be divided into different functions. Have an administrator, teacher, teachers, students, such as different people have access to different functions. 2, the system has a lot of errors, since it is mainly for reference, I am not very inclined to learn ASP, there is no time to make amendments to their mistakes. Is the class teacher and teachers have not reached the turning Session variables page.
Platform: | Size: 493568 | Author: | Hits:


Description: VC++6.0 中用 ADO 存取 Access 数据库的一点总结-VC++ 6.0 with ADO access to Access databases that summarize
Platform: | Size: 1991680 | Author: huangyongxiang | Hits:
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