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Description: J2ME application that captures video from on-board camera of SymbianOS Series60 3rd ed. mobile devices. A snapshot can be captured and image processed by manipulation of RBG pixels before displaying-J2ME application that captures video from on-board camera of SymbianOS Series 60 3rd ed. m obile devices. A snapshot can be captured and im age processed by manipulation of RBG pixels bef ore displaying
Platform: | Size: 36990 | Author: sjtuzyk | Hits:

[Game EngineA Civilisation game

Description: 国外优秀游戏源码系列之一,玩过帝国时代吗?这款游戏就是类帝国时代的游戏,可是外国牛人所作哦,参考价值嘛,没的说了!!! :)-outstanding foreign source one of the series of the game, played Age of Empires? This game is like Age of Empires game, but were made by foreign cattle Oh, reference value, right to say no! ! ! :)
Platform: | Size: 3392512 | Author: | Hits:


Description: J2ME application that captures video from on-board camera of SymbianOS Series60 3rd ed. mobile devices. A snapshot can be captured and image processed by manipulation of RBG pixels before displaying-J2ME application that captures video from on-board camera of SymbianOS Series 60 3rd ed. m obile devices. A snapshot can be captured and im age processed by manipulation of RBG pixels bef ore displaying
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: sjtuzyk | Hits:


Description: 帝国时代3 用J2ME实现 和PC游戏罗马复兴的界面差不多。该工程采用ANT打包。里面的资源(图片)全部用工具压缩,是学习J2ME策略类游戏开发的很好的参考-Age of Empires 3 with the J2ME implementation and interface for PC gaming renaissance Rome, almost. The project uses ANT package. Which resources (pictures) all with the tools for compression, is to learn J2ME strategy game developed by a good reference for
Platform: | Size: 11688960 | Author: 曾路林 | Hits:


Description: Java语言具有面向对象、平台无关性、安全性、健壮性和多线程等优良特性,为用户提供了良好的程序设计环境,特别适合因特网开发,成为网络时代最重要的语言之一。 本书对Java语言的内容、功能、特性以及实际应用作了深入浅出的全面介绍,对面向对象、多线程、异常处理、Applet程序设计、数据库编程以及网络编程等作了重点阐述,并结合Java的最新发展,对J2EE和J2ME的开发也作了详细介绍。 解压密码:hur.cn或vip.hur.cn-Java language, object oriented, platform independence, security, robustness and multi-threading and other excellent features, provides users with a good programming environment, especially for Internet development, as the language of the Internet age the most important one. Book on the Java language content, features, characteristics and practical applications of a comprehensive introduction to simple terms, object-oriented, multi-threading, exception handling, Applet programming, database programming and network programming were highlights, combined with the Java the latest development, J2EE and J2ME developers are described in detail. Extract password: hur.cn or vip.hur.cn
Platform: | Size: 32891904 | Author: xuyuanhe | Hits:


Description: 创建5个学生对象给一个学生数组赋值,每个学生属性包括:学号、姓名、年龄。请根据【模版一】,将【代码1】到【代码6】替换为Java程序代码,以实现如下要求: (1)将学生按学号排序输出; (2)统计大于20岁的学生人数; -Create 5 students object to a student assignment of array, each student attributes include: Student ID, name, age.According to [a]. [1], the code to [6] code is substituted for the Java program code, to achieve the following requirements: (1) the students at school (2) statistics for more than 20 years the number of students
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: gjm | Hits:

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